Staff List 2022-2023

2022-2023 Staff List

Head Teacher – Miss Millar

Depute Head Teacher – Mrs Weir

Principal Teacher and P7A Teacher – Mrs Gilmour

P7A – Mrs C. Muir (Tuesdays)

P7B – Miss Ross (supply teacher)

P6A – Mrs Scott

P6B – Mrs Wylie

P5A – Mr Drysdale

P5B – Mrs Jamieson

P4A – Mrs Fletcher

P4B – Miss Morris

P3A – Miss L. Smith

P3B – Miss Rafferty

P2A – Mrs L. Muir & Mrs Steel

P2B – Miss Munro

P1A – Mrs Macaulay

P1B – Miss Purvis

RCCT Cover – Mrs L. Oliver & Mrs C. Muir

P.E – Mrs Ferguson

Writing Support – Mrs M. Smith

Cosy Corner – Mrs Donaldson

The Hive – Mr Woodward

Pupil Support Workers:

Mrs Sneddon

Miss MacLaughlin

Miss Lee

Mrs Spence

Mrs MacMillan

Mrs Drummond

Mrs Scott

Mrs Shiach

Mrs Harding

Office Staff – Mrs Wotherspoon and Mrs McLean


Early Learning & Childcare Area Support Manager – Miss McQuade

Early Years Officers – Mrs Tartaglia and Miss Robertson

Early Years Practitioners – Mrs Killips, Miss Hambling, Mrs Clark, Miss Jarvie, Miss Allen, Miss Marsh

Pupil Support Workers – Miss Lee and Miss Gilani

FMA – Mr Walker and Mr Montgomery


Scottish Poetry Finalists 2022

Well done to everyone who took part in our Scottish Poetry Recital competition. It was a tough decision for our learners to vote on their two best performances from each class to share with the school. Please see the link below to watch each finalist recite their poem.

1st and 2nd place will be awarded on Wednesday 2 February with all children receiving a certificate.

We are so proud of everyone that took part and for our families taking the time to practise their poems at home! #achieve

Primary 4 8.10.21

This week has been very busy in Primary 4! We have finished our class novel ‘Yours Sincerely, Giraffe’ and have spent time preparing for our costume party! Photos of the costume party will be posted on our P4 Twitter page when available and we hope the pupils have a lot of fun! The costumes are looking spectacular!

A link to our Twitter can be found here:

We had a very active French session finding classroom items in French all over the classroom with our French scavenger hunt. In Topic we learned all about Scottish food and produce which made Mr Woodward very hungry! We looked at produce from all over Scotland and the pupils designed some delicious looking dishes to share their knowledge of what is grown and farmed in Scotland.

We have developed our reading further with a great lesson with some other cluster schools on Teams. Pupils learned the art and importance of questioning throughout reading and there were great links to our clarifying and predicting lessons! The story was superb and engaged everyone well and we are looking forward to putting our skills into practice after the holidays!

Thank you to all our amazing parents for your support and hard work this term. We hope you and our hard-working pupils have a lovely week off and we look forward to seeing you all after the holiday!

Miss Morris and Mr Woodward

Primary 6 7/10/2021

This week in Primary 6, we have been learning how to multiply and divide numbers by 10, 100 and 1000 through a combination of number and worded questions.

To apply for the position of pupil council representative the children had to  complete a job application form. The children had to think about the skills and qualities they would need to be a good pupil council representative.

In reading, the children analyzed a passage which described a setting in great detail.  The children had to identify the adjectives and other key words which helped visualize where the setting. The children loved using this information to draw and colour the setting.

In Spanish P6 have been learning how to say colours and in French they have been learning to describe their hair and eye colour in detail.


Thank you for your continued support


Have a lovely October break!


Mr Drysdale and Mrs Scott

Primary 2 4.10.21

This week Primary 2 are learning the ea sound in phonics. We will be thinking of words with this sound pattern in them and learning to read and write these words correctly.
How many ea words can you find in this silly ea song? 

