Weekly Review 11/9/20 P5/6

This week we learned about the eye. We labelled a diagram then took part in some fun experiments to test our eyes.

We have also been busy designing our Christmas cards. We had to think creatively and be very careful when colouring.

We have also enjoyed:
-working collaboratively to create one large piece of art. (Look out for the finished piece next week.)
-learning about addition in maths. We have been challenged to add several large numbers together at once. We have focused this week on explaining the strategies we use to solve questions.
-P.E. We were working on our athletics skills again.
-learning about literal questions. We had to answer in sentences and we were challenged to create our own literal questions.
-Music. P6 have been using Garage band to create their own music. P5 are making their own pattern sequences in groups.
-Handwriting. We are working hard to practice our joins and earn pen licences.
-Writing our description text about Fleas. Some thought they were fascinating; some thought they were disgusting.
-learning about proper nouns and common nouns.

Weekly Review -11/9/20 P6/5

This week we learned about the eye. We labelled a diagram then took part in some fun experiments to test our eyes.

We have also been busy designing our Christmas cards. We had to think creatively and be very careful when colouring.

We have also enjoyed:

-working collaboratively to create one large piece of art. (Look out for the finished piece next week.)

-learning about addition in maths. We have been challenged to add several large numbers together at once. We have focused this week on explaining the strategies we use to solve questions.

-P.E. We were working on our athletics skills again.

-learning about literal questions. We had to answer in sentences and we were challenged to create our own literal questions.

-Music. P6 have been using Garage band to create their own music. P5 are making their own pattern sequences in groups.

-Handwriting. We are working hard to practice our joins and earn pen licences.

-Writing our description text about Fleas. Some thought they were fascinating; some thought they were disgusting.

-learning about proper nouns and common nouns.

Week ending 11th September 2020

We have had a very busy week.

We walked around Hay Lodge Park gathering ideas for our Descriptive Writing.  We will use our photos for our writing and our IMovie next week.

We were also very excited to find out what our Mouldy Food and Germs experiments would show.   The strawberries were very mouldy and mushy.  The cheese was also mouldy. Some of the bread had started to mould slightly.  We were looking at the colour and texture of the mould.  We decided to keep the food for another week and see what would be next to go mouldy.

We know that germs are everywhere but some places have more germs than others.  We grew germs on different surfaces;  table, floor, our hands, outside in soil and puddles.  The number of germs had grown so we did not need a microscope to see them.   Our growing germs on different surfaces showed us that the floor and our hands (even though we are washing our hands lots of times) had so many germs that the potato had turned all mushy.





Review of the Week wb 5/9/20

This week we have:

-Created a 3D art work as a class under the theme of staying connected.

-We learned about the eye and drew a diagram and labelled it.

-We took part in some addition lessons and learned about bridging with harder sums.

-We designed and coloured in our Christmas cards.

-We wrote a description about Helen Keller.

-We practised spelling words using long the ‘e’ sound.

What did you enjoy this week?

Review of the Week 11.9.20 P7A

P7A have had a great week and have finished it off by playing a whole class Kahoot! on what we’ve been learning about.

Comment below on:

1) Your best bit of the week

2) something new you learned

3) something that surprised you

4) something that challenged you

P7B Review of the Week 11.9.20

We’ve had a hardworking week this week and will all be glad of a rest this weekend!

Some of the highlights of our week have been –

  • Fruit floating and sinking science
  • Getting our prefect badges
  • Using a £1000000 budget to become property developers
  • Designing our Christmas cards

Comment below to summarise the week that you had. Explain what you did, what you enjoyed and what you found challenging.