Another Week in P7B

This week we have been continuing with our learning around our Scottish topic as the children have continued to practise their Scottish poems and have explored the Scottish vocabulary within Tam O’ Shanter and have spent time sequencing the story. The class have also enjoyed learning about different Scottish artists, discussing their work and creating our own artwork in the same style. We look forward to sharing more of our work with you in our Scottish Celebration Assembly.

In Literacy, we have been revising the qu sound in spelling and challenging ourselves to grow new words with different prefixes and suffixes. Reading for information and finding evidence to answer comprehension questions has also been a focus this week and all of the children have been working hard. We have continued to work on writing our own limericks, considering which lines should rhyme and thinking about the specific rhythm of the poem. A link to how to write your own Limerick can be found below:

How to Write a Limerick

In Numeracy we have continued to learn about fractions and we have been learning how to calculate the fraction of a quantity. For practical maths, the children have been looking at position and movement in relation to compass points and can plot points on a grid.

In Health and Well-being, we have been engaging with our Resilience resources focusing on the theme ‘Respect Yourself’. The children had to come up with a minimum of eight positive words which described them and had to create a word search. Some of us found it hard to come up with positive words but luckily our friends helped us.

A big thank you to the Prefects this week who carried out their duties this week. Many of the adults in the school have commented on your hard work and good manners. Keep it up!

Questions to consider:

1. Name one thing you enjoyed this week and why.

2. Was there anything you found hard? Why was it hard and what did you do to overcome the challenge?

3. If you could do anything in school next week, what would it be? What resources would you need?

12 thoughts on “Another Week in P7B”

  1. I really enjoyed learning the math fractions. I found music to be challenging but I keep trying and did it.I would like to do pE dodgeball with benches.

  2. The one thing I enjoyed this week was Art for the Scottish assembly.
    I found writing limericks hard.
    I would drink irnbru and eat shortbread for the Scot’s afternoon

  3. I have enjoyed this week the Scottish art
    I found the fractions we are doing in maths challenging this week
    If we could do anything I would go to a trip to Edinburgh zoo the resources we would need are a bus🚌for the whole day or to make it work related we would have different items and animals to find around the zoo🚌

  4. This week I have enjoyed doing art and P.E. In art we have been doing Scottish art for the burns assembly. In P.E we have been working on our basketball skills. We have been doing fractions and I found them a little bit hard but I talked to people around me and I fingered it out. We could do anything next week I would go A trip to the zoo on a bus 🚌 and to make it learning related have to write facts about five different animals and learn all their names on Scottish and write it down on a sheet.

  5. This week I have enjoyed doing dodgeball in PE.

    I found fractions of quantity a bit hard but when the teacher explained it a bit more I found it easy.

    More cooking.

  6. 1 I enjoyed art because we made macoos
    2 i found fractions hard then I asked for help and then it was easy
    3 if I could do anything next week it would be art

  7. I enjoyed making my word search and it went on the blog. I found the fraction work quite hard but I still didn’t do bad. I would like to sketch the kelpes they I would need a pencil and a photo of the celpes

  8. One thing I have enjoyed this week is working on our Scottish work. It was very fun and I can’t wait to see some of it in the assembly.

    This week I found maths hard but then I worked it out.

    If I could do anything next week in school I would create a moveable highland coo model. We would need cardboard and split pins and things.

  9. This week I have enjoyed all the Scottish art we have done, I found the tam o shanter translation quite hard but I managed because I got the English version online and next week I would like to make a friend in the p1 playground because I am on that duty.

  10. 1.I enjoyed Dodgeball in PE.
    2.I found mathes hard doing fractions of a quantity.
    3.Cooking Scottish food.

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