Primary 2 – 27.04.20

Hello Primary 2,

How was your weekend? The weather was beautiful so we hope you managed to get outside and enjoy it. The forecast says the nice weather isn’t going to last unfortunately. You can check out the weeks weather forecast on

Last week we posted two weeks’ worth of learning grids so you should now be looking at the grids beginning 27.04.20. We have also attached them to make it easier for you to find them. As always, please choose one literacy, one numeracy and one learning across the curriculum activity each day. We have loved seeing photos of you completing your tasks on your online learning journals. If you need your password reset either email the school office or comment below and we will be able to help.

Amazon audible have also made all their audio stories free while the schools are closed. There are so many stories to choose from. Visit and let us know what you pick!

If you are looking for more number work check out There are lots of great online and offline resources you could use to further develop your number and mathematical skills.

We look forward to hearing from you. Please comment below to say hello or upload photos to your learning journal.

Miss Pringle and Miss Rafferty

Rex and Mufasa week beginning 27.04.20

Woody Pumba Buzz Simba week beginning 27.04.20

Primary 2 24.4.20


Another week of home learning nearly complete. Well done to you all and a huge well done to all the Mummy’s and Daddy’s at home helping support your learning. You are all doing an amazing job!

We hope you have managed to access the learning grids and completed half of the jobs on there. Remember you will use this learning grid for next week too. It has been great to have your feedback on the blog and through Learning Journals. Some of you have made a great start and it’s been lovely seeing all the photographs of your hard work.

On Friday we normally do a spelling test with your phonics words, so why don’t you get an adult or older sibling to test you on your spelling words to see if you can get full marks. Then challenge yourself to write a sentence (that makes sense) with as many spelling words as you can. Good luck!

BBC Bitesize have been posting 3 lessons a day. Today, one of their lessons is about friendship/how to be a good friend. Why don’t you have a go at watching the short clips and completing some of the activities. It is a great way to remember our friends as I’m sure some of you are missing each other.

On a Friday we have free time……..I trust that you all have your full 30 minutes so make sure you have some down time and play with some of your own toys.  Remember we all have the right to PLAY! You could post some pictures of you playing in Learning Journals- this would be great evidence for our RRSA.

We hope you all have a lovely weekend, stay safe and hopefully be able to get out and enjoy the sunshine.

Miss Rafferty and Miss Pringle

Primary 2 22.4.20

Good morning everyone,

We hope you are all well today and looking forward to a new day of learning from home. I wonder how many of you are doing Joe Wicks – have you been able to spot the differences or answer the quiz questions he has been asking? If you would like a shorter wake up activity you could maybe try some of these favourites we use in class to get us moving! These are also useful to get you moving in between activities when you get a bit fed up of sitting still!

Today, you can continue choosing a Literacy, Numeracy and Across the Curriculum activity. Here is a a Powerpoint to help you with your research on arctic animals:

arctic animals

If you would like to try out an additional Science and Technology activity, we are sure you will find this video from the Glasgow Science Centre on Monday really interesting. It is all about the European Space Agency’s Rover that is due to be sent to Mars in 2022. Use your new knowledge of what makes a good rover to build your own and send us photo if you can!

​Each week we are going to make a Rights Respecting Schools Article focus for you think about. This week, we would like you to focus on Article 24 -Health Care – ensures that every child has the right to the best possible health. Can you think of 8 important things you need to stay healthy? Maybe you would like to try out one of these activities to explore this article:
-Draw or list people who can help us stay healthy and safe. Explain their job. -Make a list with words or pictures of as many kinds of exercise you can think of.
-Set up an obstacle course and challenge someone in your house to have a go.
-Read Coronavirus: A Book for Children talk about what you are doing as a family to keep healthy during this time.
We are continuing to work towards our Right Respecting Schools Gold Award so if you complete any of these activities please send us photos on your Learning Journal.

We look forward to hearing about your learning and seeing any photos. If you have any questions please just ask on the blog or Learners Journal and we will get back to you quickly.


Mrs Oliver and Miss Rafferty


Primary 2 21.4.20

Good morning boys and girls!

