BBP means Banton Biggies podcast.

Soon Banton biggies will have a podcast for you to listen to. We hope you listen and like it. We will have new site for you to go to listen to all of them and learn more.

To make the podcast have been put to groups like Production management, Publicity, edit, sponsorship, graphics, web team, fact checking and recording.

We have only just started but it will be soon, we promise.

So we hope you listen to us please.

Tell more people you know to listen to too.

We update with our progress soon.

Working in the media

Working in the Media

About her job

Yesterday we had a meeting with a tv producer called Christine. She was helping us with a few tips for our podcasts. She told us she didn’t just work for just the one company and she is  now working on editorial. Editorial is when you focus on what’s the story, what’s the program. Some of the jobs that are need where she works are camera men and sound engineers.

Tips for us

One of the tips she gave us was to get it done on time and be organised. Also she said to spread the time apart and not just spend it on the one subject. The second tip was scheduling and that it takes them a day to get a five minute program done. The third tip was make sure your communicating with people. Fourth tip was if your a script person to focus on the beginning, middle and end and if your the one speaking speak like your speaking to a friend.


Biggie Highlights of the Week 23 Oct 2020

The Biggies showed amazing creativity early this week:

Creativity from a Triangle

We have had a couple of maths stars, Alfie decided to up his game with division 812352 divided by 6

And Alice has become a speed demon at multiplication.

Ben showed his amazing general knowledge in a quiz, answering more questions than the rest of the class put together!

Lastly we have a pupil working from home today and making a really good job of keeping up with the rest of the class in Teams.

Creativity from a Triangle

The biggies were given a sheet of paper with a triangle on it and the instructions “Complete the Artwork”

Half an hour later we had a wide range of really creative ideas:

Then we discussed the “Creativity Skills” of Open Mindedness, Curiosity, Imagination and Problem Solving. We could identify where we had used each of these skill making out pictures.

We got the idea after Mr Johnston saw this video when there is a correct answer Exercise in creative thinking – YouTube

Raven Poems

We saw a couple of ravens flying high above our playground last week. The Biggies have been reading poems in The Lost Words again. After reading The Raven we watched some youtube videos of Ravens flying:

We then wrote our own poems in the Kenning form.

The class created a huge list of verbs to describe what ravens do and adjectives to describe them. We turned our verbs into nouns to write the kennings.

Op Art

The Biggies have been investigating some Op Art Ideas, working with paper pencil, felt pen and digitally.

Mystery Ring by Alfred
Op art by User deactivated
Op art by Rhea Mary Ann Morton
Ben’s op art by User deactivated
Op art Kristy by Kristy
Op art by Rhuaridh
Op art 7.10.20 by Fulton
Op art by Grace
Op Art 2 by Skye
Op Art by Skye
Op art by User deactivated
Op art by Grace
Optical illusion by User deactivated
Green and white hand rhuraidh m by Rhuraidh Gordon James
Op art 19.10.20 by Fulton

Highlights 2 Oct 2020: Short but Creative

We didn’t have a full week but the Biggies have had a creative one.
On Tuesday afternoon we went on a tiktok photowalk round the playground. We tried out some of the techniques we have been learning from Dave’s Tiktok Photowalks site.

Later in the week we have been working on material to help the younger children in the school understand “Clever Never Goes”, a way of staying safe. The class were brilliant at working together, showing leadership, cooperation, act, problem solving and creative skills. Most of the class worked in video but one group used scratch.

Clever never goes montage Clever never goes montage: Working together.

We hope to publish the video and animation next week.


As usual the dens in the playground continue to develop and change:


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