P6/7 Review of the Week 10.9.21

This week has been very busy.

We made an animation and created some optical illusions ysong photos.

We have been looking at the art work of Pablo Picasso and started our own self-portrait in the style of cubism. We will post pictures of the display when we are finished.

We have been learning to round large numbers in maths.

We have continued to learn about 2D shapes. We have learned about different types of triangles and their properties.

We researched facts about Ellie Simmonds and wrote a whole class description text based on her life.

We conitnued to read our class novel and designed a new friend to help support Bradley, the main character.

Please comment below to tell us one thing you have really enjoyed this week and one thing you want to work on next week?

Mrs Smith

P6 Review of the week

This week has been very busy.

We completed bikeability 1 which was great fun. We are looking forward to them returning in a few weeks.

We have been looking at the art work of Pablo Picasso and started our own self-portrait in the style of cubism. We will post pictures of the display when we are finished.

We have been learning to round large numbers in maths.

We have continued to learn about 2D shapes. We have learned about different types of triangles and their properties.

We researched facts about Ellie Simmonds and wrote a whole class description text based on her life.

We conitnued to read our class novel and designed a new friend to help support Bradley, the main character.

Please comment below to tell us one thing you have really enjoyed this week and one thing you want to work on next week?

Mrs Brown and Mrs Smith



A fun learning week in P2 !

We have been working very hard this week. Our new book for

Rhyme and Analogy is,” Scat, cat!” and our focus for rhyming patterns are :  at  in   ed  and og. We have been trying very hard to read along with the story, find the rhyming words on the page then think of others we know.


Can you find these rhyming patterns in books you read or signs you see at home?

We have been thinking about being good friends for HWB and also how we can be kind and caring towards others. We made friendship bracelets. Our first attempt with wool was a little tricky so, we tried an easier version with paper the next day. We were pleased with both designs.

For our senses work this week we explored smelling and it was fun smelling the different smells in the jars. Some of our guesses were quite close but, the onion salt had us puzzled – we thought it was crisps. That one had a strong smell and made our noses twitch!

In our play we have been having a great time exploring sight and making funny glasses. We have enjoyed being very creative in our designs. Maybe we have some opticians in the making!

We were so excited to discover what was in the box Mrs Little had dropped off. It was a box of dragons and dinosaurs and we had so much fun playing with them. Maybe next week we will get very creative with them in our play.

For our writing this week we spent a lot of time exploring describing words, looking very closely at the character of Tomas in our class novel and then drawing what we thought he looked like. We found the coloured picture on the cover gave us the most clues about what Tomas looks like.

We have been measuring with cubes today and we have started to have a guess   (  estimate)  measurements. Some of us have found it hard to understand that our guess can be quite different from the actual measurement.

Can you find anything at home that you think measures 15 cubes?

Thank you to everyone who has brought in a shoe box. A big thank you to Miss Muir who has been collecting boxes for all 3 classes!


Next week we might find out what we are going to do with the shoe boxes!



Our week in P7B

Primary 7B have had yet another busy week at school! Our Prefect Rotas have been put in place and some of the children have had the opportunity to carry out a range of jobs throughout the school. Thank you for all of your hard work!

In class we have:

  • Investigated the short e sound in spelling.
  • Revised and consolidated  decimal fractions, looking at tenths and hundredths. We have also continued to look at lines of symmetry in complex shapes and patterns.
  • Studied a piece of descriptive writing and examined it’s key features. We had a go at writing our own descriptive writing piece on the role of Firefighters.
  • Continued  our Novel Study, Divided City, and have had time to carryout our own research on a theme in the novel that interests us. Some of us have chosen religion, football or asylum seekers for example.
  • Looked at the work of Glasgow artist, Charles Rennie MacIntosh, and planning a piece of art which we will share with you next week.
  • Talked about the SHANARRI indicators in Health and Wellbeing and how these apply to us every day.
  • Watched our first school assembly of the year and were reminded of Skipper and the tools he uses to help him to be resilient.

Consider the points below and leave a comment:

1. What did I enjoy learning about most this week? Why?

2. What would you like to learn more about over the next few weeks?

3.  Which tools from Skipper’s toolkit did you use this week?

4. Did you help a classmate or pupil in the school this week? How did you help them and how did it make you feel afterwards?

P7A Review of the Week 10.9.21

We had some great weather earlier in the week so we have enjoyed doing some of our learning outside.  We have been learning about compass points and bearings following on from our work on Angles.

What else have we been up to this week?

  • Analysing a descriptive text and revising our knowledge of effective vocabulary.
  • Investigating other graphemes that make the short e sound in spelling
  • Reading more of our novel Wonder and exploring the music associated with some of the chapters.  We had a great discussion about Space Oddity by David Bowie followed by a look at a Picture book version and then a fun table quiz
  • Consolidating our knowledge of Place Value and Addition strategies in Numeracy
  • Investigating the angles in triangles and using what we found to calculate missing angles
  • We started a piece of Art linked to our novel study, description writing and Health & Wellbeing. We look forward to sharing these soon.
  • We watched a virtual assembly which reminded us about Building Resilience and the tools in Skipper’s toolkit.
  • Some of us started Prefect Duties and the rest of us are looking forward to ours over the next fortnight.

Time for Reflection

  1. When did you make a good decision this week?
  2. What would you change if you had the opportunity?
  3. Name one thing you are proud of this week.

Coal mining

We enjoyed being coal miners today and didn’t realise how tasty coal was!

We each had a chocolate chip cookie which represented a piece of the Earth and drew a habitat which grew on top of our piece of Earth. We then used a tooth pick to ‘mine’ the ‘coal’ out of our cookie.

We compared the Earth before and after mining and tried to put it back to how it was before we dug all the coal out – but it was impossible!

We decided the only way to tidy up was to eat the mess we had created!

short e spelling

bread breads breading breadstick breadwinner breadcrumbs
spread spreads spreading spreader spreadable spreadable
health healthy unhealthy healthier healthiest healthcare
breath breaths breathe breathing breathless breathes
earth earths earthly earthlings earthquake earthquakes
dread dreads dreaded dreading dreadful dreadlocks
thread threads threaded threading rethreaded threadbare
leisure leisurely leisurely leisurewear leisurewear leisurewear


Today we tested our parachutes. Our predictions of the larger parachute falling in the slowest time were correct.
We discovered the importance of carrying out a fair experiment. A few of us found this altered our results.

Sign language

The main character in our class novel, Max, is deaf and we have been thinking about how people can communicate if they can’t hear. Our challenge this week is to learn how to sign our name using sign language. Why don’t you have a go?