We have finally finished our rather epic Makerspace project.
We started at the start of term, researching famous buildings. The class them picked a building ( a lot of Big Bens) and got into pairs, trios or decided to work by them selves. They them produced a design and planed how they were going to make their models.

We then had quite a few sessions of building, making, breaking & problem solving. We made some amazing models and learn a lot.

Earlier this week we invited the rest of the school to view our work and to be inspired to make their own models. We had a fun afternoon.
Today we used the models again on our open classroom morning the parents who attended seemed very impressed.
We also used out ICT & design skills to create posters about the building we were working on. I think the class did a great job of laying out their information & images, we concentrated on alignment, attribution & readability:

Children’s View
I asked the pupils three questions, here are their answers
- The most important thing I learned was to fix the mistakes and always try again and work in a team.
- I enjoyed the most painting the building and design the top for Big Ben. I also enjoyed making the clock.
- I would make the top I tiny bit different like the design.
I learned that it was the tallest building in the world and it had the fastest speed of elevator. I enjoyed how it was supposed to made out of lots of tubes. I would make the elevator move.
- I learned how to fix mistakes when something was not the right size
- I really enjoyed painting the building
- Ii would change the top a little different in colour
The most important thing I learned was that if you run into a problem you can always find a way to fix it. What I enjoyed the most was working with Faith and Alex because it was really fun and we didn’t blame each other for mistakes. What I would do differently next time is instead of the toppers and bells do a bit of the Palace of Westminster.
1.Durning the making of our Big Ben we learned quite a lot but the most important thing I think I learned wasn’t any of the skills, I think it was that it doesn’t matter who you work with and it doesn’t matter if it goes your way, it’s about the fun and great times you had together that count.
Olivia Rose
- Whilst making Big Ben my favourite part was listening to my partners ideas and using them in different ways or giving them more ideas that improved their first one.
- Next time I would maybe think about the design and give other techniques and suggestions a try, I would maybe make a different building and scale it better.
I think the most important thing I’ve learned while making our buildings in the makerspace is getting better at scaling and measuring. I really enjoyed making the centre part of the building because there was a lot of measuring and cutting involved. If I could do something differently I would not make a frame for the bottom part.
I learned a lot about making and fixing different thing and solving problems. I did enjoy seeing it being finished and looking good. If I could do anything different I would of made the knex more secure.
The most important thing I have learned was measuring
I enjoyed working with different people that I wouldn’t normally work with
I wouldn’t do anything different
I learned that not every thing you should quit so you keep going and that was a good thing to learn so I learned that I enjoyed making the base because I really enjoyed measuring and checking to see if the length and the width is the correct amount I would make more details and try to make my own clock that moves
I most enjoyed when I had to work out all of the measurements of everything and I enjoyed working out the problems that I had and I learned how to do all of these things and I also learned how to scale thing like these buildings down.
I learned problem solving and I enjoyed making the building and cutting stuff out the thing that I would do different is working with others.
- The most important thing that I learned is that if you’ve done something wrong you don’t have to have a temper tantrum you try it again.
- I Enjoyed working with my friends and making the net.
- Instead of making a 3D bell we made a paper bell.
- Working with as a team is fun and useful.
- I enjoyed painting
- Don’t use frames (unless it’s heavy enough).
Well done everyone!