Stay, Play and Learn Session 1

On Tuesday we enjoyed working with our friends and grown-ups to complete a range of activities related to this week’s book ‘The Prince, the Witch, the Thief and the Bears’ by Alastair Chisholm.

We had decided that the frog was our favourite character from the book and so we made little frogs using play dough.

We made maps of the Kingdom ReeliReeliTol. We crumpled them up and ripped the edges to make them look like old maps!

We talked about our favourite characters and made puppets to retell the story. The children really took their time with their cutting.

We practised blending sounds to make short sentences and we matched the cards to the pictures.

We also enjoyed some maths activities which included snakes and ladders and pattern activities.

Our friend Clare from Peebles library came along with Bookbug to see what we were up to. Bookbug enjoyed sharing a Scottish song with us and handed out our Bookbug bags. Happy reading everyone!

Please join us for our next Stay, Play and Learn session which will be held on Monday 25th November from 2.30.

Library and Author Visit for Primary 1

Today the Primary 1s wrapped up warm and walked down to Peebles Library to meet Alastair Chisholm, a Bookbug Finalist for 2019.

Before we went into the library, the children had a look at the war memorial, poppies and wreaths which we had been learning about. The children were very respectful and enjoyed seeing poppies in “real life”.

We explored the children’s area of the library before we went to the museum. Many of the children were keen to share books with their friends.

After this, we met Alastair and he read us his book ‘The Prince and the Witch and the Thief and the Bears’. We spoke about our favourite characters and designed our own front cover for the book.

We are looking forward to exploring the book further during the week. Please join us for our ‘Stay, Play and Learn’ session tomorrow from 2.30 if you can. All of the children will receive their Bookbug bags from a special guest!

Seasons in ELC

The last couple of weeks we have been learning about the seasons and talking about Autumn and the changes in the weather.

We have experienced this when we have been outside as part of our “Muddy Mondays” , as well as our daily outdoor play. We have been noticing over the weeks the changes in the world around us, leaves changing and a change in the temperature!

We have been doing autumn, jigsaws, reading seasonal stories and gluing, drawing and painting some lovely autumnal pictures!

We have seasons activities set up outside and inside, like our small world house. We also have been doing some autumn songs, and drama in gym and using the colour magic computer program to draw seasonal trees.

W can’t wait to share our learning with you next week at stay and play – please add your name to the whiteboard if you can make it!




Image result for pudsey  

Today, as it is children in need day we had a bake sale to raise money. Through the week we have baked non stop preparing for the bake sale. We made 6 tubs of top hats, Red velvet brownies, Marshmallow slices, Pudsey cupcakes, iced biscuits and much much more! As a result of the bake sale we raised a whopping £90.01 in 10 minutes, which we are giving to children in need!

Japanese Student Visit

On Wednesday two Japanese students called Mayu and Lisa as well as Jake’s Dad (who was teaching them English at Edinburgh university) came in to talk about life in Japan.

The Japanese students, who live in Tokyo, talked about many interesting things and how their childhood is very different from ours.

Here are some of our favourite facts:

  • You can travel to school on a train from the age of 6.
  • To get more people in, the staff have to sometimes shove!
  • The kids have to serve themselves and others at lunch.
  • After lunch the kids have to clean up the whole school.
  • After every lesson all the kids have to thank the teachers for teaching.

We are really grateful to Mayu, Lisa and Jake’s Dad and as you can see we learnt loads!


Busy Bees

Printing was the focus in Art for P5A last block and they are very proud of their finished creations. They can’t wait to show off their work to their parents and carers next week. Check out the display at the top of the main stairs and in the classroom.

Remembrance in P1

On Monday 11th November we talked about Remembrance Day and why we buy and wear poppies. The children were interested to know more and so we explored this further.

We watched a clip together and enjoyed talking about the music and the use of colour in the video. We made our own poppies which we were really proud of.

Click on the link if you want to watch the video:

On Thursday we were learning about mixing paints and we painted these lovely poppy pictures. We added white to create lighter shades of green and thought about how we could use brush strokes to add detail to our paintings.