Primary 3 4.10.21

Primary 3 really enjoyed participating in Maths Week Scotland last week. We tweeted our activities every day and Maths Week Scotland even liked some of our tweets!

We worked hard in writing- learning how to write a recount. We have been using our core and genre targets to help us succeed in this! The children have really started to improve and they are very happy with their progress.

The children have been learning how to share their thoughts and opinions about a book or piece of text. They are now able to explain why they like or dislike a story.

We have set homework for this week and the children will come home with a new reading book today. If you have any more pictures of your sunflowers we would love to see them posted on seesaw. We are also still collecting for Harvest so if you have anything going spare we would love to take it off your hands. Primary 3 did really well last week for Waste Free Wednesday so thank you for helping make this a success! We will continue with this on Wednesday.

We look forward to seeing and speaking to you all during parents evening!

Any questions, please feel free to get in touch. If you would like regular updates then please follow us on twitter: @MissRafferty4 and @MissBonar_

Miss Rafferty and Miss Bonar

Primary 3 27.9.21

We had another great week in Primary 3 last week, all be it just a short week! We learned how to round to the nearest 10 using the rule of 5 in numeracy and learned 3 new sounds in phonics – u_e, a_e and ea. We also had a lovely lesson making acrostic poems using the word ‘weather’.

This week is maths week so we will be doing lots of maths based activities. For example, making carroll diagrams using objects from nature and creating rangoli patterns using our knowledge of 2D shape.

We will be collecting in the current reading books today (Monday 27th) and giving out new books which the children should read at least three times at home. There is also a new homework grid on seesaw for this week. Well done to the children who completed some of the activities on last week’s homework grid, there was some fantastic work!

Last week we started a new piece of writing, still within the genre of recount, which we will finish this week with Mrs Smith. We are writing all about what we got up to during the long weekend.

Our topic focus for this week is extreme weathers, so we will be looking at the causes of these kinds of weathers with a focus on climate change and the effects that they can have.

Just another reminder that you can follow us both on twitter at @MissBonar_ and @MissRafferty for more regular updates and snapshots of what we have been doing throughout the week.

Miss Bonar and Miss Rafferty

Primary 3 wb13/9/21

We had a great week last week learning about the water cycle and creating our very own weather forecasts. We hope you enjoyed watching their weather report on Seesaw. The children were all very nervous but they all did a fantastic job at creating their forecast and presenting it, using some key weather words. Well done Primary 3!

This week in maths, we are learning about place value and the importance of zero when breaking numbers down into Hundreds, Tens and Ones. We are also learning about the properties of pentagons, hexagons and octagons!

New reading books have been issued today and our focus in reading is summarising. We are learning how to summarise a story using pictures and sentences. We are working hard to share the main points of a story using key questions such as; who, what, why, where and when.

Mrs Smith will be writing with us again. We will write the second half of our recount about a typical school day. Children are working hard to use their core and genre targets to help give their writing a focus.

In topic we are going to be investigating about how seasons are influenced by the orbit of the Earth around the sun. We will also identify which months fall into each season and how night and day changes through the seasons.

A new homework grid has been uploaded to Seesaw! Thank you to all the children who managed to complete the activities on last week’s grid. We loved all your posts and videos. Also if you have a managed to successfully grow your sunflower over the summer please send your pictures on Seesaw- we can use these to help boost our Eco School!

Remember you can get regular updates on Twitter by following us on @MissRafferty and @MissBonar_

Miss Rafferty and Miss Bonar

Primary 3 wb 6/9/21

Primary 3 have been very busy! We hope you all enjoyed our meet the teacher video which went live on Seesaw at the end of last week. It gave you an insight to what our classrooms look like, how they are run and what might be happening in the beginning of this academic year. Homework has also been posted on Seesaw today giving you and your children to complete tasks in Literacy, Numeracy, French and Interdisciplinary (Weather).

In Numeracy we have been practising skip counting forwards and backwards in 2s,5s and 10s. In Maths we have revising our 2D and 3D shape names and properties. The children have demonstrated a good understanding of their shapes!

In Literacy the children have been working on their reading aloud skills such as decoding and fluency. We have also been making predictions about what might happen in a book and why. Mrs Smith has been in supporting our writing. Our focus this term is recount which the children have been working very hard on. We have been using our core and genre targets to help!

In our topic of the weather the children have been identifying the different types of weather, what they look like and sound like. We have also been looking at the weather symbols and determining what they mean. We are looking forward to creating our very own weather forecasts this week.

Remember our P.E days are Monday and Thursday- kits must be worn to school.

