Seasons in ELC

The last couple of weeks we have been learning about the seasons and talking about Autumn and the changes in the weather.

We have experienced this when we have been outside as part of our “Muddy Mondays” , as well as our daily outdoor play. We have been noticing over the weeks the changes in the world around us, leaves changing and a change in the temperature!

We have been doing autumn, jigsaws, reading seasonal stories and gluing, drawing and painting some lovely autumnal pictures!

We have seasons activities set up outside and inside, like our small world house. We also have been doing some autumn songs, and drama in gym and using the colour magic computer program to draw seasonal trees.

W can’t wait to share our learning with you next week at stay and play – please add your name to the whiteboardΒ if you can make it!


One thought on “Seasons in ELC”

  1. Rowan has been talking about Autumn at home and has noticed the changing leaves on the trees and on the ground. Well done everyone!

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