P3B It’s fun learning our multiplication tables with Maths Rockx

Maths Rockx

We have been learning our 4 times table along to the One Direction song What makes you beautiful.

Thank you to the adults who have bought this app at home. I am sure your children will enjoy learning their tables with these songs.

We have also used the song Row Row Row Your Boat to learn the stations of the 4 times table. Ask your child to sing them to you.

If your child is finding it tricky to understand what multiplication is all about. Use the language sets of. Use household objects and make sets  e.g. 2 sets of 2 apples. Write it as 2 x 2 apples. Point out sets in real contexts e.g. shops, your body 2 sets of 10 fingers, pairs of socks, gloves ….

We are enjoying playing Bingo to help us learn our tables. If you wish to do this at home choose a times table, draw a rectangle and split it into 6 boxes. In each box write an answer from your chosen times table. The caller calls out e.g. two sixes, 2 times 8, 2 multiplied by 5, 10 multiplied by 2 etc. If you have the answer to the caller’s question score it out or cover it with a counter/penny etc. Have fun playing.



Our Scots Poems

We have been busy learning these 2 poems. You can find them on the Scottish Poetry Library website (link below)
Practise often. Everyone needs to learn a poem as part of our Scots language learning. I would love as many pupils as possible to take part in our school Scottish Poetry competition. There will be a winner and a runner up chosen from our class. Good luck everyone.

The Sair Finger by Walter Wingate

You've hurt your finger?
Puir wee man! 
Your pinkie? Deary me! 
Noo, juist you haud it that wey till 
I get my specs and see!

My, so it is - and there's the skelf! 
Noo, dinna greet nae mair. 
See there - my needle's gotten't out! 
I'm sure that wasna sair? 

And noo, to make it hale the morn, 
Put on a wee bit saw, 
And tie a Bonnie hankie roun't 
Noo, there na - rin awa'! 

Your finger sair ana'? Ye rogue, 
You're only lettin' on. 
Weel, weel, then - see noo, there ye are, 
Row'd up the same as John!


Captain Puggle by Matthew Fitt

Captain Puggle flees his plane
Frae Tumshie Airport tae Bahrain
Gets the Smiths and their wee wean
Brings them aw back hame again.

Captain Puggle flees tae Barra
Skites aff like a shootin arra
But he’ll soon be back the morra
Pechin like a puggled sparra.

Captain Puggle’s oot o ile
Efter ainly twinty mile
Sae he has tae bide a while
In a field ootside Carlisle.

Captain Puggle jets tae Crete
Wi his neebor, Bowfer Pete
In the cockpit, Bowfer’s feet
Aye mak Captain Puggle greet.

Captain Puggle’s sellt his plane
Says he’ll never flee again
But next week he’s aff tae Spain
In his brand-new Buhlitt Train.

P3A Great Start to the New Year

We have already been working hard in 2018.  This is what some of us had to say about this week.

I got better at the 2x table.    Kate

We learned how to play times table bingo.   Lucy

My 4x table got better. My body relearned how to stay awake all day.     Damian

We learned how our bodies feel when they are happy.    Ruby


P3B calendars

We used our printing skills to print these calendars showing the 4 seasons. They took a long time but they are worth it. They look amazing. Mrs. Thomson was impressed with our sensible behaviour while we worked on these.

Amazing magnet games

Junior – We had fun playing with the magnet games in P3A and P3B.

Sam E – When we made the magnet games it was very amazing because it was fun to build our own games.

Chloe S – Everyone was having fun playing the games. Everyone liked the games.

Ailish – We had fun making the games. We co-operated really well.

Lloyd – When we made our magnet games it was very exciting to make the magnet game with my group.

Frankie – The magnet games were very fun to play. And we used our knowledge about magnets to make them.

Maisie – We got to go into each other’s P3 class to play the magnet games.

Christmas with the Aliens

Wow! We amazed Mrs. Thomson and Mrs. Dundas with our incredible acting and singing. We were loud and clear and expressive. Wow! Wow! Wow!


Millie – When we were doing the Nativity it was fun and all the adults liked it. And everybody was clear and they knew their cues.

Maisie – We had fun and it was exciting.

Frankie – The costumes were amazing.

Isaac – I liked when I pressed the big button on the spaceship and I fixed it.

Lewis – I liked it when all the Mums and Dads came to watch us.

Elsie – It was amazing doing the Nativity.

P3B Tasty Tuna Wraps

We had great fun making healthy tuna wraps. First we squeezed mayonnaise all over the wrap. Then we put some tuna and mixed beans on the top. Finally we grated carrot over the top.

Scarlett: I liked the tuna.

Millie: I liked tasting some new things.

Zack: I enjoyed my wrap with only carrot and tuna.

Lloyd: I liked trying something that I had never tried before – the mixed up beans.

Sam F: They were SO nice!

Junior: I ate them as fast as I could because they were so tasty.

Isaac: It was really good trying out new things.

Chloe S: I loved the carrot and beans. And I had never tried them before.

Ailish: I had never tried those beans before. They were yummy!

We have also been creating our own Eat Well Plates with the 5 food groups that we need to eat to keep healthy. What are the 5 food groups? Which ones have the biggest part of the plate? What does that mean?

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