
Pine Lockdown Week 5 – The Snail and the Whale🐌🐳

Well Hello Pinettes

How are you all?

This week’s blog is based round about the book ‘The Snail and the Whale’  – have you read it? I am sure many of you have – and some of you might even have this book at home.


The first link below is the story being read – there are many versions of this on the internet. And the second link is the BBC Animated Film – which is lovely!


The Snail and the Whale  Story

The Snail and the Whale By Julia Donaldson

The  Snail and the Whale Film

  • What colour was the Whale?
  • How many different types of animal did the snail see?
  • Who had tooth grins?
  • What did the snail write on the chalk board?

Have you every noticed snail trails in your garden – now I am wondering if they were trying to write me a message!?! Below is a link from the Scottish Wildlife Trust on making your own snail trails in your garden.

Making Snail Trails 🐌

Practice making Snail curls, what you need is:

  • A zip lock bag
  • Cheap Hair Gel
  • Food Colouring
  • Glitter (optional – but the Pinettes like their Glitter!)
  • Sellotape

Image result for hair gel bags for writing

You will need to judge the amount of hair gel you need – depending on the size of bag you have – there should be about a half a centimetre thickness when you flattened the bag out. Add a couple of drops of food colouring and glitter if you want and massage around till the colour is even. Zip shut the bag – make sure the outside of the bag is dry and then add a length of sellotape  – just to make sure it is secure.

You can practice drawing your snail curls on the bag or other letters or numbers!

Numeracy 🔢 Art 🎨 Eco ♻

It is a bit early to be counting snails in our gardens – but we will remember to do that when they start to appear!!  I am going to email you all out a snail counting activity for you to do at home.  But you could recycle a egg box and make some snails and then count how many you have made – I reckon you will all want to make more than one!!! Below is a link from The Spruce Crafts that shows you how to make the snails and many other animals with an egg box – and even shows you how to make an ocean in a box – so cool!!!

Egg Carton Snails 🐌

Egg Carton snail craftocean in an egg carton

Don’t forget the whale – I Heart Craft Things will show you how to make this cute whale!

Egg Carton Whale 🐳

Number Ordering sorting big and small items.

The Snail and the Whale Soft Toy

The Whale is BIG and the Snail is small!

The Pine ladies have been looking for things that are BIG and small – see what you can find?

Signing 👍 Singing 🎶Dancing

Below are some links for different sea themed songs that you can practice your signing, some singing and have a little boogie or a BIG boogie!!

Sea signs🐠

Down under the Sea 🌊

Baby Shark🦈

Under the Sea🧜‍♀️

Hawaiian Roller Coaster Ride🌺

Some  Movies you could watch this week, keeping with the Sea theme what about The Little Mermaid, Shark Tale, Lilo and Stitch, Moana, Finding Nemo or Finding Dory!!


If you haven’t watched The Blue Planet there is a link below – it is wonderful!!

The BBC Blue Planet

Well have a lovely week Pinettes – remember keep sending us your photos!

School Holiday Movies for Kids: Zog / Snail and the Whale - Wellington - Eventfinda

Love the Pine Ladies




Stars Home Learning Challenge W/C 01.02.21

Hi everyone. 😀  Find below some activities you might like to try. Maybe you would like to send us photographs of some of the things you’ve been doing at home.

Sound ‘s’

Listen to the Crazy Stir Fry ‘s’ Song

You collected some things from around the house last week beginning with the sound ‘s’. Have you found any more? Play ‘I Spy With My Little Eye Find Something Beginning With ‘s”

Roll out some playdoh in to a long snake and form into the shape s.

Enjoy playing the game Ten Little Snowmen


Play the game Planet Pals

Try printing coloured patterns with household items e.g. cotton reels, back of fork, pen tops, duplo/lego bricks, cookie cutters.


To relax, make this Home Made Stress Ball 

Cookie Cutter Bird Seed Ornaments

Cookie Cutter Bird Seed Ornaments 

You will need – 2.5 cups birdseed, 2 packs unflavoured gelatine, 2 tbl golden syrup, 1 cup water, 12 cookie cutters, 12 x 5cm lengths drinking straws, string.

