We are watching the bird in our playground, taking photos and finding out more about them.
What Am I?
Fast-Flipper, Free-Flower, Creative-Curver, Fearless-Freefall, Cool-Controller, Fast-Fury, Fancy-Flipper, Pointy-Player, Majestic-Mountaineer, Graceful-Glider, Dark-Diver, Cranky-Croaker, Spooky-Swerver. What am I?

Swallows by Hannah
We met a man who had found an injured swallow in the woods. Swallows are small birds. The swallow has a metallic royal blue back and wings, white belly and a brownish red coloured chin. They come to the UK in April and stay for the summer. By early September most swallows are getting ready … Continue reading “Swallows by Hannah”

I found this egg shell
Last Saturday I was out in my garden and found a eggshell off of a tiny bird you can now here the baby one chirping a lot. Here are some pictures.

Peregrine falcon-Aaliyah And Emily
Me and Emily were finding out facts about the peregrine falcon. But we have not seen one in Banton.

Facts about ptarmigans
ptarmigan facts 16-2-18 The rock ptarmigan is a medium sized game bird. It’s a part of the gouse family. The name ptarmigan is known simply in the uk and Canada. Most places know this bird as a diffrent name. In japan it’s known as the meaning of thunder bird. There subspecies are something like 20-30. … Continue reading “Facts about ptarmigans”

Rooks wingspan is about 81-99 cm There is over 1,100,000 breeding pairs in the uk. They can weigh up to 280-340g There length is 44-46 cm We found some on the 2018 BBC big bird watch we found about 6. Aaliyah

Robin Facts by Aaliyah & Emily
Robins life span is about 13 months in captivity. Juvenile Robins (Baby Robins) have a brown rather than a red breast. They grow red feathers after their first molt. Until the early years of the 20th century the Robin was usually known as the Redbreast. The Robin Is a member of the thrush family so … Continue reading “Robin Facts by Aaliyah & Emily”

Crows by Alexander
Crows are black birds known for their smartness they like to damage crops The genus Corvus is made up of crows, ravens and rooks. These birds are all part of the Corvidae family, which includes jays, magpies and nutcrackers. There are about 40 species of crow, according to PBS, so there are many different sizes of … Continue reading “Crows by Alexander”

Wood pigeon
In many parts of Europe the wood pigeon is the favourite prey of the goshawk. The UK’s largest and commonest pigeon, it is largely grey with a white neck patch and white wing patches, clearly visible in flight (Columba palumbus) is a large species in the dove and pigeon family. It belongs to the Columba … Continue reading “Wood pigeon”

The starling 🐦
The starling can be found In a number of locations including Africa Asia china Europe India subcontinent Mediterranean North America Russia United Kingdom wales Habitats Farmland brown field land deserts flooded land and swamps parkland mountain grassland Mediterranean forest broad leaf forest Coniferous forest temperate grassland Tropical grassland Urban Starling Length 22cm Wingspan 37-42 cm … Continue reading “The starling 🐦”

Scientific name is Erithacus rubecula. It’s diet is an omnivore. Life span is 13 months in captivity. They hop around on lawns and in gardens looking for worm and other insects. Robins also eat berries, fruits, nuts and seeds. One of the most popular songbirds. They are territorial and like to keep their homes They … Continue reading “Robins”

Collard dove
Collard Dove has a collar round their neck. Also known as Eurasian collared dove. They eat seeds and grain. There’s several species of collared doves. They are vegetarian. They are the most noisiest garden birds . We saw 3 on our walk around Banton. We got a picture of one. Young collared doves have been … Continue reading “Collard dove”

Buzzards Buzzards are a type of bird. Whilst the buzzard is flying high in the sky they are searching for their prey like rabbits, birds and rats and mice. Now the buzzard is our most commonest bird of prey. For the first time in 200 years the breed of bird is now in every county … Continue reading “Buzzard”
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