Block play

Since the beginning of the new term the boys and girls have been exploring the block area, so far we have added farm animals which we have created pens for then we were able to sort using different criteria for example how any have four legs? How many have feathers? During this play the children have been developing socially and emotionally, this form of play supports language development as children describe their processes and narrate their play, as well as developing emergent writing skills.


“We need a barn, cows live in a barn” so we went into the studio and set to work painting and decorating our barn.

“Can we have dinosaurs?” So out came the dinosaurs which have been a great success developing even more language and imagination, we are learning about the different types of dinosaurs and using the iPad to look up the names of the ones we don’t know we are learning that some are carnivores, some are herbivores and some are omnivores.

“My dinosaur is in the cage”

”Dinosaurs live in the forest “

The children used the blocks to make a “ramp to get into the cave” and a “dinosaur castle”.

I wonder what we will explore next week?


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