Pupils attend school from 09:30 to 15:30. However, we recognise that where families require, flexible drop off and pick up times may be useful. Therefore, pupils may arrive up until 09:45, or be picked up from 15:15. Please discuss such needs with the school so we can best support you and your child.
Our school office is open from 08:30 until 16:00.
Whether pupils are dropped off by their families or travel on school transport, they benefit from the warm welcome of familiar faces each day. Teachers, Classroom Assistants, our Facilities Assistant and Senior Leadership Team are in the car park to greet pupils and take them to classes every morning.
Lunchtime is from 12:00 to 12:45 for younger pupils and 12:45 to 13:30 for older pupils. We see lunchtime as a valuable opportunity for learning and socialisation, and pupils are encouraged to be as independent and responsible as they can be, with staff support as required.
School term dates are available on the East Ayrshire Council website. Please note dates can change depending on local and national circumstances. The school is open to pupils 190 days per year, and staff attend an additional 5 days for in-service training and development.
Our Facilities Assistant, Joan, welcomes pupils each morning.
Pupils are encouraged to use the welcome boards each day to choose a safe touch greeting from staff.