Dechmont Infant School Blog

May 11, 2020
by User deactivated

Tuesday 12th May Learning Grid

Home Learning Grids

Home Learning Dechmont P1 12.5.20

Home Learning Dechmont P2 12.5.20

Home Learning Dechmont P3 12.5.20




Limes Handwriting 12.5.20

Limes Phonics Lesson 12.5.20


Apples Handwriting 12.5.20

Apples Phonics Lesson sheet 12.5.20


Bananas handwriting 12.5.20

Banana Phonics 12.5.20



Digits measure 12.5.20

Numbers Measure 12.5.20 a Numbers Measure 12.5.20

Numicons Measure 12.5.20 Numicons Measure work 12.5.20


Thanks again to those who are managing to share their work online. We love seeing it! Missing you all lots.

Mrs Stenhouse



May 10, 2020
by User deactivated

Countries of the World personal project


This is the last week you have to finish off your personal project.  If you need more time, please let me know, it is hard to gauge where the children are at when I am not physically there with them overseeing their work!

Once finished, if you could take a photo of each of the pages and post it on to the blog so I can see the finished project and then I plan to make a Gallery so that the children can share their work and their learning.

I am really looking forward to learning about your chosen country!

Mrs Stenhouse

May 10, 2020
by User deactivated

Monday 11th May Learning Grid

Primary 1 Home Learning Grid

Home Learning Dechmont P1 11.5.20

Primary 2 Home Learning Grid

Home Learning Dechmont P2 11.5.20

Primary 3 Home Learning

Home Learning Dechmont P3 11.5..20


Literacy Resources 

Apples Reading Non fiction sheet 11.5.20

Bananas Reading Non fiction 11.5.20


Mental Maths Monday Resources 

Digits Maths

Mental Maths 11.5.20

Mental Maths Challenge 11.5.20

Numbers Maths

Mental Maths 11.5.20

Numicons Maths

Mental Maths 11.5.20

I look forward to seeing lots of work being uploaded this week!

Mrs Stenhouse

May 8, 2020
by User deactivated

It’s Friday! 8th May 2020

Good morning!

Today is a very important day in British history. It is the 75th anniversary of VE day. VE means Victory in Europe and it is the day 75 years ago when Germany surrendered after six hard years of world war. This marked the end of WW2 in Europe. It was celebrated all over Europe with street parties.

See the source image

Perhaps at the end of lockdown we too could have our own street party to celebrate!

Maybe you could talk to your grown ups about anyone in your family who fought in the war. It is so important that we remember our family who fought so hard for us to be free.

Have a great Friday everyone!

Take Care

Love Mrs Short 😀


Daily Overview

daily overview 20_05_08


Writing – today we are writing instructions for making a cup of tea. 

Limes writing plan 20_05_08

Apples writing plan 20_05_08

Bananas – today you are learning about time connectives and using them in your writing. Do that task first.

Bananas time connectives 20_05_08

Bananas writing plan 20_05_08





May 7, 2020
by User deactivated

Thursday 7th May

Morning Everyone,

I saw some great work on twitter again yesterday. I’m loving the Matisse pictures.  I even saw a great hedgehog information poster so I thought I would put up some more hedgehog information for you today. This website has good information about things you can do to help hedgehogs. Let me know if you decide to try anything.

Here are you activities for today.

We’ve decided to give you a variety of reading books to try at home. Some will need your help and some that your child can do on their own. All the online books have a read function so your child can read it and then check what they have read is correct.  Each book has activities that go with it but a lot of the activities are quick and talking based so won’t take long. It’s important that your child keeps reading especially when they are that beginning of developing this skill as it helps the brain remember everything they have learned already. Any opportunity to read is valuable and being at home offers lots of great real-life reading experiences such as recipes,magazines, food labels. Here is some great information about reading at home.


I’ve changed the family fun activity to follow this calendar from Action for Happiness. They are doing a Meaningful May. Feel free to do the other activities on other days.


Love Mrs Short

Daily Overview

daily overview 20_05_07


Kerr Reading 20_05_07


Carle Reading 20_05_07

Carle guided reading eco apes

Carle reading activity eco apes


Jeffers Reading 20_05_07

Jeffers guided reading Pippas pets

Jeffers reading activity Pippas Pets


Seuss Reading 20_05_07

seuss guided reading PenguinsToTheRescue

Seuss reading activity PenguinsToTheRescue

Seuss Comprehension How the Kangaroos Got Their Tails


Digits 20_05_07

Numbers 20_05_07

Numicons 20_05_07


P1 senses 20_05_07

P1 senses Spring-hunt

P2 P3 my body skeleton 20_05_07


HWB – Online safety 




May 5, 2020
by User deactivated

Good Morning! Wednesday 6th May

Hey everyone,

Hope you had a lovely long weekend and managed to have some lockdown fun.

This week is hedgehog Awareness week. 3rd – 9th May.

Image result for hedgehog

The European Hedgehog is our only spiky mammal in the UK. Unfortunately they are not doing too well these days. Mostly because we keep our gardens too tidy.  Want to find out more about hedgehogs. Click here. Want to find out what you can do this week to help our little spiky friends. Click here. 

Today’s learning is below.

