Outdoor Fun

So far this month we have had great fun outdoors where we have been developing our gross motor skills.  We have done this through various activities from running in an empty garden, designing an obstacle course, to practicing our hopping and ball throwing and catching skills.

“I’m the winner!”

“Look I can do it!”

Using our creative imaginations, we turned our stage into a pirate ship!  It was so much fun drawing our own treasure maps and using them to go on an adventure to find the treasure. “X marks the spot!”  We climbed the mountain, crawled through the cave, balanced on the bridge, avoiding the shark invested waters below, to find the treasure.

“Shiver me timbers!”

As it’s nearly time for sports day we have been practicing running, balancing, waiting patiently for our turn, sharing equipment and cheering each other on!

Article 29 – I have the right to an education that develops my personality.

Article 31 – I have the right to relax and play.

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