  1. Prepare gelatine as per packet instructions.
  2. Add 2 tbl syrup and stir.
  3. Add bird seed, mix, and put in fridge to firm up. (approx 10 minutes)
  4. Put cookie cutters on to parchment baking sheet.
  5. Spoon mixture in to each cookie cutter to the top and press down firmly with the back of a spoon.
  6. Press length of straw into bird seed before it is set so you have a nice neat hole for the string to go through afterwards. Make sure it is at least 1 cm from the edge.
  7. Refrigerate overnight.
  8. Remove straws and remove from cutters. Thread string through holes and tie the ends in a knot.
  9. Hang in the garden from trees and shrubs and wait for the birds to come.

I hope you have fun with these activities should you wish to try them.

Have fun! Stay safe! 😀


Home Learning Week 4

Hello Transition class, it’s Monday again! It’s a bit of an exciting week for home learning this week. We have a new resource to use called Giglets. I will email you your login details. This week’s task with Giglets is to read the first book and get used to how it works. I will set different books and tasks in future weeks.

Have any of you read or looked at the book called ‘The Boy, The Mole, The Fox and The Horse’ By Charlie Mackesy ?The author and artist has drawn some new pictures that need to be coloured in. They give us a time to be calm and to think. I hope you enjoy them. Don’t forget that I’d love to see your work so take some photos and email them to me.

Here is your Home Learning for this week Home learning 4

Here are the pictures drawn by Charlie Mackesy


Keep well and be kind to each other.

Mr N



Home learning tasks-week 4

Good morning Comets

I hope you are all well and staying safe.

This week we are going to be looking at the story of ‘’The Three Billy-Goats Gruff.” The book can be found on your Giglets account. Again, if you need a copy of log in details just let me know.

The suggested activities for the week can be found HERE.

I am looking forward to catching up with you on our phone calls this week. As always if there is anything that you need just let me know. You can contact me on

Have a lovely week Comets and remember you are all amazing!

Miss Robertson x


February Home Learning

Welcome to February, let’s see what this month has in store for us.

As always I have attached the work set for the week in the attached document.  Please do what you can, some days you will be able to do more than others.  This is ok, go at your own pace.Click this link 1st Feb to access the work.

Valentine’s day is approaching, use this link below to work on your literacy skills.

I see February

Keeping with our Valentine theme for numeracy, you will need to use your coins to buy a packet of love heart sweets.  Use these sweet to count and make a graph.

Click this link for Love Hearts Counting and Graphing

Our topic work is Scottish music, click on the link below to make your poster of your favourite Scottish singer.

Scottish Singer

Keep smiling my Oak team, you are all doing fantastic!

We have a special birthday this week, one young man is turning 13!

A massive happy birthday!

Keep smiling and do something this week to make someone in your family smile.



Stars Home Learning Challenge W/C 25.01.21

Hi everyone. Hope all is well with you. Find below some home learning challenges which you might like to do. As always, have fun! 🤩

Sound ‘S’

Collect some things from around the house beginning  with the sound ‘s’ e.g. socks, slippers, sunglasses, sellotape. How many can you find? What is your favourite?

Spread some shaving foam on a tray then try and trace the letter ‘s’ that an adult has drawn for you. Good luck!


Sorting Box

Name the colours and sign them.

Below is a link to a counting game. How many flowers are there? Click on the flowers to count them.

Lego/Duplo Challenge


Try to build the world’s biggest tower. How tall is it? Is it as high as your couch? Is it as high as your door? Knock it down if it hasn’t already fallen over. Have fun!

If you don’t have any lego or duplo you could use building blocks or cardboard boxes.

Today is Robert Burn’s birthday. He is a famous Scottish poet. Maybe you would like to listen to ‘The Sair Finger’ by Walter Wingate, in Makaton, then some Scottish bagpipe music.

