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what i have learnt about the rainforest lewis and Eleanor

We have have learnt about tribal people,rain forest animals and deforestation.  The animals of the rain forest are weird and wonderful. Some lizards can fly and some plants can eat living creatures but what amazed me most was that 20 football pitches of rain forest are cut down every minute by slashing and burning. did you know some dolphin live in the amazon river. The slash and burn Technique is were you slash down the trees and burn whats left.  The rain forest river dolphin is a dolphin is that lives in a river.

Rainforest-what I have learnt – Munro

I have leaned that the rainforest is very important to Earth    because it    is the Earths lungs . The Rainforest hold 60percent of the Earths Animals. I was surprised that 3 and over of that age they  get to use machetes, axes and knifes.

Their houses  are on sticks to keep the flood the houses.

The tribes often meet up for a parade and they collect feathers and face paints made from clay.Image result for earthImage result for tribes houses


the Rainforest-what have we learned-Macinnes

I have learned so much about the rainforest and I hate that people cut it down for resources we already have enough don’t we? I have learned a lot about animals (most of them are REALLY cool).  What amazed me most was that venus fly traps actually digest their prey. The thing that surprised me most is that its not nice living in the rainforest (I thought all you did was sit back and pet animals).

Image result for cute black jaguar cubs

Image result for cute black jaguar cubsImage result for baby slothImage result for amazon rainforest deerImage result for cute black jaguar cubsImage result for cute black jaguar cubs

The Rainforest – What Have I learnt – Innes

This topic we have learnt about the rainforest . We have learnt about the types of animals. We have been taught how they survive and have adapted, I enjoyed learning about it I think it was really fun. We have also learnt about  tribes from the rainforest. They have no idea about safety but it sounds quite fun. They also don’t waste  Image result for rainforestthe rainforest they use almost all of it.  We have also learnt about how important the rainforest is for us . So if we cut it down we will have some problems. They give us air so if we cut the rainforest down we wont be able to breathe. So we aren’t just killing the rainforest we are killing ourselves. We are also killing the animals from the rainforest. There is 60% of animals on earth from the rainforest so soon there wont be any animals either.  We have also learnt about plants from the rainforest. There is the Venus Fly Trap those killer jaws watch out flies!

The Rainforest -What I have learnt-Bethany and Katie

What we have learnt?

We have learnt that the rainforest is a special place for animals and tribes.The rainforest is getting  killed. We  also learnt it used to be a wonderful and pretty place and now it looks like a horrible place. We also learnt that the rainforest can be homes.

The Rainforest-Fionn

what I have learnt about the Rainforest

I have learnt that rainforest tribes in the Rainforest and that 3and 4 year olds are allowed  machetes  and my dad spent 5 years in the rainforest and he came in and talked about his journey in the rain forest  and he has blow pipe and he brought it in. I also liked learning about jaguars and there powerful jaws

what has amazed me about the rainforest

I was amazed mostly by what they’re doing to the rainforest and why they do it to the rainforest I was also amazed by the venus fly trap

and how it kills its prey and I never noo  it poops out the exoskeleton

like us

What I was suprised by

I was surprised when my dad  said  he went to the rainforest in Borneo.

The Rainforest -What I have learnt – Andrew

In this topic I have learnt all about the rainforest . We’ve learnt all about the animals and plants we have also learnt about  the food tribes people eat. The tribes peoples all have jobs , when your 4 years olds get machetes  and 5- 9 year olds get cookery knifes . They cut plants like sugar cane and  other fruit plants . We now know how animals and plants have adapted to survive in the rainforest .  Animals bodies have changed over the years and the same with plants . The class also learnt about the different types of animals there is mammals , reptiles , amphibians, Birds and fish the biggest group is mammals . Everyone in the class really doesn’t like seeing the trees get cut down and we want it to stop. The rainforest is so important to earth because trees are life’s lungs . When we breath  carbon dioxide comes out and  the trees take it in and produce fresh oxygen for us . So if we don’t have trees we wont get fresh oxygen . The rainforest is also homes to 60% of worlds animals and to species that no one has discovered yet and its all the same with plants. So we need to help save the rainImage result for jaguar animal runningforest today . My favourite animal in the rainforest is the Jaguar because its such a vicious big cat with massive claws to grind up anything in its path . My favourite plant is the Venus fly trap because when the fly or insect steps on the hairs it triggers the trap to close and tighten so the insect is now dead . The rainforest gives us a lot of medicines to cure diseases and illness and deep within the rainforest  there might even be a cure for cancer but people cut down all the different types of trees so we might never find a cure for cancer . HELP SAVE THE RAINFOREST TODAY !!!!!!!!!!!!!

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The Rainforest by Neve and Isla

What we have learnt?

We have learned that the size of New York  is being cut down each day and it annoys  us so much because whats the point in getting rid of something so beautiful ,mysterious and unique for money . What you have just read will of taken the same amount of time to destroy 15 football pitches worth of land from rainforests all over the world .

What has amazed us?

We have been amazed by the lives of the people and animals who live there,how much of the rainforest is being destroyed per second ,per hour and per day. How much ranches take up beautiful rainforest space in Brazil and how much palm oil we use every day in the UK.

Did you know?

  • We use 66 million tones of palm oil in the UK every year.
  • Ranches take up 20.7 million acres in Brazilian rainforests.
  • There are many different charites that help support the rainforests.
  • In 50 years time there might not be any rainforests to speak of.

Christmas Fair!


Don’t miss out at our new and improved Christmas Fair!

We will be selling bobble hats, cross stitch gift tags, and pom pom decorations

Tuesday 6th December

6.30 to 8.00!

Kingsland primary school!

Raising money for Fair Trade charities!
