Primary 2 22.3.21

Primary 2 have settled well back into class. It feels like we have never been away.

We had great fun taking part in the Red Nose Day dress down on Friday. We also made Red Nose Day posters with our own jokes on them to make people laugh.

Our homework is being posted on seesaw regularly and it’s great to see so many children completing the seesaw activities! Reading books are coming out weekly and our P.E days are now on a Tuesday and Thursday (outside for both of them)

In writing we are doing lots of descriptive pieces. The children are using the describing bubble to help with identifying good adjectives to write descriptions about characters and settings. The children are trying to hard to hit all their core and genre targets. Well done Primary 2!

In maths we are working very hard on our 2, 5, and 10 times table. The children have been playing times table games, listening to times table songs and completing times table activities. Learning our times tables have been a challenge but the children are working hard! We have also been learning to tell the time (o’clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to) we have so much work to do on this as telling the time is very tricky if the skill is not being used regularly. If you could practise this at home, it would be appreciated.

We are still working our way through our Romans topic. The children have been learning about the Roman Gladiator and the activities that happened in the Colosseum. We also made Roman gladiator helmets and Roman soldier shields.

Thank you again for all your support and if you have any questions, please get in touch.

Miss Rafferty, Mrs Oliver and Mrs Harris

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