Gruffalo Dice Game

In numeracy we played a Gruffalo dice game. Each number on the dice matched a part of the Gruffalo’s body. If you threw a 6 you drew a body, if you threw a 5 you drew his head, a 4 was his legs ……. it was great fun!

Meeting Mr Tall!

We having been thinking about words  with the “t” sound. Mrs Collins told us a funny story about a tennis match. We then made  our own Mr Tall to take home , drew tigers and practised writing the letter “t”.

P7B Skipper Task

Our next Skipper topic is ‘Look on the Bright Side’. Harvard University research on positive psychology shows that gratitude is strongly and consistently associated with greater happiness. Gratitude helps people feel more positive emotions, relish good experiences, improve their health, deal with adversity, and build strong relationships. People feel and express gratitude in multiple ways.

What are you grateful for and how could you show it?

It’s not a stick!

It’s been another busy week in Primary 2/1. We are continuing our Stickman topic – we finished our stick children for our display, made a story map of all the places the Stickman visited and wrote postcards from his adventures. We then developed our sequencing skills to give our friends instructions to get the stickman safely home to the family tree, avoiding all the obstacles!

As well as The Stickman we’ve been reading lots of stories, including It’s Not a Stick. We then worked together to be imaginative with our sticks, which are not sticks but a boat, a fire, noughts and crosses, a snowflake, a house for a mouse, a ladder, a gate, Peebles and many more!

We’ve also made a start on our phonics this week, looking at ‘s’ and ‘a’. In numeracy we’re counting out objects, working on recognising numbers and practising the correct number formation. We’ve also spent lots of time developing our fine motor skills with the plasticine and playdough.

Every day we’re having lots of chats about germs and the importance of handwashing. We’ve discussed how germs are spread and how they get into our bodies. We created our own germ monsters and have also carried out an experiment to see which bread goes mouldy first – the one we touched with clean hands and the one we touched with dirty hands. Watch this space!

We are grateful for ….

Today in Assembly Mrs Wilson asked us to think about what we are grateful for ………………………

Mrs Scott is grateful for her loving, kind and  helpful family as well as her kind, helpful and supportive colleagues.

Lucy is grateful for her home.

Maisie is grateful for her dog called Seb who she loves.

Olly is grateful for his family.

Vinny is grateful for his Xbox.

Mea is grateful for all her friends.

Isla and Evan are grateful for their family.

Aidan is grateful for his cat Flo.

Kirsty is grateful for her home.

Adam is grateful all the wonderful animals.

Ben is grateful for his house/home.

Scarlett is grateful for her dog Angel.

Charlie is grateful for his car.

Jack is grateful for his bed where he can rest and relax.

Annabelle is grateful for all the things she has in her bedroom.

Niamh is grateful for Victor her guinea pig.

Flo is grateful for her guinea pigs Patch and Axel.

Lewis is grateful for education, he missed coming to school during lockdown.

Megan is grateful for her dog.

Ruby is grateful for the beautiful place she lives.

Sam is grateful for all the wonderful food.

Anna is grateful for her cat Tonks.

Gabriel is grateful for being a school.

Aimee is grateful for her house.

Chloe is grateful for her dogs Nellie and Portia.

Ben is grateful for aeroplanes.

Millie is grateful for her wonderful house.

Jamie is grateful for clean air.

Evie is grateful for her dog Maizy.

Alex is grateful for his fabulous life.

Gregor is grateful for his family.

We are all (most of us) grateful to be back at school.


17.8.20 weekly review

Our class novel is Max and the Millions. We have been working on creating different perspectives when we draw. This is a self portrait from the perspective of Luke. (He is one of the millions in our story.)

We have also enjoyed:

-Our first session of P.E. with Mrs Fletcher

-Making leaves to add to our “Tou-can” do it display

-Having fun in our classroom

-Our first music lesson with Mrs Inglis. We learned about rhythm and beat. We also started to learn about the Garage Band App on our i-pads.

-Writing descriptions about characters in our novel.

-We started perspective skyscraper artwork. Lookout for examples next week.

-Watching our first virtual assembly.

-Learning about the properties of 2D shapes and place value in large numbers.

P4A- We are grateful for…

In P4A we are grateful for many things! Here are a few of our ideas.

We are grateful for…

..schools to be back.

…our families.

…our pets.

…being able to do stuff again.

…the scientists working on medicine for Coronavirus.

…our friends.

Wow what a list!



Week Review 21.8.20

Our class novel is Max and the Millions. We have been working on creating different perspectives when we draw. This is a self portrait from the perspective of Luke. (He is one of the millions in our story.)

We have also enjoyed:

-Our first session of P.E. with Mrs Fletcher

-Making leaves to add to our “Tou-can” do it display

-Having fun in our classroom

-Our first music lesson with Mrs Inglis. We learned about rhythm and beat.

-Writing descriptions about characters in our novel.

-We started perspective skyscraper artwork. Lookout for examples next week.

-Watching our first virtual assembly.

-Learning about the properties of 2D shapes and place value in large numbers.