In maths we are learning to skip count in 3s and 4s and to find the number before and after a number. The children loved celebrating maths week Scotland last week and enjoyed taking part in activities using a wide variety of maths skills.
We are now well into our learning about Romans and the Roman Empire. This week we are focusing on what life was like for Roman citizens living in Rome. We will look at what life was like for children, what foods they ate and what they did for entertainment.
A reminder that Parent consultations are this coming Wednesday and Thursday nights on Skype. We look forward to meeting with you to discuss the progress your child is making.
Thank you for your continued support.
The P2 teachers

Primary 3 4.10.21

Primary 3 really enjoyed participating in Maths Week Scotland last week. We tweeted our activities every day and Maths Week Scotland even liked some of our tweets!

We worked hard in writing- learning how to write a recount. We have been using our core and genre targets to help us succeed in this! The children have really started to improve and they are very happy with their progress.

The children have been learning how to share their thoughts and opinions about a book or piece of text. They are now able to explain why they like or dislike a story.

We have set homework for this week and the children will come home with a new reading book today. If you have any more pictures of your sunflowers we would love to see them posted on seesaw. We are also still collecting for Harvest so if you have anything going spare we would love to take it off your hands. Primary 3 did really well last week for Waste Free Wednesday so thank you for helping make this a success! We will continue with this on Wednesday.

We look forward to seeing and speaking to you all during parents evening!

Any questions, please feel free to get in touch. If you would like regular updates then please follow us on twitter: @MissRafferty4 and @MissBonar_

Miss Rafferty and Miss Bonar

Primary 4 1.10.21

Hello everyone,

It has been another great week in P4.

In reading, we have been working on developing our clarifying skills. Primary 4 know that there are many strategies we can try if we are unsure what something means and this week we had a go at using a Frayer model. The children did really well with this.

In topic, we made fantastic Nessie models from different materials. All the children were very creative and we loved how unique every design was! Check out our twitter for photos. We have also been continuing to develop our ICT skills to research landmarks.

In maths, Primary 4 have been learning the difference between am and pm when telling the time. We then looked at how the sky changes throughout the day and how it helps to show the passing of time. The children created lovely art today to show this.

A little reminder that the school photographer is in school next Monday and Tuesday so please ensure your child wears their school uniform on Monday rather than their P.E. kit. They can bring their kit and get changed in school.

We look forward to meeting you (virtually!) at Parent’s Evening next week.

Have a lovely weekend!

Miss Morris and Mr Woodward

Primary 6 30.9.21

Hello everyone

We have had an excellent week so far in Primary 6. If you would like more regular updates please check our Twitter pages @Mrs_ScottCPS and @MrDrysdale4.

Parents evenings take place next Wednesday and Thursday on Skype. Appointments will take place between 4-6:30pm on both evenings. If you would like an appointment please check your email from the school or contact the school office. We look forward to speaking to you then!

In Topic this week we have been continuing our AAL lessons (Anywhere, Anytime Learning). In these lessons children can use their own devices from home. The children have been working very responsibly with their devices and have been using them to research aspects of our Industrial Revolution Topic. Today we explored the evolution of the telephone over time. We worked in groups to research different types of phones that have been used over time and then created our own group timelines. These are looking fantastic so far!

In Numeracy we are continuing to explore place value looking at numbers with 5, 6, 7 and 8 digits! We have partitioned, ordered and compared these types of numbers and next week we will add, subtract, multiply and divide using these larger numbers. As it is Maths Week Scotland this week we have also been completing some extra challenges in class. Yesterday we learned about tessellation and created our own tiling patterns which we then turned into animals!

We have been very impressed with the children’s writing over the past few weeks! We have been working on recount writing and the children are really getting to grips with writing in the past tense, including time connectives and writing in chronological order. The children are also challenging themselves to include extra details and information to make sure their writing is interesting. Well done Primary 6!

