Outdoor learning Day November 2022

On Wednesday the Biggies had one of our outdoor learning days. We started with a treasure hunt to find words to treasure. We will share some of the words later on.

Then we worked on some measure for maths. We were measuring some of the pallets, tarps and other things we use for den building.

Finally we split into teams and built some dens. We ere working on our playing, leadership, communication, problem solving and practical skills.

A few days ago we as a class went out side and practiced using adjectives, nouns and verbs and how we did that was we described autumn on coloured paper basically to make a short poem.
For maths we done measuring and how we that was we brought out all of the different things in the shed and got partners to measure them in meter and centimetres.


Yesterday it was our outdoor day. We stared the day off by doing some literacy, at literacy we we got some pieces of paper, the thing on the front would show what ever we see that is in that category, adjective, noun or verb. Wwe would write on the back. A the end we made leaf drawings. put those word in it.
Then for maths we had gathered all the Palettes and tarps, we went in groups and we had to measure those items. after lunch we used all of those Items to make a den and the den which was the best won.


On Wednesday it was an out door leaning day and when we were doing maths we put out the pallets, planks and tadpoles we measured them and took a photo to show the measurements of the pallets, plank and tarpaulins. Alex

Author: John Johnston

I am a teacher, currently working in Banton Primary for North Lanarkshire Council. I also act as Product Owner/provide support for Glow Blogs.

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