Glow Blogs Help - Update

Glow Blogs Update April 2022

Glow Blogs has had another update. Here are some highlights

Use H5P content on other blogs via shortcode

You can now allow your hp5 interactive content to be used on other Glow Blogs. See the H5P example blog Sharing page for details.

Plugin Copy Posts

This post allows you to create template posts that can be copied to other users blog and edited there. This will be useful for providing a starter for e-Portfolio posts by pupils. More information here on the help blog.

Plugin Block/e-Portfolio compatibility

The e-Portfolio plugin has been updated so that profile posts can now work with Gutenberg blocks: Gallery, Cover, Audio File, Video, Media/text, Pull quote, Table, Verse, Next page.

Some inappropriate blocks: Buttons, Search Field, Social Links, will not be shown in a pdf profile.

Other Changes

  • Many plugins and themes have been updated to newer versions
  • Security Update for WordPress
  • A bug in the comment form was fixed
  • A bug in Jetpack Sharing links was fixed

Other recent changes

Remember you can use the newer Blocks Editor for composing posts now.  We have started a Block Blogs to give more information.

The H5P plugin allows you to make all sorts of interactive content.  See the H5P examples blog for examples and more information.

2 thoughts on “Glow Blogs Update April 2022”

  1. Hello,
    Trying to see where to log issues with HP5 in the glow blogs and I can’t seem to find where to contact. I have just tried to install the Game Map and I am getting the message:

    Validating h5p package failed.
    The system was unable to install the Multiple Choice component from the package, it requires a newer version of the H5P plugin. This site is currently running version 1.26, whereas the required version is 1.27 or higher. You should consider upgrading and then try again.
    Is it possible to get the plugin updated?
    Many thanks

    1. Hi,
      Thanks for the report.
      The Updating of Glow Blogs and the H5P plugin is underway. I’ll send more details via e-mail.

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