
This week we have been busy drawing maps in Primary 2.

We have drawn a map of our journey to and from school ( real ).

We also drew an imaginary map about Mr.  Grinling’s home. We added a key of symbols to this map to make it easier for other people to read.

We have been on an imaginary aeroplane trip around Peebles using Drone footage. This was really exciting. We spotted the bridges, the River Tweed and our school.

Inventors – what we know already!

We are going to be learning about Inventors in block 2. Here are some of the things P4 know already about Inventors:

Inventors are people that spend weeks/months/years creating cool technologies for people that need them

Someone that invents things like computers

Invented by my mum

Make new/exciting things

Work in factories

God invented the world

Alexander Fleming invented penicillin

Inventor who made medicine for smallpox – Edward Jenner

Medicine was invented

Everything has been invented except for nature

Digestive biscuits made as people were choking on other biscuits

Xbox was invented by Microsoft and Ps4 by Sony

If we didn’t have inventors we wouldn’t have beds, shops, toilets, lights, heating, phones

Animals evolved so they invented new animals

Inventing has been around for 100s of years

Discovered is different from invented

Mental agility – addition

We are looking at mental addition this week and we are trying to get quicker at recalling our number bonds to 10/20.  This is a great website where we can reduce the amount of time we are given to answer questions.  How quickly can you get ten out of ten?

First stay and play 2018/19

This week we have been having our first “stay and play” sessions of the year. These have been a great success and the children have loved sharing their learning with you.

We would love to hear your feedback of these stay and play sessions, there is a whiteboard in the cloakroom for your comments!

Thanks 🙂

Numbers in ELC

” I can recognise numeral in my environment”

We have been seeing if we can recognise numbers in and outside in ELC.

We have been doing this in lots of different ways.

On our sponsored walk we spotted some numbers in the upper school playground.

Having number puzzles and resources out in ELC.

Using numbers when we have been making snack.

We also did a number game at gym. It was base on the game “corners” but instead of running to a picture we had to run to a number one of the ELC team said. We had great fun! The children have asked if we can do this again!





Sponsored walk to Spoon Woods

Primary 2 and 3 had a fun morning out walking to Spoon Woods to raise money. It was a long walk but, we enjoyed being out in the fresh air and enjoying the Peebles countryside.

A huge thank you to all of the adult volunteers who helped us out on our walk.

Painted light houses

P2A painted red and white light houses and P2B painted white light houses on blue backgrounds. We sponged on the crashing waves and flashing lights. We have an amazing display in our corridor. Thank you to Mrs Ryalls for displaying our work so artistically.