You can keep updated on our class activities on Twitter @MissRafferty4 and @MissBonar_

Miss Rafferty and Miss Bonar

Primary 2 wb 14th June

Primary 2 had a super week last week! We all loved taking part in our Sports Day!! Well done to the winning house and a huge well done to all the Primary 2 children who took part. We had lots of fun!

We are still learning about hot countries. Last week were learning about the Rainforest and this week we a focusing on the African Plains. We can’t wait to learn about all the wild animals that live in Africa.

In maths we have been revising addition and subtraction. This week we are going to be practising our times tables and dividing. We have also been enjoying using the beebots to learn about direction.

We are still completing our reading regularly in class and today the children will come home with new reading books. Please continue to read the book with your child. We have also issued our last piece of P2 homework- this has been uploaded on Seesaw.

Its been another hot week and we hope it continues! We are trying to get outside as much as we can to enjoy this beautiful weather. We have been using the chalks to practise our drawing and spelling skills, using the large hundred square outside and continuing our P.E sessions outside.

Today Primary 2 are taking part in a whole school litter pick. We have extra litter pickers and hoops, and Primary 2 have been given the job of collecting litter from the outer playground and field. We hope you can see a real improvement when you come to collect the children.

Please remember to bring a water bottle to school. Wear P.E clothes on P.E days.

Thanks, Miss Rafferty, Mrs Muir and Miss Pringle

Primary 2 25.5.21

We hope you all had a lovely long weekend! It’s now the last 5 weeks of Primary 2. We can’t believe how quickly time is passing!

We are now going to move onto learning about Hot Countries for our topic lessons. Like the cold countries, we will be learning about the weather, landscapes, plants and animals, that live in the hotter parts of the world.

We have also been trying to practise more French. There are a few videos for the children to watch about French number, colours and weather phrases. In class we have also been trying to follow simple commands in French too!

Talents: please remember to practise your talent as we will be auditioning these soon. The winning person from the class will then go into the main competition. We look forward to seeing everyone’s talent!


P.E is on a Tuesday and Thursday (wear your kit to school)

Homework is being posted weekly on Seesaw (post activities on seesaw)

Practise your talent and the flash mob dance!

Thanks, Miss Rafferty, Mrs Oliver and Miss Pringle

Primary 2 3.5.21

Primary 2 have been learning lots about Inuit people and how they survive the Arctic weather. We have been learning about their diet, clothing and how they travel. We even learned that they do something called throat singing!

We have assigned a homework grid for this week and the children will come home with a reading book. We will collect the book in on Monday to give the children enough time to practise their reading.

We have been working hard on our division skills. We have learned how to divide by 2 and 10 and this week we will be learning how to divide by 5. The children have been using concrete materials, looking for patterns and using their times table knowledge to help them.

In health we have been talking lots about our emotions and feelings. The children share how they feel each day and are able to explain why they feel a particular way. We have been learning that our feelings can change depending on what might be happening that day or week. We are also using the Wellbeing Wednesday resources which the children are really enjoying. (We get to meet a new wellbeing monster every week!)

P.E days will continue to be on Tuesday and Thursday (Outside) We are finishing our tennis lessons and moving onto more team and relay races. We hope we can put our skills to good use soon.


Miss Rafferty, Miss Pringle and Mrs Oliver

Primary 2 29.3.21

Primary 2 have had a super week last week. We have been learning about the types of food Romans ate and we finished off the week creating a poster with all our Roman facts. They worked in pairs to draw and write as many things as they could about the Romans. They then presented their posters to the class.

In reading we have been working on our prediction skills. The children have listened to the start of a story and then making their predictions about what they think will happen next. The children did this really well and were able to justify some of their answers.

We have been working on our 2x, 5x and 10x tables. We have been playing games, listening to songs, working out sums and writing the times tables out. It has been very tricky but the children have been working very hard!

In P.E we have been learning some new tennis skills. The children have been learning to control their rackets, catch and throw the tennis balls and have been traveling with the tennis ball on their racket. They are all doing really well and enjoying our outdoor tennis lessons.

There will be no homework set on seesaw this week. We still encourage you to read with your children and to continue practising their times tables.

We have an exciting week ahead with lots of Easter crafts, learning about Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday.

If you have any questions, please feel free to get in touch.

Miss Rafferty and Mrs Oliver

Primary 2 22.3.21

Primary 2 have settled well back into class. It feels like we have never been away.

We had great fun taking part in the Red Nose Day dress down on Friday. We also made Red Nose Day posters with our own jokes on them to make people laugh.