We hope you managed to download your Learning packs for the next two weeks and have made a start at working your way through these. Remember to do a literacy, numeracy and across the curriculum every day. Tick off each task once it is complete. The work can be written into your jotters and you can post pictures of your work in Learning Journals. We were so happy to see so many of you actively engaged over the Easter holidays and posting lots of pictures of your activities.

BBC Bitesize is releasing 3 lessons a day for children to complete at their leisure. The lessons are brilliant and engaging.  You can access them using this link:

A new book has been released helping explain what the Coronavirus is. It is illustrated by Gruffalo illustrator Axel Scheffler. The book answers key questions in simple language appropriate for 5 to 9 year olds.

Remember to keep accessing Education City, there have been new games set for you in the homework section however you can also choose a game of your choice using the search button.

Tuesday is one of our P.E days so make sure you are active today: you could take part in Joe Wicks live P.E lesson at 9am or play a little sport in your garden since the weather is nice!

Have you all heard about Captain Tom and him raising millions for the NHS charity by walking the length of his garden? Well it is nearly his 100th Birthday and we are being encouraged to send him a birthday card or wish. If you wish to send something here is the address:

Captain Tom Moore

C/O Marston Moretaine Post Office

67 Bedford Road

Marston Mortaine


MK43 0LA

Have a good day boys and girls,

Miss Rafferty and Miss Pringle

P2 – 20.04.20

Hi Primary 2,
We hope you all had a lovely holiday. The weather was nice most of the time and meant that we could get out and about. Miss Rafferty did lots of walking and running with her mum’s dog Storm, Miss Pringle took her dog Dave on some long walks and Mrs Oliver spent time outdoors with Aaron and celebrated her special birthday! All 3 of us ate lots of Easter eggs too! We would love to hear what you have been doing. Please put photos on your Learning Journal or comment below to let us know what you did over the fortnight.
If you click on your groups link below you will see learning grids for the next fortnight. Please do one literacy, one numeracy and one learning across the curriculum activity each day. You may choose to adapt these and we love to see your creative activity ideas!
Joe Wicks is still doing his 9am workout on YouTube. You can find his channel on YouTube – The Body Coach TV.
We are planning to learn about animals in hot and cold countries this term. Edinburgh Zoo have live cameras in with the pandas, penguins, tigers and koalas. You can watch them at – let us know what you see!
We hope you are all keeping well and are remembering to continue to wash your hands regularly. We look forward to seeing your photos on your Learning Journals.
Miss Rafferty and Miss Pringle

Primary 2 – 3.4.20

Happy Friday Everyone!

We hope that you are well and can see many of you have had a very busy week. Thank you so much for the messages and photographs that you have posted on here and Learner’s Journal. We have displayed some of the activities you have been completing below:

This morning we would normally do a short phonics test – why don’t you ask someone to read out your words and you could write them in chalk or  a paintbrush and water outside.

On a Friday we sometimes take time to watch Newsround during milk and story :

At the bottom of this page there are some ideas of how people are showing their thanks to the people working for the NHS. Have a look out for the field! There is also a section at the bottom to send your own message.

This a short day today and we are sure you won’t forget about Freetime Friday – you have the right to play! (Article 31 UNCRC).

This is the last day of term and we wish that you all have a safe and relaxing 2 weeks of Easter holidays. We will be sending out new learning grids after the holidays. Here are a few fun activities if you would like to try them:

roll a chick

Build_a_Bunny (1)

West Lothian have printed an article for parents/carers about the Easter holiday which we would like to share with you and has some ideas if you would like to continue to do a bit of learning over the holidays (

You can let us know if there are any sightings of the Easter Bunny after the holidays!!

Don’t eat too much chocolate over Easter Primary 2!!


Mrs Oliver, Miss Rafferty and Miss Pringle

Primary 2 2.4.20

Bonjour Primary 2!

Well today is Thursday and what a busy week we have had! We love seeing all your hard work that you are sharing on Learning Journals so please keep them coming. Lots of you have been so creative, sporty and crafty at home. You have also been keeping up with Literacy and Numeracy activities which is great. We want to say a huge thank you and well done to all the mummy’s and daddy’s working hard at home with their jobs and supporting you in your learning. Super Parents!

