Another Week in P7B

Primary 7 have been continuing with their prefect duties this week and have been helping out in the MUGA, dinner hall and playgrounds. Keep up the good work everyone!

We have been working hard in gymnastics with Mrs Fletcher and have enjoyed practising different skills on the apparatus.

We have been continuing to work on information reports in writing and have had a focus on note taking this week too. We watched Newsround and had to take notes on the key points.

In maths we have been looking at different types of graphs and we have continued to practise our multiplication skills and long multiplication.

Finally, we had the privilege of being joined by Mrs Ward on her penultimate day at Kingsland as we watched our Goodbye assembly with her. The Primary 7s helped to re-write “Oh the Places You’ll Go” and added illustrations to the presentation. We made a lovely card and presented Mrs Ward with some flowers too. Good luck and keep in touch!

Reflect on the week and answer the questions below:

1. What was your favourite part of the week? Explain your answer.
2. What are you most looking forward to next week?
3. If you could revisit anything we did this week, what would it be and why?

20 thoughts on “Another Week in P7B”

  1. I liked doing PE this week .

    Maybe watching the Lorax .

    When we tased the chocolate and didn’t know what tipe of chocolate it was .

  2. 1 I enjoyed the chocolate tasting because we had to guess how much coco was in the chocolate 🍫
    2 I am looking forward to seeing who the house captains are
    3 I would revisit PE because I learned how to do a cat spring

  3. My favourite part of the week was chocolate testing because chocolate is good.

    Next week I’m most looking forward to finding out house captains even though I don’t want to be one.

    I want to re visit PE because I found it fun.

  4. This week I enjoyed the most the writing because it was challenging and was good when I was done it acne maths it was long times tables.

  5. This week I enjoy PE because I really like gymnastics and it’s fun I’m looking forward to the movie next week I would go back to tasteing chocolate because I like chocolate

  6. Getting to try chocolate my faivoroute was number three.I’m looking forward to finding out if I’m gonna be a house captain. I wold revisit the chocolate tasting chalenge because I think it’s interesting.

  7. 1-my favourite part of the week was gymnastics and the chocolate tasting because the gymnastics is really fun to go on the apparatus and the chocolate tasting was fun because it was fun to try all the different cocoa percent.

    2-I’m looking forward to finding out house captains (even though I didn’t go for it)

    3-I would go back to eating the chocolate it was so fun because i like chocolate and food

  8. My favourite thing this week was watching the assembly with Mrs ward because it was nice to spend part of her penultimate day with her.

    The thing I am most looking forward to next week is finding out who has got the house captain.

    If I could revisit anything we did last week I would go back to is the chocolate tasting.

  9. The favourite part of the week for me was the chocolate tasting we tasted different kinds of chocolate. I’m most looking forward to finding out who our house captains are. I would like to do the chocolate tasting again and see even more types of chocolates.

  10. This week my favourite part was doing gymnastics in P.E because I really enjoy doing gymnastics. Next week I am looking forward to finding out houses captains. If I could revisit something we have done this week I would go back to tasking all the chocolate 🍫 because I was fun and I love chocolate.

  11. My favourite park of the week was chocolate testing because it was funnnn.

    Next week I’m looking forward to finding out house captains.

    I would revisit watching the book we made for Mrs ward because it was really goodddd.

  12. My favourite part of the week was chocolate tasting where we got to eat some chocolate and guess the percentage. Next week I am looking forward to hearing who is the house captains even though I didn’t get interviewed. If I could revisit something from this week I would do the chocolate tasting again because I really enjoyed it.

  13. My favourite part of the week was the chocolate tasting when we had to work out how much coco was in it

    The Gymnastics with mrs fletcher I love the aperates and the box my aim is to leap frog the hole thing

    The chocolate tasting my favourite was the 85% coco one I like the bitterness

  14. 1. My favourite thing in the week was chocolate tasting I loved it, it was really fun guessing how much cocoa each piece had in it.
    2. Finding out who’s house captain.
    3. It would be the chocolate tasting because I really enjoyed.

  15. My favourite part of this week was probably PE it was really fun swinging on the rope. I am looking forward to seeing who the house captains are.I would revisit PE to try and not be scared to try new things.

  16. I really enjoyed doing the chocolate tasting where we taste different levels of coco in the chocolate

    I hope we get to do more things related to food some time soon =)

  17. I loved p.e as I did a somersault. But it’s not me in the pic it’s drew

    Next week I look forward to p.e as I go on the bar.

    If I could revisit anything it would once again be p.e as gymnastics is soooooooo fun🙃👌

  18. My favourite thing this week was chocolate tasting because it was nice trying different chocolates I wouldn’t normally try.

    Next week I am most looking forward to p.e because I am going to try new skills.

    If I could revisit anything this week I would revisit maths and try a bit harder than I did.

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