This week in P2/1

What a quick week!

This week in P2/1 we’ve been doing lots of reading. We’re enjoying reading in our groups and talking about the characters in the stories. On Monday we learned the y sound and did a great job thinking of lots of words starting with y. In our writing this week we wrote a story and drew a black pen picture of ourselves brushing our hair, focusing on the who, what and where. We practise writing on white boards every day – we write our key words, tricky words in our reading books and also use our sounds to make our own words.

In our handwriting lessons we start by working on our core, then our shoulders, then a crossing the midline activity and finally work with playdough to get strong fingers. This week we’ve made hedgehogs and dinosaurs. Then we practise our letter formation. This week we’ve looked at r and n.

In numeracy this week we’re continuing with our addition stories. We set up a Kingsland Shop and practised our adding and counting.

On Wednesday we watched an assembly with Mrs Hope, who told us all about St Andrew’s day and read a lovely poem. There was also a quiz and we found out about some of the other patron saints in the UK.

We’re continuing to talk about filling our buckets. In circle time we drew little pictures and talked about what had filled our buckets this week.

Review of the week

Well done everyone for working hard this week. Keep practising your times tables to help with your multiplication in maths!

Hopefully we will get to finish The Explorer next Week . I wonder how it will end? Will The Explorer help them?

We are planning a Christmas movie afternoon for the end of term so get your thinking caps on and nominate a U rated movie we can watch in class.
Enjoy  your long weekend.