Have fun! Stay Safe!  😀








Sungazers Home Learning Week 3

Hello! Hope you are all well and have been enjoying some fun in the snow over the weekend!

Our new literacy booklets will be ready for collection by the end of the week, if you are looking for some new activities to try at home.  Please phone the school before collecting, so we can have them ready for your arrival.

This week is Scottish week and we have some Scottish activities for you to try and enjoy.

Literacy – Have a listen to this Scottish song performed by Singing Hands.  Can you copy and learn some of these signs?

 Youtube – I’m On My Way CarPark Karaoke by Singing Hands)

Numeracy – Simple maths addition. Have a go at counting and join in at home.

Art – Try some of these fun art activities using everyday items you may have at home.

Health and Wellbeing – Here are some Scottish cookery recipes and videos – try to make some delicious treats. Which one was your favourite?

Just For Fun – if you still have any snow (or it might snow again this week), gather some up and make a mini snowman.  Use paints to make him look colourful.

Painting Little Snowmen - Snow Painting - Easy Peasy and Fun


Have a good week! 🙂





Home Learning Week 3

Hello again Transition class. Another week already! Today is Burns’ Day and I’ve put a wee challenge into this week’s tasks to discover some Burns’ poetry. I know that some of you have read Burns’ poetry before. You can find them again if you like and try and read them aloud.

Here is this week’s Home Learning. Below that is all the verses of the poem Nessie. Have fun imagining trying to spot Nessie. How would you do it? Would you use a disguise? Would you try and hide somewhere? Would you be brave enough to swim in the loch?

Home learning 3

Nessie all verses

If you want you could keep a wee diary of what you have been getting up to during lockdown. I’m excited to see what you’ve all been doing.

Stay healthy and be kind to each other.

Mr N


Home Learning – week beg. 25th January


Learn about Scotland and living on an island by watching Katie Morag on iPlayer – what episode did you watch? Did you enjoy it?

Have a look at this clip where Katie Morag is playing pooh sticks. Have you played pooh sticks before? Did you like it? When you are on a walk you could have a go and play pooh sticks too. Video – Katie Morag – pooh sticks

Now have some fun doing the Shooglie Wooglie. This a clip from Scottish Book Trust doing the Scottish version of the Hokey Cokey. Have fun and hopefully you learn some Scottish words for different body parts.

Shooglie Wooglie video


Our theme this term is Scottish castles can you use kitchen roll tubes to create castles. Places a different number on each castle you make. Then you can play a game, placing the correct number of straws or pencils inside the numbered castle – you could even add flags to the top of each straw/pencil. Have fun. 😊 You could also get help from someone in your family to draw a castle with a number on it and place the correct number of toys on top on the castle drawing. You could also create a number line. Draw a castle with battlements then use a toy character to count to 10 and back again moving him along the battlements.

Health and Wellbeing

Put on your own mini Highland games in your house.

Toss the caber – use a cardboard tube for this.

Hammer throw – use a cushion and see who can throw it the furthest.

Catch the Haggis – use a bean bag or a sponge or even an orange. How many times can you catch it before it drops?


Have a look online at different tartan designs. Then have a go of making your own tartan. This can be made drawing lines with pencils, pens or crayons. You could even get messy and use paint. Or you could cut or tear paper into strips creating you own design by sticking them to a piece of paper.


Home learning tasks- week 3

Good morning Comets,

I hope you have all had a great week. All being well,  our VScene calls should resume this week and I am looking forward to seeing you.

To celebrate Robert Burns Day, I have included some fun activities that can be completed from home.  Our learning tasks for the week can be found HERE.

As advised we are going to start using Giglets.  The children in school  have had a letter put in their school bags with a username and password. For the children working from home an email has been sent to you with those details. I have also attached information about Giglets and how to access it. It’s a fantastic resource and I’m sure you love it as much as I do!

As always do what you can, when you can.

If you haven’t received those details or have any questions please let me know by emailing me on

Have an amazing week Comets. I will leave you with a song that is a firm favourite in the classroom-  hopefully it makes you smile!

Miss Robertson

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