Comment on Review of the Year by Daniel

1. Dalgiuise at home because it was fun doing teamwork activities and going on a hike.
2. The COVID -19 rules were hard by not being able to mix with the other class.
3. Feeling very isolated when doing home school.
4. Working well though he school year.
5. Being able to play on the field

Comment on Review of the Year by Jessica

1. I used to be shy and not very talkative but now I’m more social
2.maths was quite challenging but it was fun learning new strategy’s to help figure questions out
3.I think I have overcome division because I found division hard but now I know how to do it art on my iPad because I want to be an animator and I’ll have to restart on my new iPad but I cant wait to make new art have a nice teacher!!!!

Comment on Review of the Year by Oliver

Probably dalgise at home week or the murder mystery.
Definitely the COVID 19 rules they have been really hard on everybody.
All the literacy and maths.
The virtual leavers assembly.
An actual visit to the high school because other schools did not get that and also the pretend 2 day visit.

Comment on Review of the Year by Tara

1) to make new friends with everyone and not to shy!!
2) COVID defo it’s been hard this past 2 yrs but we are here now and that’s all that matters!
3) everything in general!!!!!
4) getting the hoodies and some amazing teacher that had planned some amazing stuff from the past 8 yrs in Kingsland Primary School!!!!!
5)to have a really good year and a amazing teacher!!,

Comment on Review of the Year by George Woods

1. Dalguise at home week because of all the different and interesting things that we did and the teachers worked so hard to arrange for us.
2.Getting back into a school routine.
3. Definitely over lockdown because I felt trapped inside my head and had no way to vent.
4. All of the work that I did over lockdown.
5. My friends.

Comment on Review of the Year by Sam

1. I have had lots of highlights in p7 but I would say that dalguise week was one of my favourites.
2. Probably Mrs Wilson leaving because she has been my head teacher through all my years at kings land.
3. The COVID rules.
4. I’m most proud of everything I have done and for trying my best to be a good p7.
5. My friends teacher and all my year.

Comment on Review of the Year by Rayyan Mordaunt

1. Dalguise at home week was really fun and I remember a lot, the hill walk was pretty tiring but it was fun.
2. COVID 19 rules were pretty hard to follow but I managed to follow them!
3. COVID 19 restrictions because I managed to follow the COVID rules and not mix with anyone until they said we were allowed.
4. Virtual leavers because I worked hard on mine and others did too and it is completed so I am proud of it.
5. Virtual learning because without it we wouldn’t be able to do our leavers assembly or the meetings.

Review of the Year

Well, we’ve nearly come to the end of an extraordinary year. Mrs Little and Mrs Brown are incredibly proud of you and have loved working with you all this year.

Here are just a few elements from this year-

  • Dalguise at Home week
  • Online assemblies
  • Covid-19 rules to follow
  • Using the iPads in school
  • Home learning/Learning in the hub
  • Lots of literacy, maths and health and well-being
  • Skipper!
  • Virtual Christmas events
  • Mrs Anderson’s retirement
  • Mrs Wilson’s retirement
  • Live n Learn sessions
  • Murder Mystery Day
  • Playing on the field
  • Lunches on the balcony
  • Creating our virtual Leavers’
  • High school preparation
  • Pretend 2 day visit

What has been the highlight of your P7 year?

What has been the biggest challenge of the year?

What do you feel you have overcome?

What are you most proud of?

What have you been thankful for this year?

Measure Fun

We had some fun today completing different measure activities.

We were measuring in mm,  cm and m. – Maisie

I liked the race car activity where I made a ramp and measured how far the cars went  – Jack.

Mea liked laying stones out in a row and measuring the distance.

Olly enjoyed measuring the amount of stones needed to be the same as some metric weights.

Some of the problem solving word questions were tricky – Anna



Scotland v Czech Republic

On Monday P6 enjoyed the excitement of Scotland playing in Euros 2021.  Although we were disappointed by the result, it was great to be able to watch the game. We are looking forward to Scotland’s next game on Friday!