Attainment, Achievement and Improvement

Willowbank continually reflects on our performance and produces an annual Standards and Qualities Report to provide information on what has been achieved during the last year.  It identifies strengths and highlights areas for further development in our annual cycle of self-evaluation.  A summary version of the report is shared annually on Learning Journals and the full version can be obtained by contacting the school office.

Children and young people achieve well in Willowbank School.

Target setting has shown that pupils are achieving very well in the key areas of Literacy, Numeracy and Health and Wellbeing.

  • Overall 99% of targets set in pupils’ Individual Learning Plans were achieved in school session 2022 – 2023.
  • 104 SQA National 1 Awards were archived by 33 pupils.

The School Improvement Plan is a major tool in ensuring quality provision for all our pupils.  The plan is completed annually and is developed through the process of self-evaluation, using the performance indicators in How Good Is Our School?, along with other audit tools.

The views of families, pupils, staff and other professionals are sought using questionnaires and discussion techniques and have a significant effect on the perceived priorities.  A summary with our annual priorities is sent to every parent on Learning Journals, inviting them to request the whole plan from the school office if they wish.

Our Improvement Priorities for Session 2023 – 2024 are:

  • Improved pupil voice through the development of a range of total communication methods and increased opportunities for staff professional development in Alternative and Augmentative Communication approaches, Autism and Sensory pedagogy.
  • Pupils will be given equity of choice within their school and local community to encourage them to participate their fullest ability and potential.
  • Improved mental, emotional and physical health and wellbeing for staff, parents and pupils giving Every Pupil, Every Chance through the use of complementary therapies and supported by appropriate learning and teaching strategies and resources
  • Improved assessment approaches through development of Learning Journals tracking tools.
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