Primary 7B Highlights W/C: 8.11.21

We have had another jam-packed week in P7B and we are continuing to work hard and utilise our tools from Skipper’s toolkit.

We have continued to work on note-taking which has been helping us with our research for our information report writing.

In reading, we have been engaging with our new PM Reading resources, looking at non-fiction texts. We have been looking  at different language features, technical vocabulary and grammar. The class have also enjoyed working in groups to support each other with their reading and comprehension questions. Well done everyone!

In maths, we have been revising division of 2, 3 and 4 digit numbers and have been learning how to interpret line graphs and pie charts.

The class have had a focus on Remembrance throughout the week and have watched interviews with evacuees, took part in a Remembrance themed ‘Live Lesson’ and have reflected on how Remembrance makes us feel. Many of the children took a keen interest into the different roles that the armed forces undertake.

Everyone worked hard to produce these striking Poppy pictures which we will display in the classroom. Some of the children also had the opportunity to write some moving poems about Remembrance too.

Look at the questions below and post your responses:

1. What was the most enjoyable task you completed this week? Why did you enjoy this?

2. Was there anything that you found difficult? How did you overcome this?

3. Have you done anything this week to help someone else?

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