On Thursday you go to Mrs Ferguson for P.E so today she has left this little challenge bellow. Tell us how you get on!

Don’t drop the ball Active Maths Infant

Have you been using the e-books on Oxford Owl? Remember there are lots of fiction and non-fiction books to read. Remember to write down which books you have read in your red jotter. Even the ones that you have read from your own bookshelf in the house.  Did anyone try the comprehension task that was set on Tuesday? If you haven’t scroll back and see if you can give it a go. Remember to answer in sentences J

Thursday is a writing day! Have any of you written a story recently? If not why don’t you write about Spring- challenge yourself with a variety of adjectives and connectives. Self assess your story with the imaginative writing targets bellow:

  • Varied story setting
  • Write events in order
  • Describe how the characters are involved/feelings
  • Simple ending

Remember to tick off any of the tasks from your pack that you have completed this week and if you can, keep posting the pictures on Learning Journals. Keep working hard Primary 2, you’re all doing so well!

When you are on your daily walk/exercise outside remember to look for rainbows, flowers and teddy bears!!

Tonight again at 8pm we will be outside clapping our NHS and Keyworkers!

Miss Rafferty and Mrs Oliver

Primary 2 1.4.20

Good morning Primary 2,

Today is the 1st of April and it’s actually national uniform day! We would like you to wear your school uniform today and post your pictures of you doing your tasks today in uniform- you can up load these into Learning Journals.

We hope you are all well and had a productive and enjoyable day yesterday completing some of the activities we have been sending out. Are some you still managing to keep fit with Joe Wick’s at 9am? If you still have some energy to work off even after that we think some of you will really enjoy a dance class with Oti Mabuse on Youtube at 11.30 each morning this week.

The past few days have definitely felt like we are into Spring and in school this week we would have been doing some Easter/ Spring craft. Here are some ideas that you do not need a printer for:

egg box daffodil

paper plate easter bunny

If you do have access to a printer here are some fun activities also:

easter basket

easter cone animals

Before school closed we had begun learning about Easter in RME. We had discussed Palm Sunday and made own Palm branches. Watch this short video to learn about why Christian people celebrate Good Friday and Easter Sunday.

After listening to the story can you remember/find out why hot cross buns and rolling eggs are important at Easter time?

Miss Rafferty and Mrs Oliver


(psssssttttt…….its not really national uniform day, April Fools!!)

Shhh Images, Stock Photos & Vectors | Shutterstock

Primary 2 – 31.03.20

Good morning Primary 2,

We hope everyone is well today? A big thank you to those who posted photos on their online learning journals yesterday. It was so lovely to see what you have all been up to and the fabulous learning you have been doing. We reset all P2 parent passwords so please check your inbox. If you did not receive one just comment on this post and we will do our best to rectify that. Scroll down in this post to see some of the lovely photos!

As today is usually our reading day we have made up some comprehension activities for you to do at home. Please select your group below and post photos of your completed work on your journal. You can complete the questions in your jotter. Remember your title and date!

Buzz and Simba

Rex and Mufasa

Woody and Pumba

Newsround have a daily episode each day to keep you up to date with what is going on in the world. Go on to to watch the current episode and let us know what you think. You could even practise your note writing and take some notes.

Miss Rafferty noticed lots of bears in windows when she was out her morning jog. Can you put a teddy bear in your window? If possible, go out a ‘bear hunt’ and count how many you can see around your neighbourhood!

Have a lovely day everyone and we look forward to seeing your photos on your online journals.

Miss Pringle and Miss Rafferty


Primary 2 30.3.20

Good morning boys and girls!

We hope you all had a wonderful weekend and managed to enjoy some of the sunshine. Today starts another week of learning at home. You should now refer to your second booklet for one literacy, one numeracy and one across the curriculum activity. Everything you are doing at home should be done in your red jotter. Please keep all extra sheets and take photos of things you have done or made. When we come back to school, we would like to see all your hard work!

Joe Wicks will be continuing his P.E lessons at 9am or if you prefer, you can do one of the Cosmic Kids yoga on YouTube.

You can listen to David Walliams read a story at 11am- you can even sit and listen with a snack! He also has stories pre-recorded if you can’t make 11am.

