11.12.20 P7B Review of the Week

We’ve been balancing working very hard with some Christmas fun in P7.

We’ve been creative with iPad and outdoor art, made our own version of the 12 Days of Christmas and completed Christmas reading comprehension. We have also been learning about adding and subtracting decimals, completing our information report assessment and spelling sh and ci words.

  1. What have you enjoyed most?
  2. Where did you do better than expected this week?
  3. What are you looking forward to next week?

Scavenger Art

Today we tried some scavenger art. We discussed the importance of respecting nature and not taking anything that was alive and still growing. We collected what we wanted to use and created some beautiful winter scenes using what we had scavenged. We photographed the pictures on our iPads and cropped them to fit. Some people used the editing features to add a filter. Once we had photographed our finished pictures, we put everything back outside to allow it to decompose or be used for habitat over the winter.


12 Sketches of Christmas Days 1-4

We have been enjoying Inspire Learning’s 12 Sketches of Christmas tutorials on their YouTube Channel. We used the sketching app and have been learning about the different tools and the effects that can be created. We have started them in class and finished them off in our own time. We would like to share some of the ones we are most proud of.


Merry Christmas Every Buddy – Christmas Door Display P7B

Here is our finished Christmas door display based on the film Elf. We worked in groups so had to make a class plan to ensure all our ideas were completed in the very short timescale that we gave ourselves. We are really proud of how well we collaborated and planned to ensure we didn’t waste resources and could achieve our target in the time allowed. We hope you like it!

A snowy end to the week in P2/1

We were very excited this week now that it’s December. Each morning we talk about the day, date and season and were delighted to finally change our board to winter and the 1st December! Because so many children open advent calendars before they come to school we all know the date each morning! For our class advent we are taking it in turns to unwrap a picturebook each day, this morning it was How the Grinch stole Christmas.

We’re doing lots of writing and word building in our jotters, on whiteboards and in our play. In our writing this week we drew a black pen picture of ourselves putting hats on and wrote a story about putting on our hats. In numeracy we’re continuing with our addition, this week using numicon to help us.  We’re also now looking at numbers to 15.

We have started our Christmas crafts – last week we made reindeer for Mrs Ryalls’ corridor displays and this week we did a great job very carefully painting robins on wooden discs. All classes are decorating their doors and we’re having a snowy woodland scene.