Our children have been showing an interest in washing the cars in the water tray. We set up a tray to drive the cars through the mud. The children had great fun running their car’s though the shaving foam, exploring the different track marks their car made before dipping it into the water to wash with soap and sponges. We discussed if anyone had been though a car wash and decided to watch a short video of a car going though one.
After some of the children helped to make a car wash for the cars to drive though. Marking some lines on the wash cloth, the children were encouraged to cut along the lines. Then we stapled it onto the wooden frame.
“look at my track marks”
“My cars so dirty I need to give it a wash”
With the use of the sponges and soap dispensers, the children are developing all their muscle and co ordinations in their hand. The soap dispenser was tricky to use at first, but after a quick demonstration, they soon got the hang of it!
All are cars a sparkly clean, but I’m sure it won’t be long before they get all muddy again.
Article 31 – I have the right to relax and play