The Rainforest – What Have I learnt – Innes

This topic we have learnt about the rainforest . We have learnt about the types of animals. We have been taught how they survive and have adapted, I enjoyed learning about it I think it was really fun. We have also learnt about  tribes from the rainforest. They have no idea about safety but it sounds quite fun. They also don’t waste  Image result for rainforestthe rainforest they use almost all of it.  We have also learnt about how important the rainforest is for us . So if we cut it down we will have some problems. They give us air so if we cut the rainforest down we wont be able to breathe. So we aren’t just killing the rainforest we are killing ourselves. We are also killing the animals from the rainforest. There is 60% of animals on earth from the rainforest so soon there wont be any animals either.  We have also learnt about plants from the rainforest. There is the Venus Fly Trap those killer jaws watch out flies!