– The school photographer is visiting the school next Monday and Tuesday to take individual and family photographs. Because of this please send your child to school on Tuesday in normal school uniform and not PE uniform in case they need their photo taken.
– Homework is due next Friday 8th October (with the exception of the -Inventors challenge which is due in after the October Holidays).

Thank you for your support. Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Scott & Mr Drysdale

Primary 7

“Your deeds are your monuments”

( Wonder by R.J.Palacio)

Mr Browne’s percept this week created some interesting discussing in class. We thought August summed it up very well, “The things we do are the most important things of all…That’s why your deeds are like your monuments. Built with memories instead of with stone. “

In the first section of the book we listened to the voice of August, the second section is told through August’s big sister Via. It opens with the words, “Far above the world, planet earth is blue”. We wonder is anyone knows were these words come from?

Linked to our topic, we have started to research natural disasters and we have decided we are rather lucky that Scotland is not near the ‘Ring of Fire’!  We have issued a ‘Big Homework’ task, completed tasks should be returned to school by Monday 25th October . Each pupil has a copy of the homework and details can be found on Teams.

Participating in Scottish Maths week, Primary Seven learned about M.C Escher and created some impressive tessellations of their own.


PE – Outdoor Kit Mondays

Indoor Kit Wednesdays

Thank for your continued support.

Sayonara !

Mrs Wylie  and Miss Kane



Primary 2 27.9.21

We hope that you all had a lovely weekend.
This week we are learning the ‘ay’ sound in phonics. The children will be spotting ‘ay’ words in sentences, reading ‘ay’ words and writing ‘ay’ words on their magnetic letter boards. Here is a video where your child can practise reading ‘ay’ words at home.

How many more ‘ay’ words can you think of?
It is Maths Week Scotland and so the children will be taking part in lots of fun maths related activities all week. Today we made 100 square jigsaws for our friends to put back together. Check out our Twitter page @Carmondean2b to see some of the other lessons we will be trying this week.
The children are loving learning all about the Romans. Today we made Roman shields using wax crayons and paint. We learnt about some of the armour Roman soldiers had to carry as they travelled about the empire. We are also going to be looking at the clothes Roman citizens had to wear later in the week.
A reminder that PE days are Wednesday and Thursdays. As the weather gets colder please make sure that your child comes to school ready for winter weather. It is helpful to have a coat every day even if the forecast isn’t for rain!
Thank you for your continued support.
Primary 2 teachers.

Primary 3 27.9.21

We had another great week in Primary 3 last week, all be it just a short week! We learned how to round to the nearest 10 using the rule of 5 in numeracy and learned 3 new sounds in phonics – u_e, a_e and ea. We also had a lovely lesson making acrostic poems using the word ‘weather’.

This week is maths week so we will be doing lots of maths based activities. For example, making carroll diagrams using objects from nature and creating rangoli patterns using our knowledge of 2D shape.

We will be collecting in the current reading books today (Monday 27th) and giving out new books which the children should read at least three times at home. There is also a new homework grid on seesaw for this week. Well done to the children who completed some of the activities on last week’s homework grid, there was some fantastic work!

Last week we started a new piece of writing, still within the genre of recount, which we will finish this week with Mrs Smith. We are writing all about what we got up to during the long weekend.

Our topic focus for this week is extreme weathers, so we will be looking at the causes of these kinds of weathers with a focus on climate change and the effects that they can have.

Just another reminder that you can follow us both on twitter at @MissBonar_ and @MissRafferty for more regular updates and snapshots of what we have been doing throughout the week.

Miss Bonar and Miss Rafferty

Primary 4 17.9.21

Hi everyone!

Primary 4 have had a very busy week!

In Writing the children completed their recount about crash landing on the moon and meeting an alien! We have been working hard to make sure we are using time words (first, then, next etc.) and reading over our work to make sure it all makes sense.

