Review of the Week

Our alternative book review.

We have finally finished our novel The Explorer and have been working hard to create an interesting book review. We summarised the story, created alternative endings and described our favourite characters and lots more.
Who can name the 3D shape with our review?

P6A Review of the Week 11/12/20

We have worked hard at decorating our door for Christmas.

We have been learning about Onomatopoeia.  This is when a word sounds like the thing that it describes.  These words are used for literary effect.

We have enjoyed opening our advent calendars this week;  playing games, learning about what other countries do at Christmas, hearing jokes and thinking about being kind.

We have written our assessed piece of writing on The Digestive System.

We have thoroughly enjoyed finding out about Online Safety through ThinkUKnow videos and games.

We started our Reading Connectors Groupwork when we each get a turn at being a leader and have to summarise what we have read.

We performed a Scottish group dance in PE using lots of movements from different Scottish dances.

In  Health and Wellbeing we have created posters to advertise ourselves as A Good Friend.

Flo has enjoyed playing Solitaire which was a game on the Advent Calendar and the ThinkUKnow work.

Mea really enjoyed the onomatopoeia work creating our class display.

Maisie had fun decorating the door.

Lucy enjoyed using zentangle patterns for her Christmas Bauble.

Kirsty enjoyed the Connectors work reading the book Schemes, Scams and Hoaxes.

P7A Review of the week 11.12.20

We’re still working hard in P7 but have had a seasonal theme to some of our activities.  One of this week’s highlights was making our Pop-up toys.

When Mrs Little said we were doing ‘Technology’ most of us assumed she meant Digital Technology.  We are so used to all the modern gadgets that we forgot that Technology means “The study of machinery and the way things work”.  What we thought was a nice easy Christmas craft was actually a quite complex machine which involved very precise measuring and assembly.  Some of it was very tricky but we are so pleased with the finished results.  Check out this video to see some in action:

Other tasks this week:

  • Literacy – Research, Note-taking and Writing of an Information Report on a charity of our choice.
  • Numeracy – Multiplying and Dividing Fractions, using bar models to help visualise a fractions problem, changing mixed numbers to/from improper fractions, reinforcing how to simplify fractions
  • Health & Wellbeing – Learning about the Global Goals for Sustainable Development
  • 12 Sketches of Christmas – watching some of the Inspire Learning Acadmeny YouTube videos and using the tips to create our own artistic masterpieces using the Sketches app.
  • Dance with Mrs Fletcher
  • Christmas Music quiz with Mrs Inglis

Reflection Time:

  1. What is ONE thing you have learned this week?
  2. Has someone done something kind for you this week?
  3. What are you most looking forward to next week?