All posts by K Wilkinson

That’s not my…Primary 1! Book Week in P7B and P1B

This week we have been looking at ways which we can help the Primary 1s foster a love of reading and Primary 7 helped to create some fantastic templates to take their learning outside.

The classes helped to wake BookBug up as he was taking a nap! We sang a lovely ‘Hello’ song and met our group. We read our touchy-feely books and used different words to describe the toys we had. Some of the words we heard were smooth, fluffy, rough, bumpy and soft.

Then the Primary ones had to use their templates to find different surfaces and textures around their playground. We all had great fun in our groups and showed good listening and problem solving skills.

We finished by tidying our books and toys away and sang our ‘Goodbye’ song. We are all looking forward to hearing the other exciting activities going on around the school for Scottish Book Week. Well done everyone!

Primary 7B Highlights W/C: 8.11.21

We have had another jam-packed week in P7B and we are continuing to work hard and utilise our tools from Skipper’s toolkit.

We have continued to work on note-taking which has been helping us with our research for our information report writing.

In reading, we have been engaging with our new PM Reading resources, looking at non-fiction texts. We have been looking  at different language features, technical vocabulary and grammar. The class have also enjoyed working in groups to support each other with their reading and comprehension questions. Well done everyone!

In maths, we have been revising division of 2, 3 and 4 digit numbers and have been learning how to interpret line graphs and pie charts.

The class have had a focus on Remembrance throughout the week and have watched interviews with evacuees, took part in a Remembrance themed ‘Live Lesson’ and have reflected on how Remembrance makes us feel. Many of the children took a keen interest into the different roles that the armed forces undertake.

Everyone worked hard to produce these striking Poppy pictures which we will display in the classroom. Some of the children also had the opportunity to write some moving poems about Remembrance too.

Look at the questions below and post your responses:

1. What was the most enjoyable task you completed this week? Why did you enjoy this?

2. Was there anything that you found difficult? How did you overcome this?

3. Have you done anything this week to help someone else?

Another Week in P7B

Primary 7 have been continuing with their prefect duties this week and have been helping out in the MUGA, dinner hall and playgrounds. Keep up the good work everyone!

We have been working hard in gymnastics with Mrs Fletcher and have enjoyed practising different skills on the apparatus.

We have been continuing to work on information reports in writing and have had a focus on note taking this week too. We watched Newsround and had to take notes on the key points.

In maths we have been looking at different types of graphs and we have continued to practise our multiplication skills and long multiplication.

Finally, we had the privilege of being joined by Mrs Ward on her penultimate day at Kingsland as we watched our Goodbye assembly with her. The Primary 7s helped to re-write “Oh the Places You’ll Go” and added illustrations to the presentation. We made a lovely card and presented Mrs Ward with some flowers too. Good luck and keep in touch!

Reflect on the week and answer the questions below:

1. What was your favourite part of the week? Explain your answer.
2. What are you most looking forward to next week?
3. If you could revisit anything we did this week, what would it be and why?

Primary 7B Roundup

We have had an interesting and varied week in Primary 7!

In writing we have been continuing to engage with a range of different Information Reports. We were inspired by our Rainforest topic and had a go at writing our own on the layers of the rainforest. We used our interactive pictures to help us. We also had a focus on editing and typing our final draft afterwards.

We have also focused on writing summaries and had to summarise a Halloween story. By writing on a post-it note, we had to focus on the key parts of the story as we didn’t have much space.

We have been learning about factors and multiples in maths and have been concentrating on improving our knowledge of times tables.

In Health and Wellbeing, we have been talking about about being responsible and staying safe online. We started off by thinking about what our own ‘Digital Footprint’ would look like. We started off by drawing around our feet and then filling it with apps, websites and TV channels that we access. We will continue our learning by exploring what online friendships might look like, online privacy and will discuss sharing images. More resources can be found on the following website:

Back in August, we entered a poster competition for COP26 run by the Peebles Rotary Club. We were very proud to learn that Zack’s poster design was selected as a winner from across the Peebles schools. Well done!