Our homework is being posted on seesaw regularly and it’s great to see so many children completing the seesaw activities! Reading books are coming out weekly and our P.E days are now on a Tuesday and Thursday (outside for both of them)

In writing we are doing lots of descriptive pieces. The children are using the describing bubble to help with identifying good adjectives to write descriptions about characters and settings. The children are trying to hard to hit all their core and genre targets. Well done Primary 2!

In maths we are working very hard on our 2, 5, and 10 times table. The children have been playing times table games, listening to times table songs and completing times table activities. Learning our times tables have been a challenge but the children are working hard! We have also been learning to tell the time (o’clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to) we have so much work to do on this as telling the time is very tricky if the skill is not being used regularly. If you could practise this at home, it would be appreciated.

We are still working our way through our Romans topic. The children have been learning about the Roman Gladiator and the activities that happened in the Colosseum. We also made Roman gladiator helmets and Roman soldier shields.

Thank you again for all your support and if you have any questions, please get in touch.

Miss Rafferty, Mrs Oliver and Mrs Harris

Primary 2 7.12.20

Primary 2

Primary 2 have now been given access to SeeSaw. We hope you have been able to log on and complete the subtraction activity that has been set for all the boys and girls.

Here is the homework for the next 2 weeks. You can also find this sheet on SeeSaw. They are all Christmas themed activities! Remember you can post pictures etc on Seesaw to allow us to see your work.

Homework Sheet – Monday 7th December

We have been practising our sign language to the tune of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. The children are doing very well and can’t wait to show you.

We have been working on our subtraction skills in Maths. We can now all confidently use a number line and 100 square to help us with our subtraction sums.

Last week we were learning about rhyme. We found rhyming words in poems and even managed to think of rhyming words such as log-frog, pen-men and make-bake! It was very tricky but the children worked hard.

This week we are learning about Christmas traditions. Can you talk with your child about what family Christmas traditions you have? Do you always pull crackers? Do you watch/listen to the Queens speech? Do you eat Turkey on Christmas day?

Our P.E days are still Wednesday and Thursday. Can all children make sure that they bring a water bottle with them and indoor shoes.

We hope you all have a wonderful week,

Miss Rafferty, Mrs Oliver and Mrs Harris

Primary 2 16.11.20

What a super week we had last week Primary 2!

We made poppies and wrote a persuasive piece of writing to encourage people to wear poppies to remember our soldiers and veterans. The children showed a good understanding of the importance of the day and took part in a 2 minute silence.

The children also raised money for Children in Need on Friday by participating in our dress down day, and we wore rainbow colours. Everyone looked fabulous and thank you so much for taking part!

In science we have been exploring electrical circuits. The children learned about the importance of a circuit and how it can not be broken if we want a light to remain on. In pairs they drew and created a circuit using a battery, wires and light bulb. Everyone was successful in getting the light to come on. This week we are doing something similar but we will be adding in a switch. All very exciting!

In our topic we are learning about the olden days. We have learned that transport has changed, our classrooms have become much more appealing and this week we are going to be learning how household items have changed over the years, and how they have made our lives easier. We will also be listening to 50s and 60s music and participating in some dance! We will give the Jive and the Twist a go.

In reading are still learning how to answer questions, read aloud with fluency and decode tricky words. The children came home with a list of tricky words linked to their reading book- once they are confident with these words they can colour them in. We are also looking at the alphabet and putting words into alphabetical order.

In maths we are continuing to add but this week we are adding 10, 11 and 9. We will be using the 100 square to help us and see if we can recognise patterns.


PE days- Wednesday and Thursday

Indoor shoes and filled water bottles

Reading books brought into school every day


Stay safe everyone,

Miss Rafferty, Mrs Oliver and Mrs Harris

Primary 2 26.10.20

Happy Monday Primary 2!

Here is your homework sheet:

Homework Sheet – Monday 26th October

Remember you have two weeks to complete the activities on the grid. We will collect the homework back in on Friday 6th November. However reading books will be issued every week and please remember to bring them to school with you every day.

We had a super trip to the woods on Friday and we are looking forward to go back on Friday 6th November. We were using our non standard measuring skills to measure different items in the woods. The children did really well!

Halloween is approaching and we are looking forward to seeing you all dressed up on Friday. We have a few Halloween crafts and activities to do this week. We will also be writing a spooky story with lots of description, using our describing bubbles to help us.

We will be putting our prediction skills to the test this week in reading. They will be listening/reading short stories and predicting what they think might happen next based on what they have already read and found out about the characters/setting.

In maths were are beginning to work on our addition and counting on skills. We are combining sets to start and then we will be using number lines to help us count on.

