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I am taking on blogging as part of a whole school working group/ committee. I was wondering how I can set myself up as an administrator for this site?
Thank you,
Jenny Stewart
Hi Jenny,
Presuming you have a glow account:
You will be the Admin of any blog you create.
If the blog is preexisting the current Admin can make you an Admin too:
If your school has a blog where it has lost the admin account, you need to raise a cal lwith RM through your Local Authority contact.
I am trying to import from my existing site but It says “No importers are available”
When i click on tool then import.
Hi Sarita,
The importer has moved to a plugin, you need to active this before it is avaliable.
I am also having problems with users not being able to access each other accounts which they could do before the switch over. A number of users are showing PENDING and I am not sure what to do now.