Love Mrs Short 😀

Daily Overview

daily overview 20_05_06

Literacy – sight words 

Apples Bananas 20_05_06 sight words

Limes 20_05_06 sight words

Numeracy – writing word problems

Numeracy ALL GROUPS 20_05_06


Art Henri Matisse Lesson 2 1 20_05_05

Music from Mrs Keenan

Cosmic kids Mindfulness Yoga

Extra Music activities

Primary 1 songs Healthy eating

Primary 2 music lessons April 20

Primary 3 Music Lessons April

May 1, 2020
by User deactivated

May Day! – 1st May 2020


It’s May! The 1st May is traditionally know as May Day a day of holiday and Spring celebration. There are many lovely May traditions that sadly are fading into history. Romans first introduced the Maypole into Britain over 2000 year ago. They danced around a pole holding a ribbon to weave beautiful patterns to celebrate the Goddess Flora the goddess of flowering plants. Click here to see one in action. In Edinburgh it was a belief that if a young woman climbed Arthur’s Seat on May Day morning and washed her face in the morning dew she would have life long beauty.  In Scotland this was the traditional time of the Beltane celebration. The word Beltane originates from the Celtic God Bel which meaning ‘bright one’ and the gaelic word ‘teine’ meaning fire. Together they mean ‘bright fire’ or ‘goodly fire’ as traditionally bonfires were lit to welcome back the sun after the long winter. The Beltane Fire Festival in Edinburgh still crown their May Queen on May Day Eve in a spectacular celebration of the four elements – earth, air, fire and water that includes dancing and fireworks and people dressed as mythical beings. An amazing sight to behold! You can see a picture of her here.

burn-fire-bonfire-smoke-wood-clipart |

Remember that Monday is the Bank Holiday to celebrate May Day and Tuesday is in the school calendar as an inset day so there will be no work set on the blog and we look forward to seeing you all again on Wednesday.

Happy May Day! Have a lovely long weekend.

Love Mrs Short.

Daily Overview

daily overview 20_05_01

Writing – procedural writing: Instruction for washing your hands.

Do this activity first.

Procedural writing imperative verbs

Then move onto your writing.

Apples writing plan 20_05_01

Bananas writing plan 20_05_01

Limes writing plan 20_05_01

HWB – online safety

thinkuknow-5-7s-home-activity-sheet-1 (2)



April 30, 2020
by User deactivated

Thoroughly Soggy Thursday! – 30th April

Morning Everyone,

Well I was woken to the sound of raindrops on the window this morning. I never understand why people don’t like rain it is definitely one of my favourite sounds! The sound of raindrops on a hard surface always reminds me of going camping and waking up to the pitter patter of raindrops on canvas. I can’t wait to go camping again after lockdown is over. What are you looking forward to after lockdown?

I don’t know about you but I love the rain (which is a good job living in Scotland) and I know later on we will be going puddle jumping as it is one of my wee girls favourite things to do when it’s wet. So I was inspired and added it to your family fun today. Put on your waterproofs if you have them as you will get soaked but I can guarantee it will fill you with joy and happiness. Grown ups join in too…you’re never too old to splash in puddles!

Here’s an old picture of us squelching in the mud! So much fun!


Enjoy today’s activities. I’ve seen some great work again yesterday. I love seeing you all working so well at home.

Happy puddle jumping

Love Mrs Short 😀

Daily Overview 

daily overview 20_04_30


Reading starts today. Please read the information sheet first.

reading information ALL GROUPS

Jeffers reading 20_04_30

Seuss reading 20_04_30

Numeracy – word problems

Today I’ve added some challenge and a wee competition. Post your score out of 25 on twitter to see how you are getting on.

Digits word problems 20_04_30

Numbers word problems 20_04_30

Numicons word problems 20_04_30

HWB – online safety 

This is the last revision lesson today and then we will be moving onto the activities for our level.


Science – P1: Senses P2/3: Sensory impairment and deprivation. 

P1 senses 20_04_30

P2 P3 senses experiments


April 29, 2020
by User deactivated

Wicked Wednesday – 29th April 2020

Morning everyone!

How are you all? I hope you have had a lovely weekend and week so far. Did you get out to enjoy the sunshine? It’s not looking so sunny today but maybe it’ll clear up later.

I have enjoyed seeing all your hard work online. Please keep posting something that you have done every day if you can. I’m very proud of all the hard work that you are doing.

Here are your learning activities for today.

Have fun

Mrs Short 😀

Daily overview 

daily overview 20_04_29

Literacy – sight words 

Limes 20_04_29 sight words

Apples Bananas 20_04_29 sight words


Some more examples of word problems for you to try out.

Numicons – use concrete materials to work out your problems.

Numicons 20_04_29 word problems

Numbers – please write the calculations for each problem in your jotter and do the true false sheet verbally.

Numbers 20_04_29 true_or_false_number_statements

Numbers 20_04_29 word problems


This week we are looking at differences and using a numberline to work out your problems.

This video will help to explain difference

Digits 2-_04_29 word_problems_using_a_numberline

Digits 20_04_29 differences

Art – We are starting a three week block about Henri Matisse

Art Henri Matisse 1 20_04_29

Music and mindfulness from Mrs Keenan

Primary 1 songs Healthy eating

Primary 2 music lessons April 20

Primary 3 Music Lessons April


Cosmic kids Mindfulness Yoga


April 27, 2020
by User deactivated

Tuesday 28th April Learning Grid

Home Learning Grids 

Home Learning Dechmont P1 28.4.20

Home Learning Dechmont P2 28.4.20

Home Learning Dechmont P3 28.4.20


Resources Literacy 


P1 Handwriting 28.4.20

Limes Phonics Lesson 28.4.20

Limes Phonics sheet 28.4.20


Handwriting apples 28.4.20

Apples Phonics 28.4.20

Apples Phonics Lesson sheet 28.4.20


Handwriting 28.4.20

Banana Phonics 28.4.20



Numicons Fractions 28.4.20

Fractions 28.4.20


Numbers Fractions 28.4.20

Fractions 28.4.20


Fractions Digits 28.4.20

Digits can also finish off their Fractions booklet from last week


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