P5 learning

Although it was a very short week P5 did really well on their spelling test for words with the ng or nk pattern.

We used the structure of explanation texts to write about the states of matter, solids, liquids and gases.

Our maths is time and we learned how to calculate duration, how long something takes. We are continuing to interpret data from bar graphs and will look at line graphs next.

Our class novel, The Last Bear is getting exciting, as April met the polar bear!

A few people in the class are starting choir today after school, and we look forward to hearing how it goes.

Weekly Review 6.5.22

This week has been a short week but we have still managed to get a lot of learning done.

We have continued with our topic on the decades and have been looking at popular music and dance moves from our decade. Next week we are going to record these moves and make a class dance.

In maths we have been looking at rounding numbers with decimals, focussing on rounding to the nearest whole number, tenth or hundredth.  Use the website below to practise rounding decimals… https://www.splashlearn.com/math/round-decimals-games

We have also been looking at perimeter in maths and solving problems using our knowledge of shape and perimeter strategies.

In writing we have edited and made improvements to our persuasive writing pieces from last week. Our teachers have been very impressed by them.

We had our first whole school assembly and it was great being back all together. We sang songs and met our ‘friends of Kingsland’ who are people in the community who work with children and schools in Tweeddale.

We have also had another Wellbeing Wednesday Session and have thoroughly enjoyed playing games, from the different decades, with one another.

In photography, we have started work on portraits and used different camera angles and backgrounds to create some spectacular photos.

Keep up the hard work! Mrs Brown and Mrs Smith


Primary 7B Highlights

Although it has been a shorter week at school, we have packed a lot into our days!

We have been continuing with our response writing, with a focus on writing a response to the styles of clothes in the 1980s. The class have enjoyed exploring some of the key trends of the 80s including power suits, bold t-shirts with slogans and the unusual style of the New Romantics! We will be completing our writing next week.


In maths we have been revising place value and decimals. For practical maths, we have learning about the different ways we can define a triangle. Next week we will move onto learning about the different features of a circle and will learn how to draw one accurately with a compass.

We continued our 1980s learning by making dress up dolls and interchangeable outfits. We look forward to sharing this with the other P6 and 7 classes as we go ‘Through the Decades’!

A big well done to the children who represented the school in the Sportshall Athletics competition in Galashiels. They came a very impressive third place and showed good sportsmanship and encouraged each other. Thank you to Mrs Edge for her hard work in organising this trip and for preparing the children for the competition.

Other news:

  • We had our first whole school assembly in two years!
  • We gathered with all of the P7s to learn how to access Kooth, an online resource which can be accessed by 11-18 year olds. We learned about all of the website’s key features. The resources can be accessed by clicking here: Home – Kooth

Thank you for all of your hard work this week Primary 7!

Review of the week

Our spelling pattern was the sound m, made with m, mm or mb.

In writing we are learning the features of explanation texts, and this week we focussed on present tense verbs and time and sequence words. We can find these in texts and highlight them.

Our grammar lesson taught us that sentences have a subject and an object, and we practised finding them in sentences. Here is Cara’s colour coded work.

In maths we are learning about time, and graphs. We use a key in graphs called pictograms to count the number represented.

Our science topic is the states of matter; solids, liquids and gases. We are scientists and have set our own questions about things we want to know. We are researching these questions and presenting our answers in posters or power point slides to share.

Here are some of our questions!

Skipper’s strategy for building resilience this term is ‘challenge your mindset’. We listened to a book ‘My Fantastic Elastic Brain’ and drew the parts of the brain and what they do.

Also in health and well-being we are looking at first aids techniques and practised putting people in the recovery position.



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