Remember you can read e-books on Oxford Owl. There are plenty of books to choose from and if you do read one, keep a note of it in your jotter.

We also encourage you to read books that you may already have in the house- practise makes perfect!

Education City is a great way to keep yourself challenged. There will be new homework tasks waiting for you to complete this week. We hope that you can score more than 80%

Easter is just around the corner. How many of you have boiled eggs, decorated them and rolled them down the hill? Do you know what the rolling of the egg symbolises? There are lots of Easter crafts you could do this week with your family: make chocolate Easter nests, Easter cards, an Easter bonnet, or an Easter wreath to hang on your door.

Leave a comment at the bottom of the post to let us know how you are getting on. Remember stay safe and keep washing those hands!

Miss Rafferty and Miss Pringle

Primary 2 – 27.03.20

Good morning Primary 2,

Miss Pringle and Miss Rafferty here today. We hope you all had a nice day yesterday despite the weather being a little miserable. Did any of you manage to take part in the round of applause for our fabulous NHS staff at 8pm last night? We both did and it was lovely to hear everyone coming together to celebrate our hard working NHS staff.

You should have a few activities left on your week 1 sheets to choose from. Thanks to those who have let us know what they have been doing. We love to hear from you all so please continue to comment regularly.

Fridays usually include a handwriting lesson so please ensure any writing you do today is neat, with letters formed correctly.

Blair Drummond Safari Park are doing a live session on their Facebook page at 12pm each day where one of the keepers will tell you all about an animal. You can post questions for them to answer too. We watched it yesterday and it was fabulous! Let us know if you manage to tune in.

David Walliams is also reading 30 minutes from one of his books at 11am each day. You can find this on

We have both been trying Joe Wickes each day – it is hard work but we both feel great afterwards. Miss Rafferty has also been out running each day. It is so important to try and keep our fitness levels up – what are you doing to keep yourself fit?

Remember today is a half day – we are sure you wont forget!

We hope you all have a lovely weekend and look forward to hearing about what activities you choose from your week 2 sheet next week.

Miss Pringle and Miss Rafferty

Primary 2 26.3.20

Happy Thursday Everyone!

We hope your week is going well and you are all safe and happy at home. It’s been lovely to hear from some of you about what you have been up to and some of the activities you have been trying out. Today you can continue to look at your packs and choose a Literacy, Numeracy and Across the Curriculum activity to complete. In your pack today we have included an imaginative writing task about Blackbeard. Try to remember our imaginative writing targets as you write – you could maybe underline and self-assess with pink to make you think/green for go after you have finished.

-Can you use different starters?

-Are your characters involved in the action?

-Can you take a new paragraph for beginning, middle and end?

-Can you include a simple ending?

Also if you are looking for an additional Maths challenge why don’t you try some out on:

Next term we will be learning about hot and cold countries and in particular animals in these countries.  You might enjoy seeing what some of these animals at the zoo are getting up to now they’ve no visitors!

For those of you who maybe have not seen it, Miss Rafferty posted a super resource yesterday for you to access some books at home – here are the details:

Use this website to access e-books:
Username: Miss Rafferty
The password is: Carmondeanp2

Select the bookshelf and search for books that are suitable for your age (5-6 or 6-7)
P2R Woodys and P2O/P Pumbas reading groups should choose books from age 6-7
P2R Buzz Lightyears & Rexs and P2O/P Simbas & Mufasas should choose books from age 5-6

We hope you are managing to keep moving throughout the day and enjoying Joe Wicks’ workout every morning. Remember Thursday would normally be PE day with Mrs Ferguson and she has included some fun PE activities in your pack for you to do.

A very special job for you this evening at 8pm Primary 2! To thank all the NHS workers who are working so hard to keep everyone safe and well, many people around the UK are going to stand on their doorsteps at 8pm tonight to give them all a huge round of applause. Can you join in?

We look forward to hearing your news today.

From Mrs Oliver and Miss Rafferty

Primary 2 – Wednesday 25 March 2020

Good morning from Mrs Oliver and Miss Rafferty,

We would love to hear how you got on with any activities you completed yesterday – please post a message in the comments section below. Remember to refer to your packs and choose a Literacy, Numeracy and Across the Curriculum activity to complete today. Have you heard about the Rainbow challenge? The BBC are asking boys and girls to draw/ paint/ make a rainbow and put it in your window to spread hope – maybe when you’re out and about getting some fresh air and exercise you can count them and let us know how many you have found. 

