P7B Review of the Week 11.9.20

We’ve had a hardworking week this week and will all be glad of a rest this weekend!

Some of the highlights of our week have been –

  • Fruit floating and sinking science
  • Getting our prefect badges
  • Using a £1000000 budget to become property developers
  • Designing our Christmas cards

Comment below to summarise the week that you had. Explain what you did, what you enjoyed and what you found challenging.

25 thoughts on “P7B Review of the Week 11.9.20”

  1. This week we did some of the fruit floating and sinking experiment which is on highlights yes I know.
    I got my prefect badge though and that was good.
    We practised our fractions today (Friday).
    We designed our Christmas cards and I’m glad mine came out great (yes it’s September.
    We did our spelling all days of the week apart from Saturday and Sunday.
    That was our week.

  2. I really like this week because I had fun doing the sink or float.
    It was a good week as well because of when we found out that we will do dalguise at home. I found it challenging when we did I the House profit of £1000000 . I really found this week enjoyable.

  3. I’ve had a great week even though I missed Monday & Tuesday.My favourite thing we did the week was designing the Christmas cards because I like colouring in.I found finding growth words today challenging because there wasn’t that many words I could think of.I also enjoyed watching videos today about the twin towers getting flew into, even though it was sad.Now I am glad it’s the weekend😂

  4. We did our Christmas cards this week, it was very fun because I love drawing and it reminded me of how Christmas is a only a couple of months away.
    We did PE and in PE we done a lot of games and throwing it was really fun.
    We done a Kahoot! Quiz today and it was very fun even though I didn’t win.
    I was really excited that I got my prefect badge today because I have always wanted to be a prefect.

  5. 1) The Science 🧫 with the fruit is the Big Orange/Little Orange 🍊, apple 🍎,banana 🍌 and lime.
    2)Doing the Christmas 🎄 cards and got to design them.
    3)Doing the throwing in P.E.
    4) Doing design for are sailboats ⛵️ later next week.
    5) Last but not least the Prefect Badges!!!!!

  6. This week we had lots of fun bits of work the most fun bit was the house work. Everyone got their prefect badges this week.
    I found doing the Christmas challenging because it was very stressful, because I finished it last minute. The fruit floating work twisted my mind.

  7. I enjoyed getting my prefect badge and I felt very proud of myself. I also enjoyed making my Christmas card because it made get in the mod for Christmas. I found having to think of sentences for our new spelling words challenging. But overall, I really enjoyed this week.

  8. I found the Kahoot that we did this week fun
    The float and sink science was also fun
    We got our prefect bages this week it was exiting to get them
    Finally deigning the Christmas cards was great

  9. I enjoyed doing the Christmas cards on Wednesday.
    It was good when we got our prefect badges and photo.
    I enjoyed Kahoot! today .
    I liked free write Friday because I rembered about an old comic strip I done ages ago so I wrote that.

  10. This week when me and my class tried out fruits that can float and fruits that can sink. I learnt that items have to have a hair bubbles in order to be able to float.
    I was glad when everyone in my year got a prefect badge because if anyone didn’t then I would feel sorry for them and they would probably be very sad, I think I’m going to make a great prefect.
    I think when me and Rayyan were doing the Using a £1000000 budget to become property developers we did good because we’re good at maths and it was fun.
    I think I did good when making my Christmas card because I was creative, it was very fun and I think I am good at thinking of ideas when designing.

  11. This week was really fun because we found out that we are having a home Dalguise and working as a team for the house task. Science was really fun too because we found out that lime sinks but nearly everyone thought that it would float. I also really enjoyed doing the Christmas card but the most fun thing was getting our prefect badges. There was nothing that really challenged me this week.

  12. This week we made our Christmas cards we got our prefect badges we planned how we will make a boat that floats On water we did a review of the week on Kahoot!
    I enjoyed planing my boat and I’m excited to make it and see if it floats.
    I also enjoyed making my Christmas cards (I made a bauble).
    Another thing I enjoyed was seeing if certain fruits floated .
    And last of all I enjoyed P.E when we were throwing the shots.

  13. I liked seeing if fruit would float above water and guessing what fruit would float or sink.

    I also liked doing the rotational symmetry because it was easy.

    I liked doing my Christmas card because I like to draw.

    I liked watching my friends do p.e while I got to sit on a bench.

  14. I enjoyed Kahoot on the ipads. I enjoyed getting my prefect badge. I enjoyed making the Christmas cards. I found counting in 100s hard.

  15. This week we got our Prefect badges, made Christmas in September and planned our boats to flout on water.I have enjoyed budgeting houses and designing them for maximum prophet.Also I enjoyed finding out that we will be having Dalgies at home.Last but not lest I enjoyed planning the boats that are meant to flout.

  16. This week I enjoyed getting my prefect badge and I liked the kahoot. I liked the kahoot because it tested all the things that I was taught this week. The thing that I found hard was the maths because I did not know how to write the answers in words. I am also really exited to start making the boats when I made my plan for it.

  17. This week I enjoyed doing the floating and sinking experiment because it was very shocking when I found out that the lime sunk.
    Also I enjoyed when Mrs Wilson came up to the classroom and have us our prefect badges. I found some of the questions in the Kahoot quiz challenging.

  18. This week was good because I got a prefect bagel .The Christmas card were really fun but it’s September. The Review of the week was fun because we did a cahoot quiz. We did Symmetry maths .

  19. This week I enjoyed making the Christmas cards because I enjoyed doing all of the little designs. I also enjoyed the floating and sinking experiment because I was shocked when I found that the lime had sunk. I enjoyed finding out about the twin towers.

  20. I enjoyed science because it was surprising to see the fruit sink and some of them I thought would float but sank.

    I did symmetry we drew shapes then traced them through into our jotters and I found it really fun.

    The most challenging thing was probably PE because of the running.

  21. I found the buying the houses fun. I found the writing challenging – spelling sleigh as it was really hard. I also found the Christmas cards fun. I was really happy when I got the prefect badge.

  22. This week was enjoyable because we did some research on catholic and Protestant churches. We also booked a prefect badge is this week. I found a Christmas card to be enjoyable because I love drawing and colouring. Was good because we got to do a cahoot quiz.

  23. I enjoyed doing the Christmas cards.
    I Enjoy getting a prefect badges.
    I also enjoyed trying to make a profit.
    I also enjoy Watching the fruit when is sunk and floated.

  24. I enjoyed doing the Christmas cards for this year because it got me in a Christmasy mood.
    I found thinking of sentences for our spelling words hard.
    But overall I really enjoyed this week.

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