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The Tallest Class in Banton Primary
Check out the main Banton site for things to do if you get bored.
Or You can chat in the our Yammer Group NLC-Banton-Biggies.
On Thursday in class we were doing lots of Scottish things and the parent came in and watched us do them and even got to join in if they wanted to.
There were 4 different groups all doing Scottish things.
One group was doing a poem called Scotland small it about although Scotland may be small it’s got so many nice plants in it and they had to find out facts about the plant and then draw it and put it on the Banton biggies they are all there.
Another group was doing an animation on the poem blaeberry mou it’s about kids eating blae berry’s and they have blue all around the face.
Another group was doing posters on deer out of the poem my hearts in the highlands and ther is 2 different types of deer there is red deer and roe deer.
The last group was doing painting they were painting W Scottish mountains using a wash.
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