Last Friday The Biggies took part in the School Harvest Assembly. As well as collection food for food banks we made bread to go along with the soup made by the younger children. We used Juliet’s recipe and the bread turned out really well.
We also shared some of our learning so far. The class discussed what to include and we settled on Wolves, Coding and Monsters as our topics.
The children then went into groups and discussed what they could say on these subjects, wrote their own scripts and made a slide to go along with their words. I pasted some of the reports they wrote below along with images from their presentation slides.
The class all did a great job, from deciding what to do, writing scripts, producing slides & talking.

Now here is some fun facts about wolves, did you know wolves don’t howl at the moon they howl to communicate, wolves are apex predator that means they are top of the food chain. Wolves has two layers of fur, the inside to keep them warm and the outside to protect them from the bad weather.

First we brainstormed using post-its on the things we could talk about, our included: eye of the wolf book, wolf faces and information texts.
On Friday I felt nervous about talking in front of the parents.
I think my voice was clear because that is what my gran said.
Next time I am presenting to others I will try look up that the parents when reading.
Last Friday the class presented to our parents and friends on our learning. My group talked about wolves, When talking in a group we need to think about, speaking clearly and all words should be understandable.
On Friday I felt good at first, but when it was my time to speak I got really nervous.
I Think it was really cool to be there and talk in front of all the parents, because they were there to listen to us and have a good time.
Next time I am presenting to others I will try to slow down a little bit.
We have been doing some research about wolves. First we we used Safari to find some websites. We used more than one site to check the information. The whole class gathers all the information on a big board. We wrote notes to help our writing. It was interesting and fun.

We then wrote text for different sections, I wrote:
We were working on our scissor action extenders. First we used 6 pieces of card and put them together with split pins. Then we drew and cut out our monster heads and bottom jaws and finally coloured in our monsters.We practised in class. To help me speak I thought about starting with a nice and clear voice.
On Friday I felt happy and nervous. I think it went well.
We practised in class. To help me speak I thought about starting with a clear and nice voice.
On Friday I felt nervous at the start because I had a lot to say but I got through it.
I think I did a good job and I’m very proud of myself.

We then wrote text for different sections, I wrote:
We have been making a bee game because we have a bee man coming to our school every week. He comes to our beehive for a hour or less. He brings bee suits so we can come. So we thought of making a been game ,had some problems like when the bee wouldn’t move or the flowers wouldn’t disappear when they got to the end of the screen. But we fixed the problems so now we the bee can move, the flowers can disappear. Because we changed the code of the flower and bee.
We then wrote text for different sections, I wrote:
Recently we have been working on a bee game on scratch. Scratch is a programming web site and there is also a scratch junior for younger ones. You drag code blocks to create lines of code. There’s to many code blocks for me to explain them all but you can listen to the others for more information on our bee game though. But be for the others speak, I need to tell you some basic code blocks, move your number of choice, rotate your number of choice and one for scratch only, next costume.
We practised in class. To help me speak I though about speed, clearness, looking at the audience and speaking loudly.
On Friday I felt a bit nervous but when I spoke I was a bit less nervous.
I think it was a good experience that I will remember.
Next time I am presenting to others I will try to talk a little bit clearer and louder.
Last Friday we had our harvest assembly and presented to our parents and friends about our learning. My group talked about coding on scratch and micro bit. When talking in a group we need to think about being clear, looking up at our audience and not holding the microphone too close to our mouths.
First we brainstormed and wrote on post-its things we would talk about, ours included what scratch is, our bee game and the introduction or reintroduction to micro bits.