Sign up to follow blog via email

Update: 10 Aug 2024 mailchimp no longer lets new users add Classic Automation. As far as we understand this limits the rss to mail service to users who have used that service before. We are trying to find alternative suggestions.

Some sites may want to offer visitors the opportunity to get updates via email. for example a School Website may want parents to be able to signup to get the latest news.
There is not built in option to do this in Glow Blogs. You can use a third party service such as to provide this. You can add a link to the signup form to your blogs sidebar. The embedded forms will not work on Glow Blogs. It is best just to use the link  and add that to a widget in your sidebar. You can see the widget at the top of the right-hand column on this blog.

email sub in a widget


4 thoughts on “Sign up to follow blog via email”

  1. Can anyone please point me in the right direction of the most up to date way of how to set up the blog so our families can be notified by email of when we add a new post? Thank you.

  2. Is there instructions on how to use mailchimp? I’m wanting parents to get notifications when there is a new blog post.

    1. Hi Miss Skinner,
      No we don’t have any. Mailchimp is a third party service. On this help site we have set up a mailchimp account. That people can subscribe to. The Mailchimp account is set to post email notification from this blog. On mailchimp I set up a campaign that checks the blog and sends emails to subscribers when there is a new post.

      In Glow Blogs you cannot use the mailchimp form, so I’ve used a link which is in the right sidebar at the top.

      We don’t have detailed instructions on how to use mailchimp as it is a 3rd party service outwith our control. It does change it feature set and interface occasionally. Mailchimp is very fully featured.

      You do need to use the RSS feed for your blog. That is just the url of your blog with /feed/ after it.
      Eg the feed for this blog is:

      I’ll drop you an email with this info too.

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