World Book Day-Worlds Worst Children

Worlds Worst Children

This Book is about terrible children and what they do. In the book there will be a few children when you find the one you want go to that page and there will be a mini story about them. my favourite is Dribbling Drew. Dribbling Drew is always dribbling and always sleepy. This Book Is a Comedy and is Set In Modern Day And Is Recommended For Age 7-13 This Is Also One Of My Favourite book  And Its Really Funny so I Recommend it the one thing I didn’t like was there wasn’t much reading in the story but apart from that I really like it.

Author: David Williams


-The Worlds Worst Children




World Book Day!

For World Book Day we have been doing lots of activities!

We have had an author visit from Lyn Gardner, the author of the Rose Campion series. We really enjoyed hearing her reading out sections from her novels.

The whole school have been taking part in a ‘door’ competition, where we had to choose a book as a class and decorate our door in the style of that book. Our door is based on the ‘Horrible Science’ books – we did ‘Body Systems’ and designed different bodies to show some of the body systems we all have. Our door is interactive, you can flip the bodies to see each one!

We are also getting to bring in our favourite books and share them with our class, and are going to choose two books that we would like to share with the whole school in a Book Week assembly today.

Tomorrow we are pairing up with P2b to read them some of their favourite books, and we will get a chance to show the P2’s the different doors around the school.

More podcasts !

We have been learning how to make podcasts. We have been linking this to our work on body systems and the brain and we have been thinking about how to protect and look after our brains.

In our podcasts we try to speak clearly and not too fast with lots of good expression to make our podcast interesting to our audience. Please listen to our podcasts and tell us what you think.

Jack, Morgan, Bella, Zara

Calum, Katie, Angus, Rebekah

Amelia, Hala, Fionn, Chris

Munro, Eleanor, Lewis, Feargus


We have been learning how to make podcasts. We have been linking this to our work on body systems and the brain and we have been thinking about how to protect and look after our brains.

In our podcasts we try to speak clearly and not too fast with lots of good expression to make our podcast interesting to our audience. Please listen to our podcasts and tell us what you think.

Isla, Ava, Josh

Neve, Innes, Daisy and Nathan

Marcel, Bethany, Andrew and Felicity

BLOCK 3- a fantastic report by Munro who did this at home. Brilliant Munro!

In class we have been looking at newspapers and highlighting facts and opinions and it has been a lot of fun. We sometimes highlighted big chuckes for opinions and then when we finished doing our highlighting we filled in some questions. For our homework we did tables square to fill in but the fun part we got to pick out a news paper story and bullet point facts.

We have also been doing are rights and responsibilities as a child here are a few examples.

You have a right to a shelter house. You have to respect that.

You have a right for a good education. You have to not waste it.

You have a right to stay with your mum and dad. You have to appreciate them.

You have a right not to be forced to join the army. You have to stay out of situations with the army.

In maths we have been doing dividing I am proud of my self because I tried my best in maths.

In art we have been doing printing and Mrs Harrison and Mrs Finne both showed us a way to print (not from a printer)

We have done democracy and debates.

Mr Kerr from the uk parliament came to see and told us what he did.

Mrs Grahame came and told us what she did she did a lot to do with the railway and animals she has a big compassion for animals she has a cat Mr smokey.

Mrs Miller also came and talked to us.

Kateys grandad came to talk to us as he works with the council.

(Sorry I couldn’t put pictures in)



Topical Science Homework

Topical Science Homework Task

Homework Due for Monday 27th March


In class, we are focussing on scientific news items and considering our opinions on them.

Your homework is to research a scientific news item, decide what your opinion is on the story then create a convincing argument that will persuade others in class to have the same opinion as you. Use the plan below to plan your time over the next few weeks. Ask your teacher if you need to use a computer in school at lunchtime.

Week 1 – week beginning 27th February

Choose your news story. It should be a controversial issue involving science. If you aren’t sure, speak to your teacher or choose one of the issues below.

v Testing medicines on animals

v Cloning animals

v Genetically modified foods

Week 2 – week beginning 6th March

Research – decide what key questions you want to ask and use them to guide your research. Take detailed notes under your headings using a variety of sources. Remember to double check that your information is reliable and believable.

Week 3 – week beginning 13th March

Develop your argument. Consider your own opinion on the subject. How will you use persuasive language to influence your audience? What facts can you find to back up your view? Make sure you have reasons to support each part of your argument.

Week 4 – week beginning 20th March

Write your argument. Remember to follow the structure below:

v Open with a statement of the issue being addressed.

v State your position on the issue.

v Main body of text contains the arguments that are elaborated with reasons and evidence (facts).

v End with a summary

Use the most powerful words possible & remember to include emotive language & rhetorical questions. Hand your homework in on


What do we know about our new topic?

We looked at the E’s and Os we are going to be covering for topic next block. In groups we had to think about:

I can find out how a sensory organ is made up and what it does, and how the organ responds to outside conditions.

What do we already know?

keep you alive, heart, lungs, kidneys, stomach, spinal cord, heart pumps your blood, our lungs help us breathe, our skin is an organ, most of them are in our stomach

What do we need to learn?

which sensory organs we need to be safe, where in the body are they, what is a sensory organ,  how will our organs react to illness/body conditions, how is a sensory organ made up, what do they do, how do they respond to outside conidtions, how does the body work

How are we going to do this?

make posters, drama interviewing the organs, diagrams, play games, visitors -doctor/body experts, make a book

Why are we learning this?

to keep our body healthy, to help us in our future in case we get a disease, because we are growing up, so we can look after ourselves, so we know how to be healthy in the future/when we’re older


Game Designers

P7 have been designing games using BBC Mixital on GLOW. We researched what makes a good game, designed games for our target audience, then spent time collaborating, sharing and creating our games using the online software. Today P4A came to try P7A’s games. They were great reviewers and gave us positive feedback to work on.

Forces on Structures

Have you ever wondered how buildings cope with the forces that hit them?

We have been learning about natural disasters and looked at how architects use shapes to help create stronger structures. We learned that rectangles are not good shapes for structures and that triangles are used a lot to make a building stronger. We also learned how the arc of a bridge spreads the weight across the bridge making it stronger than a rectangular flat bridge. We tried some experiments with playing cards to see if we could build structures. It was impossible with rectangular structures but some of us managed to make triangular structures.


By P7A

Our new topic- Our bodies

We worked in groups to think about our next topic and thought about the following:

I can find out about some body systems and the problems that may develop and I can make informed decisions to keep myself healthy.

We decided our key learning should be:

  • What is a body system?
  • What problems can they have?
  • What is an informed decision?
  • What can we do to keep ourselves healthy?

What do we already know?

  • A body system is a system in your body
  • It might be skeletons.
  • We need to eat healthily.
  • We need to exercise.
  • Most of us did not know what a body system was.

I can find out about how is a sensory organ is made up and what it does and how the organ responds to outside conditions.

We decided our key learning should be:

  • What is a sensory organ?
  • How is a sensory organ made up?
  • What does a sensory organ do?
  • How does a sensory organ react to outside conditions?

What do we already know?

  • A sensory organ controls your senses.
  • Sensory organs are your fingers, eyes, ears, mouth, nose.

We want to find out about?

  • The brain
  • The heart
  • Digestion and excretion( a popular one!!!)
  • Our eyes and why do people have different colours?

How we want to do this?

  • Experiments
  • Videos
  • Taste tests
  • Models
  • Dramas
  • Powerpoints


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