In Maths we have been focusing on time over the last few weeks. The children so far have been learning to tell the time in 5-minute intervals on an analogue clock and we have just started to look at digital time. Please ask your child to tell you the time at home to show you what they know and for a wee extra practise!

In ICT we are continuing to practise logging on and using Teams. We have also been developing our research skills by finding information about Edinburgh Castle on a website and transferring this onto a word document. The children worded really well on this and some even managed to add pictures to their document too.

In RME we are learning about the importance of water in religion and this week Primary 4 had a go at baptising a baby (doll!). Check out our Twitter for some photos! (@CarmondeanP4)

Have a lovely long weekend everyone!

Miss Morris and Mr Woodward

Primary 1 – 17.09.21

In Primary one we have had a very busy first few weeks at school. We have all settled in really well and know the daily routines of primary one. We have enjoyed taking part in a range of activities and learning experiences through play.

In literacy we have been learning the following sounds: s, a, t, p, n, i. We have been identifying words that begin with these sounds and practising our letter formations. We have had some reading books home and have been reading in class every day. Please ensure your child has their reading folder in their bag each day.

In numeracy we have been focusing on number formations and counting forwards and backwards. Backwards is quite tricky but we all try very hard! We have been focusing on money – looking at different ways to pay and identifying coins. We enjoy paying for our hairstyles and food from the café in our playroom!

Through our play, the children have become very interested in babies and families. It would be great if you could send in any baby photos (on Seesaw or physical photos) of your child.


  • All children should have indoor shoes.
  • Please ensure water bottles only contain water in them.
  • PE days are Monday and Wednesday.
  • Reading books are handed out on a Monday and must be returned on a Friday. We are using these everyday so it would be great if your child could have their reading folders in their bags every day.


Thank you for your continued support,

Mrs Macaulay, Mrs Muir & Mrs Steel

Primary Five: 16.09.2021

Hello from Primary 5,

In Maths this week, we have been working on properties of 2D Shapes. Both classes blew their teachers socks off with their knowledge of quadrilaterals and polygons! We had lots of fun using the peg-boards and rubber bands to create the different shapes.

In Reading, we have been continuing with our class novel ‘The Boy at the Back of the Class’. This week’s chapter discussed the tough journey Ahmet travelling from Syria to England without his family and the children discussed how Ahmet might have been feeling during this hard experience.

During writing, we completed our recounts of Ahmet’s first day of school in England. The children used information from the text and their own imagination to create some excellent recounts. We have begun to look at self-assessing our writing to see if we are hitting all our core and genre targets as we write.

In Numeracy, we zoomed through lots of work on Rounding and Sequencing numbers.

During Topic this week, we followed Amal into Greece and created our own fact-files for this new country. We learned about the key information, culture and lifestyle in the country. We were quite surprised how much foods we eat here in Scotland are actually from Greece originally!

We also finished some great art pieces this week connected to Turkey! The beautiful Iznik designs that are common across Turkish cities are made up of intricate designs and vibrant colours, and the classes did an excellent job at re-creating these.

A gentle reminder about PE kit. On Wednesday and Thursday, please ensure your child is wearing the school approved PE kit (navy blue or black joggers/leggings, white t-shirt and a navy jumper). Thank you very much!

Have a lovely September holiday,
Mrs Jamieson and Ms Munro

Primary 6 wb 13/9/21

Hello everyone

It has been another busy week in Primary 6 this week! In Spanish we have been learning how to pronounce colours and write the colours in words using the feminine and masculine spellings. In French we have consolidated our knowledge of the numbers from 1-100 through dance!

In Technologies we have continued exploring coding. Last week, we learned that algorithms are instructions for computers and they need to be very accurate. This week, we have applied this knowledge to create instructions to get from one object on our table to another. We have used our knowledge of angles and compass points to design our instructions and then tested the accuracy of the instructions using tape. If our instructions were not correct we had to “debug” them by fixing them.

