What a wonderful day it is.The children have been out enjoying the sunshine, but learning how to stay safe when the temperature is high. I asked the children if they knew what we can do to stay safe in the sun. They gave some great answers.
”Sun cream, my mum put some on me before I came to nursery”
“Wear my sun hat”
We discussed staying hydrated by drinking lots of water and taking regular breaks from the sun in the shade.
This is some of their favourite shaded areas to play in.
“We like to have pretend picnics on the bench”
”and read stories in the den”
We have been developing our fine motor skills through this mark making experience in the shade. The children are exploring letters and writing/ drawing in the sand.
We added 4 golf balls and powder paint with a splash of water to the tuff tray. The children used their strong muscles to lift the tray up and worked as a team to move the golf balls around in the tray to mix the colours and create patterns.
As some of the children went to play somewhere else, they noticed that the tray got heavier and tipped to one side.
“uh oh it fell, how do we get it back up?”
The children used their problem solving skills to figure out how to balance the tray and keep the golf balls from rolling off.
Who said you can’t have fun in the shade, the kids have had great fun outside while staying safe.
While this hot weather is due to continue, please make sure the children stay safe in the sun by putting sun cream on before they come to nursery, wearing a sun hat or cap and ensuring we have sun cream for them in the centre. We want to enjoy it while is lasts!