Primary 7B Roundup

We have had an interesting and varied week in Primary 7!

In writing we have been continuing to engage with a range of different Information Reports. We were inspired by our Rainforest topic and had a go at writing our own on the layers of the rainforest. We used our interactive pictures to help us. We also had a focus on editing and typing our final draft afterwards.

We have also focused on writing summaries and had to summarise a Halloween story. By writing on a post-it note, we had to focus on the key parts of the story as we didn’t have much space.

We have been learning about factors and multiples in maths and have been concentrating on improving our knowledge of times tables.

In Health and Wellbeing, we have been talking about about being responsible and staying safe online. We started off by thinking about what our own ‘Digital Footprint’ would look like. We started off by drawing around our feet and then filling it with apps, websites and TV channels that we access. We will continue our learning by exploring what online friendships might look like, online privacy and will discuss sharing images. More resources can be found on the following website:

Back in August, we entered a poster competition for COP26 run by the Peebles Rotary Club. We were very proud to learn that Zack’s poster design was selected as a winner from across the Peebles schools. Well done!

P7A Review of the week 22.10.21

It’s been a short but busy week!

We had our Live Coding lesson on Tuesday and have been continuing working on our App designs each afternoon.  We now know how to link icons to different slides in Keynote to make our Prototype ‘work’ like a real App. We’ve used some other coding apps too and Mrs Little had a very exciting evening chatting about Coding with Tim Cook from Apple!

We have also been working on some illustrations for a special project – more information on this soon.

  1. What have you been most proud of this week?
  2. What has made learning difficult for you this week?
  3. What are you looking forward to next week?


P7B’s Busy Week!

This week in P7 we have learned a lot even though we were off on Monday. We have done a lot of maths, from our times tables needing to be lightning fast and learning all our angles with a protractor. One of the coolest things we did was draw jungle animals mouths measured by a protractor.

In writing and literacy we have learnt all about information reports and similes which can be fun to use out of context. We have also looked at ideas for Dalguise funds.

Plus we had a bonus lesson on Tuesday! we had a live lesson for Code Week. We made a plan for a potential app using keynote and there is a competition to choose the best app idea. The winning child’s school will win an Inspire Sphero robot.

Lastly we began to look at our topic which is…Tropical Rain Forests! We look forward to learning more throughout the term.

(By Lochain McNae)

EU Codeweek Lesson LIVE from Kingsland

What an afternoon! Kingsland were delighted to host Paul and Andrew from Inspire Learning for a Live Lesson on Coding to begin our learning for  Europe Code Week.  All of the P4-7 classes joined live from their classrooms along with at least 60 other classes from Primary Schools across the Borders!

The theme for the day was designing an App that could be used by many people with Inclusivity as a key focus. After Paul talked us through the initial part of the task, P7A and Mrs Little were delighted to share some of their ideas LIVE on with all the other pupils and schools.  A HUGE well done to all the pupils who spoke and shared their work.We gave a big shout out to all the other classes at Kingsland who we know were also producing some great ideas and were rewarded with a huge cheer!

Then it was time to get down to the task properly.  We learned how real App designers Prototype their ideas before they get to the coding stage. We did this using Keynote on our iPads and are looking forward to learning how to add hyperlinks in our next lesson. There is a competition across the Borders for the best Prototype Design which excited a lot of pupils!

Our First P7 Prefect Break

As a thank you to our Prefects for their hard work over the past five weeks, our P7s were rewarded with a choice of activities for their Prefect Break. The children were asked to vote for their choices on Microsoft Teams and the answers were collated.

Some of the children enjoyed Just Dance. Our favourite songs included the football Waka Waka, Footloose and the Ghostbusters theme tune!

We were creative with Lego!

Some of us participated in an Autumn craft and made a tea light cover.

There was also a Kahoot quiz where we worked in groups.

Keep up the hard work P7 and remember to keep upholding our school rules and values. Happy holidays!

P7A Review of the Week 1.10.21

Highlights of the week:

  • Taking part in the Sumdog Contest for Maths Week Scotland.  7761 classes entered so we were pleased to finish 166th as a class.  Particular well done to Ben G who came 24th out of 74 934 students!
  • Using different strategies to solve Subtractions
  • Reading more of our Novel Wonder.  We have been discussing how different people can have differing views on the same event and how you never really know what is going on in someone else’s life.
  • Writing descriptions of local or world famous Landmarks.
  • Reading our new Graphic novels and comic books
  • Getting our prefect badges
  • Taking photographs for a project with our partner school in Nepal with a focus on Sustainability.

Primary 7 Prefect Badge Awards

Today was an important day in Primary 7 as we have all been working towards earning our prefect badges. We have started our prefect jobs around the school and we are trying hard to follow our school rules. We were all very proud to receive our badges. Keep working hard everyone!

Think about the questions below and post your responses:

1. What are our three school rules?

2. What can I do to make Kingsland a better place?

3. How did I feel when I received my badge?

Primary 7B Highlights of the Week

This week we have been continuing with our descriptive writing, revising place value and addition and some of us attended an online meeting about Dalguise.

For PE we have been focusing on hockey this term and enjoyed a few games in the MUGA.

We have been learning about forces and were inspired by P7A’s zip lines so thought we would have a go ourselves. After the challenge , we discussed what the children found most difficult. Some said sharing the resources, others said adapting their designs and plans if they didn’t work. We saw some great team work and innovative ideas. Well done everyone!



We were excited to learn that we will be taking part in a global challenge at part of COP26 and have been partnered up with a school in Nepal. The children had to take part in a number of activities to help introduce ourselves to the pupils in Nepal. One of our tasks was to take photos of different parts of the school. Have a look at some of the fantastic photos taken by the children below.

Consider the questions below and post your responses:

1. One important thing I have learned this week was…

2. What was most difficult this week? How did you overcome this difficulty?

3. Can you think of a time where someone in the class has gone above and beyond to help someone else? What did they do?

4. Which tools from Skipper’s toolkit have you used this week?

Reading is fun…especially with new books!

P7 recently expressed a wish for some comics and graphic novels in our class libraries.  Thankfully, our friends at local shop Subacomic were only too happy to help.  Clare was really helpful in suggesting suitable titles and even gave us some free comics.  We are loving exploring the huge selection of comics and books and many of us have enjoyed having the chance to try something new.  Thank you also to Mrs Ward for giving us some money to spend to enhance our reading materials.

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