We are going to be using the netbooks this week to practise logging on and off (typing in usernames and passwords), practise writing our names and changing the font and size.

In science we are going to be investigating the moon and learning about why/how the moon changes every night. We will ask you to take a look at the moon every night before bed to see if you can see it changing!

We hope you all have a wonderful week and stay safe.

Miss Rafferty, Mrs Oliver and Mrs Harris

Primary 2 7.920

Primary 2 had a super week last week. We learned about the Artist Picasso. We looked closely at his paintings and style of painting. We discussed how the pictures made us feel and to see if they could see anything in the paintings, because his style is very abstract. Our current topic is Superhero’s and we have learned that they sometimes wear masks to hide their identity. When Picasso painted faces, they often looked like they were wearing masks. The children drew and coloured their own faces with an abstract style. They look fantastic and are going to be displayed in our corridor for the other boys and girls to see! Super work Primary 2!!

We have been continuing to do reading in class and reading aloud in small groups. Primary 2 have been practising sounding out the letters and then blending them together to say the word. They are also following the story and contributing to our group discussions about the text.

We have been sequencing and ordering our numbers within 50, with the help of number lines and 100 squares. We will continue to work on our numbers up to 100.

In science we are working our way through our senses. So far we have learned about our sense of sight and hearing. This week we will be learning about our sense of smell. We have come to realise that superheros rely quite a lot on their senses to save others and to be successful!

P.E is on a Wednesday and Thursday. Well done to all the boys and girls for wearing their kits to school.

We have also provided every child with a resource pack that will stay in school. These will be used when completing jobs/tasks in class.


Miss Rafferty, Mrs Harris & Mrs Oliver

Primary 2 31.8.20

Primary 2 have settled very well back in to school. They have been working hard recognising numbers up to 30 and beyond. We have also been naming 2D shapes and creating shape monsters. Some have even been displayed on the wall!

We have be doing some reading aloud in class in small groups and discussing character features and personalities. The children have also been writing about themselves and wrote a short story about a superhero.

In science we are learning about our senses. Last week we put our eyes to the test and this week we are investigating our hearing. We have also been having lots of discussions about our feelings. Every day the children share their feelings by placing their name on our feelings chart. We have also been talking about SHANARRI and what it means to them.

Primary 2 have been fantastic at playing in their area and washing their hands! Let’s keep it up!

Primary 2 have P.E on a Wednesday and Thursday so please send your children to school with their P.E kit on. Please make sure the children come to school with a water bottle and names written on clothes/jumpers. Thank you.

We hope you have a super week!

Miss Rafferty, Mrs Harris and Mrs Oliver


Primary 2 26.6.20

It’s FRIDAY Primary 2!!

Can you believe it………we have made it to the end of Primary 2, well done to every single one of you. You are all amazing! It might not have been the year we had hoped however you have all worked so hard in class and at home. All three of us have thoroughly enjoyed being your Primary 2 teachers. We have missed you all so much over the school closure but we look forward to seeing you all in August when you come back to school and become big Primary 3 children. We want you to have the most wonderful summer holiday and fingers crossed we get the sunshine we deserve. Enjoy your time off from home learning and stay safe!

Our last day in school is normally spent reflecting on the year, spending time with our friends and playing in our classroom. Here are some messages from your friends:

And your teachers!

Happy Holidays Primary 2 from Miss Rafferty, Mrs Oliver and Miss Pringle!! 

Primary 2 25.6.20

Morning Primary 2!

So it’s Thursday and we only have a day and a half left before the summer holidays! How are you all getting on with the beach themed activities? We are still getting some super posts from boys and girls on Learning Journals, so thank you for that.

Summer Holiday Plans

What plans do you have for your summer holiday? Why don’t you let us know by writing it down or drawing a picture for us. It might be spending time in the garden, visiting friends and family, helping with home improvements, going on road trips or visiting places that are beginning to open again!

Enjoy your Thursday Primary 2!

Miss Rafferty and Mrs Oliver

Primary 2 18.6.20

Good morning Primary 2!

Hope you are enjoying Sports Day. We have had some super pictures uploaded on to Learning Journals. Enter your points to Mrs Ferguson on the Sports Day blog post. Brilliant effort by so many boys and girls so far. Keep up the good work Primary 2- may the best house win!

We hope you are enjoying the beach trip activities. If you can, we suggest that you try to do two activities a day. Keep us updated with your progress on Learning Journals.

