What do we know about our new topic?

We looked at the E’s and Os we are going to be covering for topic next block. In groups we had to think about:

I can find out how a sensory organ is made up and what it does, and how the organ responds to outside conditions.

What do we already know?

keep you alive, heart, lungs, kidneys, stomach, spinal cord, heart pumps your blood, our lungs help us breathe, our skin is an organ, most of them are in our stomach

What do we need to learn?

which sensory organs we need to be safe, where in the body are they, what is a sensory organ,  how will our organs react to illness/body conditions, how is a sensory organ made up, what do they do, how do they respond to outside conidtions, how does the body work

How are we going to do this?

make posters, drama interviewing the organs, diagrams, play games, visitors -doctor/body experts, make a book

Why are we learning this?

to keep our body healthy, to help us in our future in case we get a disease, because we are growing up, so we can look after ourselves, so we know how to be healthy in the future/when we’re older