Tag Archives: Organising

Hands up Scotland

It’s that time of year again! Hands up Scotland collect data every year on how children in Scotland travel to School and nursery, so the children have been working hard today to help carry out a survey to find out the ways in which we travel.

We discussed all the different ways we can travel,

“Flying on aeroplanes”

“Motorbikes and Fire Engines”

“On my scooter”

The children came up with fantastic answers and we decided to make a chart to display how everyone travels to nursery.

They choose blue and purple paint, they each took turns to put some paint on their fingers and put their fingerprints in the column that answered how they travel to Cart Mill.

The older children used clipboards with paper and pens and asked all their friends how they travelled to nursery, they then ticked which column suited their answers.

This is a fun way to develop our numeracy skills in early level data analysis as the children count up all the information they have gathered.  We noticed that most of the children travelled by car to Cart Mill.