Review of the week 28.5.21

Science Experiment 

We investigated How Heat Can Change the State of Water;  the ice (solid) turned into liquid water and then evaporated (gas).  Watch Adam’s time lapse video above.

Vinny and Adam received an exciting letter from Jeff Kinney, the author who wrote the Diaries of a Wimpy Kid.  The boys wrote a letter to this author many years ago and just received a reply this week all the way from New York, USA.  Vinny read the letter out to the class.

For Health and Wellbeing this week we have been thinking about Consent and we enjoyed this song Boss of My Body.

We worked on antonyms (opposites) and synonyms (same) and had some fun thinking of different words.

We wrote two Procedure Texts – How To Treat a Bee Sting and How To Send an Email and followed the set structure.

We have continued to ‘Get Active’ and on the days that we do not have PE walking a mile.

In numeracy, we are still working  with decimals and we are now working with hundredths.  The standard written method of division has been a little tricky.

In PE we played non-stop rounders.

Leave a comment if you would like to say what you enjoyed or learned this week.





Review of the Week 28.5.21

With only 4 weeks to the end of term and the end of our time at Kingsland we have started lots of planning for our virtual Leavers’ assembly. We have also been busy –

  • Completing our writing assessments on response writing
  • Watching and taking part in transition lessons from the high school
  • Drawing shapes and tiling shapes to make patterns
  • Writing about our memories of Kingsland
  • Thinking about inherited characteristics and dominant and recessive genes
  • Up-levelling our sentences to make them more interesting
  • Studying Banksy graffiti art to find hidden meanings. We designed our own with positive messages and drew them around the classroom

  1. Who was in your back up team this week and how did they help you?
  2. What are you most looking forward to in the last few weeks at Kingsland?
  3. What was your most valuable learning experience this week?

Sound maps

We enjoyed working in our table groups to produce these sound maps. We had to use our bodies and voices to create different noises for each scene and then performed in front of the class.

p4b spelling

ring rings ringer ringed ringing earrings
bang bangs banging banged bangle bangers
sing sings singing singer singsong singular
rung rungs strung sprung wrung overstrung
sink sinks sinking sinkhole sinkable unsinkable
thank thanks thanking thanked thankfully thanksgiving
link links linking clink linked hyperlink
chunk chunks chunky chunking chunkier chunkiest

Walk to School Week

We’ve had lots of fun this week learning about the benefits of walking for Walk to School week. We’ve been enjoying the videos and powerpoints from the JRSOs introducing a different superhero each day – we’ve had Super Strong, Super Smart, Super Smiley, Super Safe and Super Sustainable.

On Wednesday we worked together at our tables to draw a map of Peebles and discussed our different routes to school. We talked about safe places to cross and all of the lovely things we see on our walks to school.

At the end of the week we had great fun tinkering with the beebots. On Thursday we learned how to program them to go through or around obstacles and this morning we put them on our map and instructed them to go for a drive around Peebles!

This week we’ve also been planting, learning the ‘ue’ sound and writing about the rabbit in the school playground. In numeracy we’re continuing our work on subtraction and linking addition and subtraction facts. The children’s highlights include:

  • Writing about the rabbit in the garden
  • Playing with the beebots
  • Planting pumpkins in the garden
  • Making statues (for ‘ue’)
  • Pressing the buttons on the beebots
  • Drawing the statues
  • Sharing and taking turns with the beebots

Review of the Week 21.5.21

This week has been Walk to School Week and lots of us have walked, scooted and cycled.  Everyday we have been introduced to a new super hero.  Super Smiley, Super Safe, Super Smart, Super Strong and Super Sustainable.  Some of us wore different footwear on Shoesday.  We have enjoyed walking to school this week.

In numeracy, we have continued to work with decimals and multiplied using the written method.  Some of us have worked on the written method of subtraction using decomposition.  We have all achieved success with this.  We have enjoyed a Mental Maths tape helping us to develop our mental maths muscles!

For writing, we have looked at the structure of Procedure Text – this is how to make or do something.  We will be working on this over the next few weeks.


In Health and Wellbeing we looked at Love and Relationships and created a picture in the style of Doug Hyde.


We have continued to Get Active and walked a mile daily.

In thinking skills we were classifying different substances into groups and thought about solids and liquids.


P7A also had a go at extracting DNA from strawberries in our Science lesson on Thursday. It was fascinating and it got us thinking how much more complicated it must be to analyse human DNA.

We also made models of the DNA double helix structure using edible parts.  It was a great afternoon!