Last week we spoke about Sea Pollution and how plastic is damaging our oceans and animals. Here is an experiment if you would like to try it out with an adult at home to see the impact pollution has on sea life. If you’ve not got a jar or would prefer to why don’t you make a poster encouraging others to protects our oceans and animals.

Sea Pollution

Hope you’re all well Primary 2. Keep safe.


Mrs Oliver and Miss Rafferty

Primary 2 9/3/20

A huge congratulations to Primary 2 O/P! They performed a fantastic assembly to their parents and Primary 1-3. There was super singing, dancing and acting. They shared lots of learning and the parents thought it was wonderful!

This week is Sport Relief! Primary 6 have organised a sporting event on Wednesday (Children need their p.e kits) and Primary 2 will be doing their own dancing challenge on Friday (dress down day). Primary 6 are still selling bands at £1 and the children are encouraged to bring in a donation on Friday. We are looking forward to seeing everyone in their sports clothes and ready to dance!

Our specialist timetable is changing next week. Primary 2 will have their P.E with Mrs Ferguson on a Thursday and Art with Ms Fox on Wednesday. We will move our outdoor P.E session to a Tuesday.  So children require P.E kits on Tuesday and Thursday.

New homework was issued today. Can we remind the children to complete the activities on the sheet and anything that the children do can be noted in their “share it” jotter. Please ensure that the children are doing their reading on a regular basis and completing activities on Ed City.

We are excited about our up coming trip to The Tall Ship in Glasgow! We are going on Tuesday 24th March. We have lots of pirate themed activities to do and we will get to explore a real ship!

We are moving away from Multiplying and division in maths this week and starting to learn about addition with  money. The children will be adding coins together to reach totals. We have even set up a shop in our play area to allow the children to practise!

Reminders: Indoor shoes, water bottle, homework folders, p.e kits and a snack for break.

Any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask.

Miss Rafferty, Miss Pringle and Mrs Oliver

Primary 2 27.1.20

Primary 2 have been creating fantastic Pirate portraits after they were called upon by a visiting pirate. The children used pastels to draw their pirate portraits and discussed the features of a pirate (Beards, hats, hooks, gold hoop earring etc). These are going to be displayed on our wall ready for parents night!

Primary 2R have their parent assembly on Monday 10th February. Our assembly is all about Love and Kindness. The children have been given lines to learn and two songs to practise. (Cant help falling in love – Elvis Presley & Try a little kindness song- Tori Kelly and Sesame St)

In Numeracy the children have been learning about Arrays. We have been using arrays to help learn our 2, 5 and 10 times tables. The children have shown a good understanding of using this concept so we encourage you to use the array method at home. The children should be able to explain this to you- all they need is a pencil and paper.

Please continue reading regularly with your children and signing the homework sheets. The children have been working hard in reading sessions: sounding out tricky words, using expression and showing an understanding of punctuation.

We look forward to seeing you all on Parents night in the next couple of weeks. If you have any questions, please feel free to get in touch.

Miss Rafferty, Mrs Oliver and Miss Pringle

Primary 2 6/1/20

Happy New Year! We hope you all had a wonderful festive break.

Primary 2 have an exciting term ahead. Our new topic is going to be about Pirates which the children are going to love!

Our P.E days are Wednesday for indoor and Thursday for outdoor.

Can we remind all children to bring a water bottle to school and indoor shoes to wear in the classroom.

We will issue new reading books tomorrow and homework will be issued next Monday (children will get two weeks to complete this).

To celebrate Burns Day, the children will come home with a Scottish poem to learn and recite. These will be issued shortly.

Any questions, please feel free to get in touch.

Miss Rafferty, Miss Pringle and Mrs Oliver

Primary 2 25.11.19

Nativity practice is well underway in Primary 2 and 3. We are all working very hard to learn lines, sing songs and remember our positions on stage. Could all children who have a speaking part please continue to practise their lines at home?