P7B’s Busy Week!

This week in P7 we have learned a lot even though we were off on Monday. We have done a lot of maths, from our times tables needing to be lightning fast and learning all our angles with a protractor. One of the coolest things we did was draw jungle animals mouths measured by a protractor.

In writing and literacy we have learnt all about information reports and similes which can be fun to use out of context. We have also looked at ideas for Dalguise funds.

Plus we had a bonus lesson on Tuesday! we had a live lesson for Code Week. We made a plan for a potential app using keynote and there is a competition to choose the best app idea. The winning child’s school will win an Inspire Sphero robot.

Lastly we began to look at our topic which is…Tropical Rain Forests! We look forward to learning more throughout the term.

(By Lochain McNae)

Our First P7 Prefect Break

As a thank you to our Prefects for their hard work over the past five weeks, our P7s were rewarded with a choice of activities for their Prefect Break. The children were asked to vote for their choices on Microsoft Teams and the answers were collated.

Some of the children enjoyed Just Dance. Our favourite songs included the football Waka Waka, Footloose and the Ghostbusters theme tune!

We were creative with Lego!

Some of us participated in an Autumn craft and made a tea light cover.

There was also a Kahoot quiz where we worked in groups.

Keep up the hard work P7 and remember to keep upholding our school rules and values. Happy holidays!

Primary 7 Prefect Badge Awards

Today was an important day in Primary 7 as we have all been working towards earning our prefect badges. We have started our prefect jobs around the school and we are trying hard to follow our school rules. We were all very proud to receive our badges. Keep working hard everyone!

Think about the questions below and post your responses:

1. What are our three school rules?

2. What can I do to make Kingsland a better place?

3. How did I feel when I received my badge?

Primary 7B Highlights of the Week

This week we have been continuing with our descriptive writing, revising place value and addition and some of us attended an online meeting about Dalguise.

For PE we have been focusing on hockey this term and enjoyed a few games in the MUGA.

We have been learning about forces and were inspired by P7A’s zip lines so thought we would have a go ourselves. After the challenge , we discussed what the children found most difficult. Some said sharing the resources, others said adapting their designs and plans if they didn’t work. We saw some great team work and innovative ideas. Well done everyone!



We were excited to learn that we will be taking part in a global challenge at part of COP26 and have been partnered up with a school in Nepal. The children had to take part in a number of activities to help introduce ourselves to the pupils in Nepal. One of our tasks was to take photos of different parts of the school. Have a look at some of the fantastic photos taken by the children below.

Consider the questions below and post your responses:

1. One important thing I have learned this week was…

2. What was most difficult this week? How did you overcome this difficulty?

3. Can you think of a time where someone in the class has gone above and beyond to help someone else? What did they do?

4. Which tools from Skipper’s toolkit have you used this week?

Our Week in Primary 7B

The Primary 7s have had a busy and challenging week!

For writing, we wrote a descriptive piece of writing about the National Museum of Scotland. We enjoyed carrying out research on the attraction and we were able to use our plans to help us with our final draft.

For spelling, we have been working on the short o with other graphemes. Our root words were: sock, song, spot, stock, stop, occasion, person, region

We have continued to look at decimals in maths and have been rounding decimals to the nearest whole number and nearest tenth. We have also been learning how to add numbers with one or two decimal place.

We continued with our Charles Rennie MackIntosh stained glass art. We have displayed these in our window and they look wonderful.

This week we also had to vote for our Eco Reps and Pupil Council Representatives. Everyone had the opportunity to stand and had some time to prepare a little speech to say why they would be the best candidate for the role. We were all very impressed by the high standard of speeches and it was a very close result. Our Eco Rep is Charlie Harding and our Pupil Council Rep is Anna Maciver. A big well done to everyone who put themselves forward!

Consider the questions below and post your responses:

  1. What did you enjoy most this week? Why do you think that was?
  2. Was there anything that frustrated you? What did you do to help yourself?
  3. Can you think of something that a classmate did that was kind?
  4. What are you looking forward to next week at school?