In maths we have been learning about different types of angles such as acute, right angled and obtuse. We have also learned that the total amount of degrees in a shape can vary. We used our problem solving skills to find the missing angle in triangles and quadrilaterals.

In P.E we are beginning to develop our football skills! We have been practising using our right and left foot to dribble and pass the ball.



The latest homework grid is now on teams and is due to be completed on the 24th September.


Enjoy the rest of your week


Mr Drysdale & Mrs Scott

Primary 3 wb13/9/21

We had a great week last week learning about the water cycle and creating our very own weather forecasts. We hope you enjoyed watching their weather report on Seesaw. The children were all very nervous but they all did a fantastic job at creating their forecast and presenting it, using some key weather words. Well done Primary 3!

This week in maths, we are learning about place value and the importance of zero when breaking numbers down into Hundreds, Tens and Ones. We are also learning about the properties of pentagons, hexagons and octagons!

New reading books have been issued today and our focus in reading is summarising. We are learning how to summarise a story using pictures and sentences. We are working hard to share the main points of a story using key questions such as; who, what, why, where and when.

Mrs Smith will be writing with us again. We will write the second half of our recount about a typical school day. Children are working hard to use their core and genre targets to help give their writing a focus.

In topic we are going to be investigating about how seasons are influenced by the orbit of the Earth around the sun. We will also identify which months fall into each season and how night and day changes through the seasons.

A new homework grid has been uploaded to Seesaw! Thank you to all the children who managed to complete the activities on last week’s grid. We loved all your posts and videos. Also if you have a managed to successfully grow your sunflower over the summer please send your pictures on Seesaw- we can use these to help boost our Eco School!

Remember you can get regular updates on Twitter by following us on @MissRafferty and @MissBonar_

Miss Rafferty and Miss Bonar

Primary 2 13.9.21

We have had another busy week in Primary 2.
This week we are beginning our new interdisciplinary topic looking at the Romans. Today we will be finding out what the children already know about the Roman empire and will be asking the children what they want to learn about during this topic. You might want to discuss this at home with your child over the next few days to see what they have been learning.
In phonics we are learning the sounds ck, ai, oy and oa. We are going to practise writing these sounds, reading words with these sound patterns and writing words. In writing this week we are going to be writing about a time we visited the park. If you have time to talk to your child about this before Wednesday it would help the writing process.
In maths we are learning to use a 100 square to find numbers and skip count in 2s. If you would like to practise finding numbers to 100 on a 100 square, here is a good interactive square you might want to use.
We are working towards our Eco schools accreditation. Here are some ways we are trying to be more eco friendly. The children are encouraged to recycle paper in the classroom and their crisp packets after snack. We are also asking the children to choose a ‘waste free’ snack on Wednesdays. Please send your child to school with a snack in a box or without a wrapper this day.
Thank you for your continued support.
Please get in touch if we can be of any help.
Miss Belleza and Miss Christy

Primary 5 10.9.21

In Primary 5 we have continued reading our novel The Boy at the Back of the Class.  This week we learned that the new boy, Ahmmet is a Syrian refugee who speaks Kurdish.

We have also met a new character called Amal.  She is a giant puppet who is making the journey from Syria to Britain and we are going to be researching the countries she will be visiting.  This week we researched facts about Turkey and made our own Iznik patterns.

We are working on recount in writing and this week we have started writing about Ahmmet’s first day at school.

In maths we have been working on place value and angles.

This week we took part in a live reading lesson on teams.  It was about prediction and  led by  Mrs Cochrane.  We took part with all the other P4 and 5 classes in the Deans cluster.

Homework grids have been put on teams and our first homework is due to be completed by Friday 17th September.  Please encourage your child to add homework to the files section of the homework channel or take photographs and add this to the chat.  Homework jotters are also available for anyone who needs them.

Have a lovely week

Mrs Jamieson and Miss Munroe

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