In numeracy we are practising our subtraction skills which will help us solve missing subtrahend questions. It all sounds very tricky but once we have mastered our counting back skills, I’m sure we will all succeed!

Reading books are issued on a Tuesday and reading activities are completed in class. Children are encouraged to read their book regularly throughout the week to help improve their reading and comprehension skills.

We are getting a visit from Mountain Rescue tomorrow which we are very excited about. Our visitor will show us the equipment that he needs to save lives and I am sure he will have some fascinating stories and pictures to share with the children.

We do not have P.E this week because our hall slot is being used to practise nativity. However Mrs Ferguson will be starting her P.E block with Primary 2 next Wednesday which we are very excited about!

School fair this Friday so we hope you can come along and enjoy some festive fun!

Primary 2 4.11.19

Primary 2 are well under way with their new topic: People Who Help Us! Last week we were learning about the role of a Police Officer and how they help and support the local community. This week we are learning about Paramedics. We are very excited about a Paramedic coming to visit our classes to talk to the children, and hopefully they will be able to bring an ambulance to school so the children can see what it is like inside. We are going to think of some very interesting questions to ask our paramedic too!

We have started learning some of the songs for our Nativity this year! Primary 2 will be partnering up with Primary 3 to put on quite a show! Parts, words and song words will be issued in the next couple of week so please look out for these.

New homework activities are being issued today. Thank you so much to all the boys and girls who managed to complete their homework activities and share them with the class. Some of the work and effort has been fantastic! There has been some activities been set on Education City for the children too. Usernames and Passwords were handed out at the beginning of the year.

Primary 7 are coming round with poppies this week for a small donation and Primary 5 will be selling Children in Need merchandise soon.

P.E days- Indoor Tuesday, Outdoor Thursday (Well done to the boys and girls who remember their kit regularly.)

Any questions, feel free to contact one of us,

Miss Rafferty, Miss Pringle and Mrs Oliver


Primary 2 7.10.19

Primary 2 have been very busy learning about the story of Joseph. We listened to his story and had a discussion about what kind of man he was- children used words like; brave, smart, kind, hard working and helpful. We have made a very colourful display in our classroom showing off his fabulous coat that was gifted to him by his father. You will be able to see this on parents night.

We have library services coming in on Wednesday to talk to the children about life in the past. The librarian will be bringing lots of artifacts that the children will be able to handle and will be telling them lots of stories!

Primary 2 are still collecting shoe boxes for the Shoe box appeal. We have had a few handed in but if you are happy to help by making your own donation it would be much appreciated. As a stage we made up a box for a little girl, little boy and a woman.

Parents night is this Wednesday and Thursday evening so we are looking forward to seeing you and sharing your child’s work.

The children have been fantastic at bringing in P.E kits- our gym days are Tuesday and Thursday!

Today we are sharing our homework. The children will get to choose someone they would like to share their homework with. New homework will be issued on the Tuesday we get back after the October holiday.


Miss Rafferty, Miss Pringle, Mrs Oliver

Primary 2 w/b 23/9/19

Hi All

Another busy week in Primary 2! We have been continuing our study of Life in the Past this week by researching methods of transport. We enjoyed learning about old cars and steam trains and how they worked. We have some beautiful line drawings of old cars in our jotters for you to see at parents night!

In Literacy we have focussed on the ‘ay’ phoneme which can be tricky as there are other ways of making this sound not yet covered (e.g. ai, a-e). Any practice that you can do with familiar words at home would benefit your child. In Writing, we continued our focus on persuasive texts by creating leaflets encouraging people to be eco-friendly.

In Maths and Numeracy we have been continuing work with numbers to 100 and data handling with a focus on creating and interpreting bar graphs.

We are continuing to promote our Shoebox Appeal around school and this week we will pack 3 shoeboxes in class – 1 each for a boy and girl age 6 and an adult one for a lady. The children will help to pack and choose what each person would like/need. The details have been sent out by email and there is a checklist with suggested items attached. We would be very grateful if any completed shoeboxes could be brought into school by Friday 25th October (the first week back after October holidays).

Thank you for your continuing support,

Mrs Oliver, Miss Pringle and Miss Rafferty


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