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Museum trip

We went to the museum in Edinburgh to find out about the Earth and space.
I liked the electric ball but I got a shock when I touched Will. Gabe
I liked running in the hamster wheel. Hamish
I liked singing on the bus. Lucy
I liked the computer that predicted what your baby would look like. Leah
I liked the robot that could find the cubes to write my name. Will
I liked the Big Bang video in the space section. Kirsty
I liked sorting the shapes and posting them into the correct slots in the game. Sam
I liked seeing which animal I weighed the same as – I was a koala! Jacques
I liked the machine where I could make different waves. Kelvin
My favourite thing was when you pushed the button and the hot air balloon would take off. Immy

Magnificent Maths in P6A

In maths this week we have been continuing to learn to subtract. We have now learnt two different methods of solving subtraction. One method helps us to solve it using our brain and the other method helps us to solve it in writing. We enjoy learning maths through games and practising our mental agility with our beat that’s. We are looking forward to being challenged with subtracting more complex numbers.

Literary Devices Homework

In class we have been learning about literary devices. Click here and watch ‘Made of More’ The Latest Guinness Advert (the one with the cloud). Write an example of a simile, metaphor, alliteration, personification , onomatopoeia and imagery that would apply to the cloud in the clip. Due Friday 17th Nov.

Last part of October

The last couple of weeks in October have been busy! As part of our role play area,following the childrens intrests, we have set up a “baby area”. We have been out an Autumn walk, reading spooky stories, listening to autumn and halloween music, doing halloween activites and having a dressing up party!

Brilliant Body Systems

In P6A we have been researching the Skeletal System. We have been using non-fiction texts and the internet to find relevant information. We used skimming and scanning to help us find information quickly.

We found out that……..
– you skeleton rejuvenates itself all the time and you have a new skeleton every 7-10years
– our bones are alive and we have lots of different cells inside our bones
– inside our bones we have bone marrow. Bone marrow produces red and white blood cells which keep our bones strong and healthy as well as protecting our immune system.
– we have lots of types of bones from long bones to short bones to irregular bones and flat bones.
– our spine is made up of lots of irregular bones
– when your in space your bones go weak because there is no gravity to pull your bones towards the floor to allow you to use them properly.

We are looking forward to learning more about different body systems.

Growing salt crystals

What You’ll Need
To grow your own salt crystals you’ll need:
• Table salt – sodium chloride
• Water
• A clean, clear glass container – a jam jar is perfect
• Food colouring (if desired)
• String
• A spoon for stirring.
What To Do
Here’s what to do:
1. Stir salt into hot water until no more salt will dissolve (crystals start to appear at the bottom of the container).
2. Carefully pour the solution into your jar. (Putting a spoon into the jar before adding the water should prevent the jar breaking.
3. Suspend your string into the jar from the spoon laid across the top of the jar.
4. Leave your jar somewhere warm where it will not be disturbed and wait for your crystal to grow!

SSAA primary road relay

On Saturday 28 October 17 P6 and 7 pupils went to a running race at Grangemouth stadium. All the teams did amazing:
The primary 6 boys A team, came 4th, just beaten by St Kenneth’s (4 seconds) and we came out with a time of 15.36
The primary 6 boys B team, came 17th with a time of 16.54
The primary 6 girls A team, came 3rd just beating Langholm, and our time was 17.19
The primary 6 girls B team, came 13th with a time of 18.30
We all had great fun and were very tired after running the 1500 metre race and we all showed great determination as we speedily ran around the course!

By Kieran Fulton and Izzy Molyneux

Scottish schools Running competition results

On Saturday the 28th of October we went to the SSAA primary road relay at Grangemouth Stadium . The p7s and the p6s went and both ran amazingly well . The competition had both boys and girls races. We had been training every Thursday with the school running club with Mrs Fletcher , Mrs Hope and Ms Ridley . There was six P7 boys, three P7 girls ,six P6 boys and six P6 girls running and representing the school. The p7 girls came 12th out of 33 schools in a time of 17.32 . The P7 boys came 10th and had a time of 15.32 and the other P7 boys team came 20th with a time of 16.49. We had a very good time at Grangemouth and really enjoyed the experience.

by Hala and Innes