Article 3- Non Discrimination

The Convention applies to every child without discrimination, whatever their ethnicity, gender, religion, language, abilities or any other status, whatever they think or say, whatever their family background. What activities have you managed to do to explore this article? (Refer back to Tuesday’s post)


Here are some activities for you to do to help keep you safe when chatting online. Click on the link below:


Travel Tokyo

We know that P2 are so active and we can see that in some of your uploads in Learning Journals. Can you all remember to log your activity under our school? You can also log your sports day activities.


If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to get in touch. We hope you all have a wonderful day!

Miss Rafferty and Mrs Oliver

Primary 2 16.6.20

Good morning Primary 2!

How are you all this morning? Are you enjoying the new Learning Grids? Remember choose two activities to complete daily. Keep all your work together to make it into a mini project.

Have you started the Sports Day activities? Do what you can to earn house points for your house- you could do one activity a day to spread out your activities. Take photos and put them up onto Learning Journals.


Article 3- Non Discrimination

The Convention applies to every child without discrimination, whatever their ethnicity, gender, religion, language, abilities or any other status, whatever they think or say, whatever their family background. Here are some activities you can do to explore this article:

  • Imagine that you are treated differently and not allowed to go to school, have friends and play because of the colour of your hair. … How would this feel? What would you say and do? Discuss this with the grown ups at home.
  • Being happy and proud about who we are as people is important. Have you read ‘The Flamingo Who Didn’t Want To Be Pink’? Watch the story made by children at William Tyndale School. Try to get all your family and friends to tell you the best things they like about being themselves and the best things about you.
  • Think of somewhere that you know well. It might be a library, a park or a swimming pool. Does it welcome everyone? Can all children take part there equally? Talk to your friends or family about what could make this place better for everyone.


Travel Tokoyo

We know that P2 are so active and we can see that in some of your uploads in Learning Journals. Can you all remember to log your activity under our school? You can also log your sports day activities.


If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to get in touch. We hope you all have a wonderful day!

Miss Rafferty and Miss Pringle

Primary 2 10.6.20

Good morning Primary 2!

How are you all this morning? We have had great feedback about the voiceover powerpoints and the recorded stories which is good to hear.  You have been great at uploading pictures of your work and activities. It is nice to see how everyone is getting on at home.


BBC Bitesize

Remember BBC Bitesize have been posting 3 lessons a day which cover many aspects of the curriculum. Yesterday’s Maths lesson was counting in 5s and Literacy lesson was about how to write questions correctly. Primary 2 have covered both these but it would be fantastic activities for you to complete as some revision.


Oxford Owl

Please continue to practise your reading skills with books you have in the house or the ones online. Choose a book appropriate to your age and stage. You might want to follow up your reading with a book review, quiz, prediction or writing a new ending for the story.


Travel Tokoyo

We know that P2 are so active and we can see that in some of your uploads in Learning Journals. Can you all remember to log your activity under our school? Teachers have also been logging their activities too!


Save the Bees!

Why are bees so important to the world?

Bees are vitally important for everyone. Honey bees make honey by mixing nectar with enzymes and by fanning the mixture with their wings to help the water to evaporate. They also make beeswax that we can use in cosmetics, candles and furniture polish. But, overall, they also do so much more…

Bee Spotting

Why not see if you can spot some bees?

What sort of bees can you see?

Mated queen bees are the first to be seen in the spring searching for new colony sites. As spring progresses smaller worker bees take over food collection while the queen lays more and more eggs. You can start seeing bees when the warmer spring weather starts and can usually see bumblebees before honey bees.



If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to get in touch. We hope you all have a wonderful day!

Miss Rafferty and Mrs Oliver

Primary 2 9.6.20

Good morning Primary 2!

Happy Tuesday! Have you managed to watch some of the powerpoints to help with your learning? We hope that you have found them useful. Remember to keep posting in the Learning Journals so we can comment on all your hard work.

Let’s get moving

Why don’t you try one of this Just Dance’s that we know you all love!


Article 42- Knowledge of Rights

Governments must actively work to make sure children and adults know about the Convention. Here are some activities for you to do to help understand this Article :

  • Have a look and a listen to some of the songs and videos made by schools to hep children learn about rights. Which one do you like best? Share this with your family and safely on-line with your friends.
  • If you were a teacher of very young children, how would you help them to understand about their rights. This video made by Unicef Australia might help to get you started.



Through our topic of Hot and Cold Countries you have been learning about animals from all over the world. A great way to see some of them is to watch the live cams from Edinburgh Zoo. Why don’t you check in on them now and again to see what they are up to.


If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to get in touch. We hope you all have a wonderful day!

Miss Rafferty and Miss Pringle

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