Starry Night

With the help of Mrs Finnie, our Art Teacher, we studied the Art work of Vincent Van Gogh.

We looked very closely at the style he painted in. There were lots of swirls and it looked like the trees and clouds were actually moving in his paintings.

So, we decided to try out his style for ourselves and transfer our learning into our own works of Art.

Here are a few examples of our beautiful, ” Starry Night” paintings.


To create the night time effect we used plush purples and midnight blues. Then came the swaying Cypress trees and luminous white twinkling stars to create quite a contrast with the dark  night sky.

What do you think we will create for our day time pictures ? Can you guess ?

How can you help me with my learning at home?

Here are some useful websites to help you at home: (Maths online games) (Maths online games) (Letter and number formation, Maths and spelling) (Letter and number formation, Maths and spelling) We use this site at school. You need to subscribe to this site.

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How can you help me with my learning at home?

Here are some useful websites to help you at home: (Maths online games) (Maths online games)  (Letter and number formation, Maths and spelling) (Letter and number formation, Maths and spelling) We use this site at school. You need to subscribe to this site.
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Night and Day


Our topic from now until Christmas is Night and Day.  We have been looking at the Sun, the Earth and the Moon to understand why we have day and night.

Some of the many interesting questions that we would like to find the answer to are:-

Damian – What really is the size of the Sun, the Moon and the Earth?

Isla – Why does the Moon turn into different shapes?

Fraser – How hot is the Sun?

Vinny – How was the Earth made?

Millie – How does the Moon move?

Jack – How do the clouds move?

Ruby – Why is the moon so rocky?

Flo – The Earth is in space so are we in space or not?

Today we have already discovered that the Sun is very, very, very  big.  In fact you could fit 1,300,000 Earths inside the Sun!

The Moon is quite small and is only about one quarter the size of Earth.


We will let you know the answers to our other questions as soon as we find out!