Highlights of the Week 29-11-2019

We have crammed in so much this week that it is hard to remember it all. We also were so busy that we took far fewer photos than usual.

We continued our preparation for the Christmas Fayre, 3 group organising the making tree ornaments, Santa faces and some cookies.

The children did really well under the pressure of a deadline.

The Fayre went really well too, the class selling the decorations they produced, their Christmas Calandars and other items.

These activities targeted our food preparation skills, especially measuring and kneading.


After all the fun of the fair on Thursday we had some more fun on Friday, we made fruit skewers and cooked them over the fire pit. This gave us more practise of our cooking skills, chopping and cutting. Some children practised using lives safely to cut kindling and we were all safe around the fire. We were so busy looking at what as going on we didn’t even get one photo! The class were brilliant and keeping safe and following or fire pit rules. they built, lit and fed the fire. We even managed a bit of literacy, thinking of adjective and alliteration.

During all of this we found time to practise our Christmas show, this was made very enjoyable for the staff by the excellent behaviour and enthusiasm  of the whole school.

Finally playtime saw the invention of The Banton Snack Van!


Highlights of the Week 22 November

It has been a short week but enjoyable week.

The Biggies impressed me with the singing they are preparing for the Christmas Show. Mrs Rae has got them all singing with great enthusiasm, they sound great.

A couple of children ticked off their Health and Wellbeing targets by improving their press ups and filming for evidence.

The class are working in groups to plan and make items to sell at the Parent Council Christmas Fayre next week. They co-operated very well in planning and the first group “The Jolly Hollies” lead the class through making some salt dough while I sat and watched. I am looking forward to the other groups leading next week.

Finally we had a great 8 minutes writing settings today. Amazing concentration and fascinating descriptions for the class.

Scale Model Dens

The Biggies are great den builder at playtime. In this wee project we made scale models of dens by making scale models of the pallets, tarps and pipes in the playground. We measured all of these in the playground, scaled the size down and made mini pallets, pipes and tarps. We used these to make model dens. I’ve added some quotes from the biggies e-Portfolios below.

Last week we went outside in groups of 3 to go to measure the width and length of all the palettes, tarpaulins and crates outside.
Our teacher put all the measurements in a app called numbers then made it move all the numbers up by 100 to change metres to centimetres then divided them all by 10 to scale them so we can make our tiny dens.
After doing all the calculations we measured it out into small pieces of cardboard then put shapes on the cardboard to make them look like pallets. Then we stuck the cardboard together, then measured the tarps to make a roof. quickly we made a flag out of spare parts to finish up our den and that’s how we built our den.

Heather p6

I have learned how to scale things into scaled models. I measured meters and centimetres outside whilst I was measuring pallets, crates, pipes and tarpaulins.

Charlie p4

We put a bit to much glue. we made a little up stairs. it kept falling.
How we solved those problems
The glue made it a bit slippery even though it is supposed to stick but we worked with it and we started making supports.
We connected pieces to their one corner we were using. it went pretty well at first then we had to make a stair case. That did not go well. we started making supports. We made it a bit longer. We made a slide

Josh p4

Once we had planned out our scaled down model we started to make the palettes out of cardboard. We took a set square to try and make the right angles of the palettes. Then once we had made all of our pallets and made shore they all had a right angle, we need to assemble the den, we could have used a lot of glue, but we tried to use as little as possible, so we cut slots into the cardboard and slotted them together to make shore they would stand.

When we where making this scaled down model the skills we used were Creative thinking, problem solving, planing and organisations, communicating, leadership, Literacy, working with others, ICT, numeracy and practical skills.

Jess P7

Skills I used I used my Communication skills to talk to my group and my numeracy skills to measure. And we used our problem solving skills when we didn’t put a enough glue no the middle of the den. We solved this by putting more glue on.

Ben p5

My group face some problem like the up stairs kept falling down so we kept holding it down and count to twenty, to let the glue set. Also we were drawing right angles we used a set square to help us.

Alice p5

Personally I think we did brilliant because at first we where measuring pallets in meters to having this amazing den.

Jonah p6

We made models of dens. We went out side and measured the tarpaulins , pallets and crates. I learned to measure In metres and centimetres.
Then we came inside and typed the measurements up on numbers. We moved the measurements up to 100 to turn into centimetres and Divided them by ten. That would scale the sizes down.

Kirsty p5

Autumn Leaves

Last Week we took our Art outside, collecting leaves, and making Art.

Mirror sycamore by Robin
Creation of the Leaf🍁 🍂 by User deactivated
Rhuraidh M’s leaf by Rhuraidh Gordon James
Jessica’s leaf by Jessica Angela
Leaf art- Aaron by Aaron
Leaf art🍂 by Fulton
Hannah’s leaf by Hannah Korenza
Leaf art 🍂 by Grace
Leaf Art by Alana
Leaf art by User deactivated
Leaf art by Alfred
Leaf art Rhea by Rhea Mary Ann Morton
Elise’s Leaf by Elise
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