Last week’s Biggies Highlights

Well last week went a bit too quickly for me to post this.

Famous Buildings

We have started another Makerspace project. The class are going to make models of famous buildings. After some research, organising groups and working out sizes and designs we started on Tuesday.

The first stage mostly involved cutting big sheets of cardboard to the correct size.

Montage of 4 photos of children cutting large pieces of cardboard.

Junior Leaders

On Wednesday afternoon Julie from Active Schools NL came in to train the Biggies to be Junior Leaders. This is training to help the children organise and lead games for the younger pupils. They need to think about safety and fun.

Montage of 4 picture of pupils in Gym

We were delighted to get a great report form Julie, the class are well on their way to be Junior Leaders and give the wee ones some fun.

Mair Scunners

A few years ago the biggies invented some Scottish horror characters, or scunners. We had another go this year, drawing the characters and giving them a backstory in Scots. Have a read:

Scots Afternoon

As well as working on Scots during language last week we had a ‘Scots celebration & fun’ afternoon on Friday, this included, pinning the tail on the haggis, irn brew floats, throwing the wellie and 2 amazing pipers. Hopefully we wil post more on this later.

Montage of 2 pupils playing the bagpipes

Scots poems

We have been reading and listening to some Scots poems this week. Yesterday we had a try at writing out own. Click on the thumbnails to read them.

The broun troot by Lara
Islay by Grace
Fush by Kristy
Rocks by Elise
Connie by Caelan
Tons a Dugs by Skye
Gracie n Cosmo by Kaitlyn McCulloch
TREES by Joshua Luka
Wee cats by Rhuraidh Gordon James

The Bantiraptors

A week ago we looked at the poem Sweetieraptors which as a lot of Scot’s words and is great fun. The biggies wrote their own verses, being careful to rhyme and follow the rhythm of the original.

We put together the movie to show our poems. Each pupil made a keynote slide to cary the text and used the green screen feature of iMovie to add that text onto of their movies. They then added the voice.

Everyone AirDropped their movies to Aaron who put them altogether into one longer video.

Blaeberry Mou

The Biggies have been making some animations of “Blaeberry Mou” a poem in Scots by William Soutar.

Listen out for Fulton’s playing of the chanter!

Blaeberry Mou
The flitterin faces come doun the brae
And the baskets gowd and green;
And nane but a blindie wud speer the day
Whaur a’ the bairns hae been.

The lift is blue, and the hills are blue,
And the lochan in atween;
But nane sae blue as the blaeberry mou’
That needna tell whaur it’s been.

William Soutar

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