Highlights of our Week by P7

Here are some of our highlights of the week as sketched by P7B:

We were also rewarded with a Prefect Break where we enjoyed mixing with our peers. We enjoyed table tennis, advent crafts, Just Dance, a Kahoot quiz and some free time on the iPads. Thank you for your continued hard work Primary 7!

P7B Rainforest Work

Primary 7B have been learning about the various tribes that live in the Amazon rainforest. We have been carrying out research to write diaries through the eyes of a child living in the rainforest and we are going to write our final information report on our choice of rainforest tribe.

We have particularly enjoyed creating these beautiful pictures of Kayopo tribe children and used a range of cutting techniques and materials. We have been amazed with the results.

Our Highlights of the Week – P7B

We have had a brilliant week in P7b. We were so impressed with the P7A blog post from last week, we decided to copy their idea! The children had a think about what learning they have enjoyed and created an image on SketchesSchool. Have a look below at our work:

I have also added some additional multiplication and division worksheets to our P7B Teams page under the he files section should anyone want to have a go at home. If you e-mail your work, I am always happy to have a look at it and provide feedback 😀

P7A Review of the Week 19.11.21

P7A have had quite a creative week this week.  We collaborated on an image for the Whole School story about Harry the Hedgehog and are really pleased with how it turned out.  Each individual part of this image was created on our own iPads using Sketches School and then we used Instant Alpha in keynote to remove the background so the images could be layered on top of each other to create one big picture.

We also made some fabulous mixed media artwork of rainforest macaws.  We used glue spreaders instead of brushes to add texture to the feathers and then added detail with coloured pencils, oil pastels or felt pens.

1) Name one thing you have found challenging this week.  What did you do or what do you still need to help you tackle it?

2) Name one thing you have worked hard on this week.  Why are you proud of it?


That’s not my…Primary 1! Book Week in P7B and P1B

This week we have been looking at ways which we can help the Primary 1s foster a love of reading and Primary 7 helped to create some fantastic templates to take their learning outside.

The classes helped to wake BookBug up as he was taking a nap! We sang a lovely ‘Hello’ song and met our group. We read our touchy-feely books and used different words to describe the toys we had. Some of the words we heard were smooth, fluffy, rough, bumpy and soft.

Then the Primary ones had to use their templates to find different surfaces and textures around their playground. We all had great fun in our groups and showed good listening and problem solving skills.

We finished by tidying our books and toys away and sang our ‘Goodbye’ song. We are all looking forward to hearing the other exciting activities going on around the school for Scottish Book Week. Well done everyone!

P7A Review of the Week

We’ve had a great week in P7A and everyone has been really settled and working hard!

We’ve continued our learning about Rainforests, learned about Remembrance, tried some new trick and tips for getting the most from our iPads and began work on Division and Pie charts.

We decided to do our individual reviews in a different way this week so here are a few of our Sketch Notes with some of our highlights:

Primary 7B Highlights W/C: 8.11.21

We have had another jam-packed week in P7B and we are continuing to work hard and utilise our tools from Skipper’s toolkit.

We have continued to work on note-taking which has been helping us with our research for our information report writing.

In reading, we have been engaging with our new PM Reading resources, looking at non-fiction texts. We have been looking  at different language features, technical vocabulary and grammar. The class have also enjoyed working in groups to support each other with their reading and comprehension questions. Well done everyone!

In maths, we have been revising division of 2, 3 and 4 digit numbers and have been learning how to interpret line graphs and pie charts.

The class have had a focus on Remembrance throughout the week and have watched interviews with evacuees, took part in a Remembrance themed ‘Live Lesson’ and have reflected on how Remembrance makes us feel. Many of the children took a keen interest into the different roles that the armed forces undertake.

Everyone worked hard to produce these striking Poppy pictures which we will display in the classroom. Some of the children also had the opportunity to write some moving poems about Remembrance too.

Look at the questions below and post your responses:

1. What was the most enjoyable task you completed this week? Why did you enjoy this?

2. Was there anything that you found difficult? How did you overcome this?

3. Have you done anything this week to help someone else?

P7A Review of the week 5.11.21

One of the highlights for P7A this week was watching the live streaming of The Lorax from The Old Vid on Tuesday.  This was a special screening for schools linked to COP26 and we enjoyed watching it.

 We also created a special Goodbye assembly for Mrs Ward which we shared with all the classes. This was another Dr Seuss related task as we re-wrote the words to one of her favourite stories and illustrated it using the Sketches App  and ideas from Dr Seuss characters. The finished product was uploaded to iMovie and also made into an ebook for Mrs Ward to keep.

We also worked in groups on presentations about rainforest plants this week. It was really fun to collaborate on the same Keynote file on our individual iPads and then create one shared piece of work which we could present to the class on the Smartboard.

We couldn’t do gymnastics on Thursday so Mrs Little taught us a new game in the MUGA called Hula Hut.  It was a cold day but we kept active to stay warm!

Time for Reflection:

  1. What was the best bit of the week for you?
  2. What could you have improved on?

Another Week in P7B

Primary 7 have been continuing with their prefect duties this week and have been helping out in the MUGA, dinner hall and playgrounds. Keep up the good work everyone!

We have been working hard in gymnastics with Mrs Fletcher and have enjoyed practising different skills on the apparatus.

We have been continuing to work on information reports in writing and have had a focus on note taking this week too. We watched Newsround and had to take notes on the key points.

In maths we have been looking at different types of graphs and we have continued to practise our multiplication skills and long multiplication.

Finally, we had the privilege of being joined by Mrs Ward on her penultimate day at Kingsland as we watched our Goodbye assembly with her. The Primary 7s helped to re-write “Oh the Places You’ll Go” and added illustrations to the presentation. We made a lovely card and presented Mrs Ward with some flowers too. Good luck and keep in touch!

Reflect on the week and answer the questions below:

1. What was your favourite part of the week? Explain your answer.
2. What are you most looking forward to next week?
3. If you could revisit anything we did this week, what would it be and why?

Happy Halloween from P7A

Friday 29th October was a day of fun Halloween themed activities in P7A complete with:

  • Costumes
  • Halloween themed Pixel Art Maths activity
  • Pumpkin/Witch/Frankenstein Art task
  • Covid friendly ‘dooking’ for apples
  • Trick or Treat Treasure map game
  • Halloween Trivia Kahoot
  • And let’s not forget the Treats!
    The upper stages teachers got into the spirit and dressed up as characters from the Teletubbies! They certainly brightened up a dreary, wet day!
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